2017 JSG Summer Hanmun Workshop (Advanced)

Admin (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2017년 11월 10일 (금) 21:00 판 (VI-5. Silsa Kusisŏl (Treatise on Seeking Truth from Facts, 實事求是說) by Kanghun Ahn)

이동: 둘러보기, 검색



  • 참가자 명단 Participants List
연도 성명 국적 소속 직위 연구/전공분야 그룹
2017 Sotirova Irina Vladimirova 불가리아
불가리아 소피아대학교
Sofia University
Associate Professor
Old Korean literature and historical sources Advanced Translation Group
2017 Ahn Kanghun 대한민국
네덜란드 라이덴대학교
Leiden University
Master's Student
Asian Studies Advanced Translation Group
2017 Park JongWoo 대한민국
미국 캘리포니아대학교
University of California
Doctoral Student
Korean Intellectual History Advanced Translation Group
2017 Ren Zhijun 캐나다
미국 위스콘신-매디슨대학교
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Doctoral Student
East Asian history Advanced Translation Group
2017 Wong KingKwong 홍콩
Hong Kong
미국 남캘리포니아대학교
University of Southern California
Doctoral Student
East Asian Languages and Cultures Advanced Translation Group
2017 Gehlmann Martin 독일
독일 베를린자유대학교
Freie Universität Berlin
Doctoral Student
Knowledge Transfer /History of Confucianism Advanced Translation Group
2017 Park Youngsuk 대한민국
The Academy of Korean Studies
Doctoral Student
Korean Culture and History Advanced Translation Group
2017 Hu Jing 중국
네덜란드 라이덴대학교
Leiden University
Doctoral Student
East Asian history, Digital Humanities Advanced Translation Group
2017 Kim Young 대한민국
미국 위스콘신-매디슨대학교
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Doctoral Student
Chinese Art History Advanced Translation Group
2017 Masha Kobzeva 러시아
미국 위스콘신-매디슨대학교
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Doctoral Student
Chinese Literature Advanced Translation Group

틀:(SHWJA) 위키 교실 Wiki Guide


  • 전체 리스트

Part I. Royal Documents

I-1. “In King Yeongjo’s own writing, when asked of my enterprises” (“御製問業” from 『英祖大王』 [藏書閣, 2011] #15, p.140-141)

I-2. 蕩平碑 탕평비 (Tangpyeongbi) 1742

I-3. 御製均役濬川卽予事業 어제균역준천즉여사업(Eoje Gyunyeokjuncheonjeugyeosaeop) 1773

I-4. 御製壹初 어제일초(Eoje Ilcho) 1774

I-5. 御製垂綸吟 어제수윤음(Eoje Suyuneum) 1774

I-6. 御製廣蕩 어제광탕(Eoje Gwangtang) 1774

I-7. King Yeongjo’s Prohibition of Wine Drinking (御製戒酒綸音, 英祖 33年(1757))

I-8. King Sunjo’s Instruction on the Emancipation of the Public Slaves. 「純祖實錄」『朝鮮王朝實錄』2卷, 純祖 1年(1801) 1月 28日 乙巳 (淸嘉慶 6年)

Part Ⅱ. Literati writings

II-1. Ryu Seong-ryong’s Memorial on Current Affairs. “陳時務箚” 壬辰十一月。在定州。(『西厓集』 › 西厓先生文集卷之五)

II-2. Jeong Yak-yong 丁若鏞 (1762-1836, Dasan): A male lamenting his self-imposed castration 哀絶陽 (1803)

II-3. Dasan’s letter to his disciple Hwang Sang

II-4. Vita Contemplativa vs. Vita Activa (Yulgok vs. Dasan)

II-5. Dasan’s advice to a Buddhist Monk (Jahong 慈弘) 茶山의 贈言帖

II-6. The Regulations of the Munheon Academy “文憲書院學規”(『栗谷全書』) by Yi I 李珥, (1537-1584)

Part III. Old Documents (文書)

III-1. A Document of property division among the nine siblings including Yi Ae (1494) (李璦男妹和會文記, 1494)

III-2. A Document of Selling one’s person (自賣明文- 慶州崔氏 貞武公 宗宅)

III-3. A Document of a Slave Selling land to his master (盈德 務安朴氏 武毅公 朴毅長(1555-1615) 宗宅)

III-4. A Document of trading a slave with a horse (1614) (海南尹氏 綠雨堂 宗宅)

III-5. A Statement of trading a slave with a horse (1614) (海南尹氏 綠雨堂 宗宅)

III-6. Kim Deukrok's Statement of trading a slave with a horse (1614) (海南尹氏 綠雨堂 宗宅)

III-7. A Certificate of trading a slave with a horse (1614) (海南尹氏 綠雨堂 宗宅)

III-8. A Document of Selling a Concubine (1758) (賣妾文券)

III-9. A Document endorsing an son of a concubine (禮曹給帖)

III-10. A Document of Selling a Dream (賣夢明文)

III-11. 1509年 永膺大君 棄別夫人 鄭氏 許與文記

III-12. Record of Kim Myŏngyŏl's Property Distribution 1669年 金命說 分財記

III-13. Record of Kim Pŏn's Property Distribution 1688年 金璠 分財記

III-14. Document of Chŏng Misu 1493年 鄭眉壽 明文

III-15. Chŏng Misu's Will 1509年 鄭眉壽 遺書

Part IV. Folk tales and Anecdotes

IV-1. A tale of Pak Tolmong's life story

IV-2. A petition to the magistrate by a mistreated lady

Part V. Korean Buddhist Texts Excerpts

V-1. Sabok without Words

V-2. Two Buddhist Saints in Naksan

V-3. A Biography of Wŏnhyo

Part VI. Text translated by Students Project

健陵誌帖 건릉지첩

VI-0. Sample : 健陵誌帖 translated by Jaeyoon Song

天文類秒 천문류초

VI-1. 天文類秒 translated by Sotirova Irina Vladimirova

烈女徐氏抱竹圖 열녀서씨포죽도

VI-2. 烈女徐氏抱竹圖 (Chaste Woman Madam Seo Embraces Bamboo) translated by Kim Young

實事求是說 실사구시설

VI-3. 東史綱目 序 translated by Masha Kobzeva

大東學會月報 第一號 대동학회월보 제일호

VI-4. 大東學會月報 一號 呂圭亨 by Jong Woo Park

實事求是說 실사구시설

VI-5. 實事求是說(Silsa Kusisŏl, Treatise on Seeking Truth from Facts)

象院題語 상원제어

VI-6. 象院題語 translated by Hu Jing

麗史提綱 여사제강

VI-7. 麗史提綱 translated by King Kwong Wong

實事求是說 실사구시설

VI-8. 燕行錄節選 translated by Zhijun Ren

實事求是說 실사구시설

VI-9. 竹溪誌 院規 translated by Martin Gehlmann

實事求是說 실사구시설

VI-10. 無衣子詩集 "茶泉" translated by Youngsuk Park

實事求是說 실사구시설

VI-11. 錦南先生漂海錄 translated by Jinsook

틀:(SHWJA) 참고자료 References