"GGHS 홍연○"의 두 판 사이의 차이

DH 교육용 위키
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(My Contribution)
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2018년 7월 26일 (목) 12:10 판

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My Contribution

The psychology of those in power during the atheistic revolution

The reason why the soldiers felt inferior during a military coup

Since King Seongjong, the ruling system was arranged on the basis of Confucius Political Ideology, enforcing the civil administration system. Thus, the literary officers led the political situation, establishing the powerful literary families. Each literary family formed a particular consciousness different from other ruling groups and displayed it in the human and social relations. It was mainly expressed with pride and arrogance, and the direct victim of such discrimination was mainly soldiers. Hurt by rudeness of literary officers, soldiers came to have victim mentality or inferiority complex.[1]
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