"류정민"의 두 판 사이의 차이

DH 교육용 위키
넘겨주기 문서
이동: 둘러보기, 검색
(Academic Advisors)
(Jamie Jungmin Yoo 문서로 넘겨주기)
(한 명의 사용자에 의한 24개의 중간 편집이 숨겨짐)
1번째 줄: 1번째 줄:
#redirect [[Jamie Jungmin Yoo]]
=='''이름 & 연락처'''==
* 류 정 민 Jamie Jungmin Yoo
* crimsonyoo @ post. harvard. edu
=='''영문 소개'''==
Jamie is a research fellow at the Kyujanggak Institute for Korean Studies (ICKS) at Seoul National University in Seoul, Korea, in conjunction with a postdoctoral fellow at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) in Beijing, China.
She is interested in how various material conditions interact with the production of literature in the Early Modern period. From transnational perspectives, for example, she examines how the print culture and market trades in 18th-century East Asia influenced the reading and writing practices of Korean writers. Her current research particularly focuses on the book culture and censorship of late Imperial China and their impact on early modern Korean literature and intellectual history.
She completed her dissertation, “Materiality and Writing: Circulation of Texts, Reading and Reception, and Production of Literature in Late 18th-century Korea,” at Harvard University in 2014. It was acknowledged as the 2015 Publication Accolade in the PhD Humanities by the International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS), based in Leiden, the Netherlands.
=='''Research & Teaching Interests'''==
* Korean Literature and Culture
* Transnational Studies
* History of the Book & Media Studies
* Translation Studies
* Korean Language
=='''Academic Advisors'''==
* 심경호
* David McCann
* Stephen Owen
* Wilt Idema
* Peter Bol

2017년 4월 13일 (목) 10:58 기준 최신판