GGHS 김바○

DH 교육용 위키
김바다 (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2018년 7월 26일 (목) 20:54 판

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Past and Present Conversations on Women's Human Rights - 10705 Kim Ba Da
I knew that 'Global Forum Camp' is a camp where people from similar fields communicate in English and produce results. So for me it was a wonderful opportunities to improve my english and have a meaningful activities. Above all, I had so many expectations from this camp, like I will get a chance to share my feelings and explore my area of interest as well as share my stories and thoughts with same minded people.
파일:다운로드 (1).jpg
Teacher gave us some drinks and candies.
I was fascinated by the influence of broadcasting and media, and wanted to send my message to many people to make a better world. My career path was broadcasting and media, and I was interested in social issues. In particular, I was mostly interested in women's human rights issues, and wanted to led a comparative analysis of women's social status in the ' society ' field : focusing on changes in the Goryeo, Joseon and the present time. I also wanted to practice with a critical viewpoint. I am a feminist and I have a little knowledge about feminism. I was in touch with feminism because of our middle school friends. They used to influence me a lot. My feminist friends wanted to improve the life of women in modern society, and that is the reason I came close to them.
We were working hard.

Recently, in my first year of high school I did not call themselves feminists because I had some strange feelings. Feminism is a difficult and distant thought, and not feel the seriousness of the scandal. But feminism we learn more about the severity and want to make a change. So I am still studying with interest. Knowing about feminism, I felt uncomfortable about what was taken for granted and was perfectly fine. Arrhenophobia mirroring to begin to understand the misogyny for people these days sport ― megal, womadeu ― for this spread and turn the public to ‘feminism’. Personally I felt wrong and bad because of people’s rejection. ‘Gender equality’ started for the purpose of the ‘feminism’ that about a quarrel between the sex is wrong. However, I think it is hard to ignore that ' masogyny ' happens only on the Internet, but ' misogyny ' comes directly to women even in real life. I was very touched by the phrase " I am a woman who survived by chance " at a post-it memorial event at Gangnam Station. We are not immune from the dangers of murder, sexual harassment, Illegal shooting and other crimes on a daily basis. In fact, the ratio of female executives and high-ranking positions in society is significantly lower. A society where women need to be careful and protected should be transformed into an unprotected society. The world we live in must change.

When learning about the Goryeo Dynasty at school, the teacher emphasized the " status of women in the Goryeo Dynasty. " This was because it was a feature of Goryeo that was different from other times. During the Goryeo Dynasty, men and women were considered completely equal. After finding it easier to understand the remaining male-centered practices of the Joseon Dynasty and explored the life of women in the Goryeo Dynasty, we found that in Goryeo there was considerable equality between men and women compared to Joseon. Even during the Goryeo Dynasty, however, there was no complete equality between men and women. The nation has come to realize that male supremacy has become common from long ago.

The first day, we asked each other in English and got to know each other. Then they explained each other to their team members. He explored the history of women's rights and topics. He also wrote a paper. On the second day, I translated the paper into English and prepared for the presentation. I also wrote an essay through the activities that I learned and gained. The third day, the last day, tomorrow, will be announced in a news format.

I think communication and empathy are the most important things about my career. Through this activity, I have experienced deep learning while communicating with my friends and senior team members and teachers. Through the activities of writing a paper in Korean and translating it into English, I was able to explore women's human rights throughout Goryeo, Joseon and modern times. This led to a deeper study of women's human rights.
Inconvenient courage will change the world.

History is a record of the past. History includes glorious history, proud history, shameful history, and painful history. We need to analyze history, reflect on it, think it over again, and find ways to solve the current problem. During the Goryeo Dynasty, women's rights seemed to be guaranteed, but discrimination existed and was not intact. while in the Joseon Dynasty, Gender discrimination was taken for granted by Confucianism, and women's human rights were cruelly trampled on. Although some people are awake at the moment, that does not mean that women's human rights are fully guaranteed. We, women, are still being discriminated against and oppressed by Confucian customs and ideas that have rooted in people's minds as social weak. You should not repeat past mistakes. It needs to be better at the moment. And for the better present and future, I will take on ' uncomfortable courage ' to achieve full gender equality. We will speak up for gender equality through the promotion of women's human rights. With misogyny and sexual discrimination deeply embedded in our lives, I hope more people realize the seriousness and join our campaign. History has brought harmony and solidarity with us. May there be a wave of unity and solidarity among us.