2017 JSG Summer Hanmun Workshop (Advanced)

Kanghunahn (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2017년 7월 17일 (월) 15:14 판 (VI-5. Text translated by Kanghun Ahn)

이동: 둘러보기, 검색



틀:(SHWJA) 위키 교실 Wiki Guide


  • 전체 리스트

Part I. Royal Documents

I-1. “In King Yeongjo’s own writing, when asked of my enterprises” (“御製問業” from 『英祖大王』 [藏書閣, 2011] #15, p.140-141)

I-2. 蕩平碑 탕평비 (Tangpyeongbi) 1742

I-3. 御製均役濬川卽予事業 어제균역준천즉여사업(Eoje Gyunyeokjuncheonjeugyeosaeop) 1773

I-4. 御製壹初 어제일초(Eoje Ilcho) 1774

I-5. 御製垂綸吟 어제수윤음(Eoje Suyuneum) 1774

I-6. 御製廣蕩 어제광탕(Eoje Gwangtang) 1774

I-7. King Yeongjo’s Prohibition of Wine Drinking (御製戒酒綸音, 英祖 33年(1757))

I-8. King Sunjo’s Instruction on the Emancipation of the Public Slaves. 「純祖實錄」『朝鮮王朝實錄』2卷, 純祖 1年(1801) 1月 28日 乙巳 (淸嘉慶 6年)

Part Ⅱ. Literati writings

II-1. Ryu Seong-ryong’s Memorial on Current Affairs. “陳時務箚” 壬辰十一月。在定州。(『西厓集』 › 西厓先生文集卷之五)

II-2. Jeong Yak-yong 丁若鏞 (1762-1836, Dasan): A male lamenting his self-imposed castration 哀絶陽 (1803)

II-3. Dasan’s letter to his disciple Hwang Sang

II-4. Vita Contemplativa vs. Vita Activa (Yulgok vs. Dasan)

II-5. Dasan’s advice to a Buddhist Monk (Jahong 慈弘) 茶山의 贈言帖

II-6. The Regulations of the Munheon Academy “文憲書院學規”(『栗谷全書』) by Yi I 李珥, (1537-1584)

Part III. Old Documents (文書)

III-1. A Document of property division among the nine siblings including Yi Ae (1494) (李璦男妹和會文記, 1494)

III-2. A Document of Selling one’s person (自賣明文- 慶州崔氏 貞武公 宗宅)

III-3. A Document of a Slave Selling land to his master (盈德 務安朴氏 武毅公 朴毅長(1555-1615) 宗宅)

III-4. A Document of trading a slave with a horse (1614) (海南尹氏 綠雨堂 宗宅)

III-5. A Statement of trading a slave with a horse (1614) (海南尹氏 綠雨堂 宗宅)

III-6. Kim Deukrok's Statement of trading a slave with a horse (1614) (海南尹氏 綠雨堂 宗宅)

III-7. A Certificate of trading a slave with a horse (1614) (海南尹氏 綠雨堂 宗宅)

III-8. A Document of Selling a Concubine (1758) (賣妾文券)

III-9. A Document endorsing an son of a concubine (禮曹給帖)

III-10. A Document of Selling a Dream (賣夢明文)

III-11. 1509年 永膺大君 棄別夫人 鄭氏 許與文記

III-12. Record of Kim Myŏngyŏl's Property Distribution 1669年 金命說 分財記

III-13. Record of Kim Pŏn's Property Distribution 1688年 金璠 分財記

III-14. Document of Chŏngmisu 1493年 鄭眉壽 明文

III-15. Chŏngmisu's Will 1509年 鄭眉壽 遺書

Part IV. Folk tales and Anecdotes

IV-1. 朴突夢

IV-2. A petition to the magistrate by a mistreated lady

Part V. Korean Buddhist Texts Excerpts

V-1. 蛇福不言 From 『三國遺事』

V-2. 洛山二大聖 From 『三國遺事』

V-3. 『宋高僧傳』 「元曉傳」

Part VI. Text translated by Students Project

VI-0. Sample : 健陵誌帖 translated by Jaeyoon Song

VI-1. Text translated by Irina

VI-2. Text translated by Kim Young

VI-3. Text translated by Masha

VI-4. 大東學會月報 一號 呂圭亨 by Jong Woo Park

VI-5. Text translated by Kanghun Ahn

VI-6. 성원록 translated by Hu Jing


VI-7. Text translated by King Kwong Wong

VI-8. Text translated by Zhijun Ren

VI-9. Text translated by Martin Gehlmann

VI-10. Text translated by Student 10

VI-11. Text translated by Student 11

VI-12. Text translated by Student 12

VI-13. Text translated by Student 13

VI-14. Text translated by Student 14

틀:(SHWJA) 참고자료 References