GGHS 한예○

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Gksdd12 (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2018년 7월 26일 (목) 16:15 판

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2018 Global Forum Camp Essay Writing

Topic : Goryeo's Civil Service Examination and Educational Institutes Team : 6 , Name : Han Ye Eun(한예은) , Student Number : 10223

When I got the news that global camp will be held, I exactly wanted to participate! In school English class, We study with textbook and test paper. We also learn a little bit fast because we have to take examination. So, I really miss the class that I can use English without strain due to the test. I want to learn English more free! That’s why I signed up. My dream is to become a teacher, especially Math or Science. I met our team members whose dream is to be a teacher. Also, this year is 2018 and Goryeo was established in 918 by Wang Gun. 1100 years of time passed. Our team thought “How about the examination system of Goryeo?”. Then we decided to add educational estitutes after more thinking in detail. Our topic ‘Goryeo's Civil Service Examination and Educational Institutes’ was created! I learned the history about Goryeo in school class and Goryeo is related to my hometown Ganghwa a lot. We already did a academic festival whose theme is the 1,100th year of the foundation of the Goryeo. So I had quite much knowledge about our topic. This made me more comfortable when I research materials or understand the materials. But there are lots of things that I didn’t learn. For example, I just knew that Royal Academy(Kukjagam) is a public educational institute similar to the current national university. I didn't know who taught the students and what students had to learn. I felt amazed a lot! Likewise I could learn things more deeply and concretely. I researched materials and write a part of report first day of the camp. I felt little confused what to do at the beginning but I realized more and more as time passed. From then on, I translated the Korean writings into English and draw pictures for presentation. It was hard to translate some historical words but the dictionary that teacher Lyndsey said was really useful. I felt so thankful to her. I think I gained many meaningful things by joining this global camp. It will be a memorable experience! In closing, thank Manik for being our teacher.