2018 學語集 21 - 25

Nanlin (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2018년 7월 9일 (월) 22:14 판 (Student 3 : (Write your name))

이동: 둘러보기, 검색

Original Script

::: 學語集 :::

21. 兄弟

  • 比 N: compare, liken N
  • 曰 N: be said to be/called N
  • C 而已: It is just that C (sentential particle)

22. 君臣

  • 視 N1 如 N2: see N1 as N2
  • VP 之道: the way to VP

23. 師

  • 非 N: be not N / if it weren’t for N
  • 無以 V: cannot/be no way to V
  • V 如 N: V like N

24. 文學

  • 異(乎)N: be different from N
  • 使 (N) V: have/let N V

25. 讀書

  • 勿 V: do not V
  • 可 V: can / be allowed to V
  • 自 V: V by/in/of oneself       cf) 自 N: from N


(sample) : Young Kyun Oh

  • Discussion Questions:

Student 1 : (Julian Butterfield)

The senior is called older brother, the junior is called younger brother. Likened to trees, they share the same root; likened to geese, they go in line with each other. The affection between older and younger is fraternal and loving, just so.

  • Discussion Questions:
  1. Does my translation of 長曰兄季曰弟 work around the repetition of English words sufficiently? I was trying to avoid reusing "older" and "younger" here.
  2. Have I expanded 行 too much in translation?

Student 2 : (Julian Butterfield)

The space between ruler and subject is that which is closed with righteousness. The ruler sees subjects as hands and feet, subjects see the ruler as the head. The way of serving as subject is loyalty and goodness, just so.

  • Discussion Questions:
  1. Is the image of the state as a single human body typical in Confucian texts?

Kathy's comment: the image of space closing doesn't quite seem to capture a sense of "fitting." What about something like "The relation between ruler and subject is fitting because of righteousness"?

Student 3 : Kathy Lin

The teacher

The one who teaches me is my teacher. Without a teacher, there is no way to attain learning. For this reason, the scholars of old all venerated teachers like they did rulers and fathers

  • Discussion Questions:

Student 4 : (Write your name)

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Student 5 : (Write your name)

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Student 6 : (Write your name)

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Student 7 : (Write your name)

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Student 8 : (Write your name)

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Student 9 : (Write your name)

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Student 10 : (Write your name)

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Student 11 : (Write your name)

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Student 12 : (Write your name)

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Student 13 : (Write your name)

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Student 14 : (Write your name)

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