1903년 3월 3일 루이스 테이트의 편지(이효정)
Information contained in this document is provided for non-commercial, personal, or research use only; [Original works in the public domain]
Original Letter
- Korea: Progress and Sore Needs
- Chunju, March 3[1903]
본문: In English
Body 1
- On the 27th February Mr. Harrison[1] and Mr.Tate인물 went out a little over twenty miles to one of the preaching places in connection with Chunju지명 station to hold an examination for those wishing to be baptized, and those wishing to enter the catechumen class.
Body 2
- There were fifty-eight persons examined; thirty-six for the catechumenate, of whom thirty-four were received; and twenty-two for baptism, of whom six were received, and on Sunday were baptized. The examination was a very rigid one, so much so that only six were received, where the vast majority of missionaries would have received eighteen or twenty. The specially interesting and encouraging feature of the work was not so much the numbers examined, as it was the way these had been gathered. The work there has been done by a native, who has done it not for money, but out of love. He has but a small of this world's goods, even by native standards, and yet, whenever he has been well enough, he has conducted the services on the Sabbath, and given much of his time to evangelistic work during the week.
- They have built and paid for a church that will seat two hundred people, besides a guest room, and rooms for a family, so as to have some to see to the church that it is not damaged, and attend to making the fires. The days we were there it rained, and yet there were quite a number of men and women who walked through the mud and rain six and seven miles in order to be examined. There were several women who did not venture out for fear of their health, while there were some others who did not get the word in time to come; otherwise I suppose that there would have been as many as twenty more to be examined.
Body 3
- I wish to say a word about reinforcements. We must have them, or there will be more serious loss to our work. And yet, instead of reinforcements, I see The Missionary that we will not get back one of our force who is new at home. Brethren, this simply means that one of our station will have to be left vacant, and that too at a time when things are in such a condition that if properly looked after there is prospect of a largely extended work; and on the other hand, if not looked after, not only a prospect, but almost a certainty of things running riot, so that it will take years to recover the ground lost.
- Chunju, Korea, March 3, 1903
편지내 주요 인물(루이스 테이트) 정보
루이스 테이트
Lewis B. Tate
- 1862년 9월 미국 중서부의 미주리주(Missouri) 주 캘러웨이 카운티(Calloway County)의 옥스베시(Auxvasse) 근처에서 출생
- 1889년 매코믹 신학교 입학 – 1892년 졸업
- 1892년 11월 3일, 한국에 도착하여 선교 활동 시작
- 1894년 3월, 전주로 이동하여 선교지부를 건설하며 본격적인 선교를 행함
- 1925년 안식년을 떠나 은퇴를 하기 전까지 전주 선교지부를 기반으로 일하며 순회 전도를 함
- 1929년 2월, 키웨스트(Key West)의 먼 바다로 항해 중, 배 위에서 심장마비로 소천
- 1862년 9월 미국 중서부의 미주리주(Missouri) 주 캘러웨이 카운티(Calloway County)의 옥스베시(Auxvasse) 근처에서 출생
편지내 언급된 장소 및 좌표
35.431582, 127.415314
등장 선교사 목록 표
이름 | 직업 | 활동지역 | 한국식 이름 | 활동시기 |
루이스 테이트 | 선교사 | 호남(전주) | 최의덕 | 1892 |
윌리엄 해리슨 | 선교사 | 호남 | 하위령 | 1898 |
- ↑ 윌리엄 해리슨[(William Butler Harrison, 1866 ~ 1928) 내한선교사로 한국어 이름은 하위령이다.