"후조당 유물 번역"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
(새 문서: '''Relics of Hujodang, Andong''' =='''개요'''== 안동 후조당 유물은 김부필(金富弼,1516∼1577, 호:후조당)의 종손가에 소장되어 있는 각종 문적이...)
2번째 줄: 2번째 줄:
These are various literary records stored in the descendants of the descendants of Kim Bupil (金富弼, 1516-1577, Ho: Fujodang).
At the time of designation as a cultural property, the school papers received at the time of proclamation of the city name and 「Toegye Yumuk」, 『Hyangbyeong Diary』, 『Jeongabocheop』<ref>, among these, the Toegye teacher's ink, Toegye teacher's book, and the posthumous poem Hogyoji and Jeungjikgyoji are Treasure No. It was designated as (the records of the Yean faction of the Gwangsan Kim clan).</ref> There were 4 types and 6 pieces, but now, except for 『Jeongabocheop』 and 『Hyangbyeong Diary』, it is designated as a treasure.
『Toegye Yumuk』 is two books. The Toegye Master Yumuk is a book written by Yi Hwang Toegye, written by Hyo-ro Kim himself, written on his tombstone. It is an exceptional pen.
The 2nd volume of 『Hyangbyeong Diary』 is a manuscript written by Kim Hae (金垓) and is a record of the Imjin War from the year of Imjin to the year of Gyesa, and it is in good condition. There are two types of manuscripts of 『Hyangbyeong Diary』, and one of them is designated as Tangible Cultural Property No. 483 of Gyeongsangbuk-do by writing the facts related to military service in the order of date.
안동 후조당 유물은 김부필(金富弼,1516∼1577, 호:후조당)의 종손가에 소장되어 있는 각종 문적이다.
The first book of 『Jeongabocheop』 is a collection of letters from the ancestors of the Gwangsan Kim clan living in Ocheon, Andong, Gyeongsangbuk-do, according to their genealogy. It is a collection of letters from many greetings such as Yeon (緣), Su (綏), Boo (富儀), Wife (富仁), Buyun (富倫), and Hae (垓). .
문화재 지정 당시에는 시호를 내릴 때 받은 교지와 「퇴계유묵」, 『향병일기』, 『전가보첩』<ref>이 중 퇴계선생유묵, 퇴계선생서법, 후조당시호교지 및 증직교지는 보물 제 1019호(광산김씨 예안파 종가 전적)로 지정되었다.</ref> 등 4종 6점이었으나, 현재는 『전가보첩』과 『향병일기』을 제외하고는 보물로 지정되어 있다.
In addition, in 1825 (25th year of King Sunjo), King Sunjo gave the title of 'Gong Mun Sun-gong' to Kim Bupil, who had died 250 years earlier, and the Gyoji that gave Kim Bupil a new post in 1822 (22nd year of King Sunjo). It has been designated as a cultural property, so it is a good resource for studying the culture of Gyoji.
『퇴계유묵』은 2책으로 퇴도선생유묵은 퇴계이황의 묵서로서 이황이 직접 필사한 김효로의 묘갈명(묘비에 쓰여진 글)이고, 퇴계선생서법은 이황이 송나라 학자 소옹의 시를 쓴 것으로 초서가 특출한 필첩이다.
『향병일기』 2책은 필사본으로 김해(金垓)가 쓴 임진왜란 일기로 임진년부터 계사년까지의 기록문이며 보존상태가 양호하다. 『향병일기』는 2종의 필사본이 존재하며, 그 중 1종은 날짜순에 따라 軍務와 관련된 일을 사실 그대로 직서하여 경상북도 유형문화재 제483호로 지정되어 있다.
Currently, it is protected and managed in Soongwon-gak, and there are hundreds of relics such as collections and books of many mines Kim clan.
『전가보첩』 1책은 경북 안동의 오천(烏川)에 거주하는 광산김씨 선조들의 편지를 족보에 따라 모은 것이다. 연(緣)·수(綏)·부의(富儀)·부인(富仁)·부윤(富倫)·해(垓) 등 많은 인사의 편지를 모은 것으로 내용이 다양하여 연구자료로서의 가치가 있다.
또한 1825년(순조 25) 순조가 250여년 전에 사망한 김부필에게 ‘문순공(文純公)’의 시호(諡號)를 내린 것과 1822년(순조 22) 김부필에게 증직(贈職)을 내린 교지가 문화재로 지정되어 있어 교지의 양식 연구에 좋은 자료이다.
현재 숭원각에 보호, 관리되고 있으며, 그 밖에 많은 광산 김씨의 문집, 서책 등 유물 수백 점이 숭원각에 있다.
=='''김부필은 누구인가'''==
=='''김부필은 누구인가'''==
===='''Who is Bupil Kim?'''====
Kim Bu-pil is the son of Kim Yeon (金緣, 1487-1544), a writer of Toegye Yi Hwang, and a scholar of the Joseon Dynasty who gave up and devoted himself to his studies, although he had been appointed several times. Seeing his appearance, Yi Hwang said, “The successor owner keeps a clean incision, so he is not happy even when the chief of staff arrives at the door… … He wrote a poem titled “.” and praised his tenacity and integrity.
In addition, he was the brother of Kim Bu (金富儀), the fourth cousin Kim Bu-in (金富仁), the fourth cousin Kim Bu-shin (金富信) and Kim Bu-ryun (金富倫), and Gojong Geum Eung-hun (琴應壎) and Geum-eup-hyeop (琴應夾). He was praised as the 'Five Thousand Seven Gentlemen (烏川七君子)' because he lived in the same neighborhood with his family, discussed learning, and encouraged virtue.
김부필은 김연(金緣,1487∼1544)의 아들로 퇴계 이황의 문인이며 여러차례 벼슬이 내려졌지만 사양하고 학문에 정진하였던 조선시대 학자이다. 그의 모습을 보고 이황이 “후조주인(後彫主人)은 깨끗한 절개를 굳게 지켜, 임명장이 문전에 이르러도 기뻐하지 않는구나 …….”라는 시를 지어 그의 지조와 절개를 높이 평가하였다.
In 1570, Yi Hwang cooperated with the establishment of the Yeokdongseowon (易東書院), and in 1574, together with Jo Mok (趙穆), led the construction of the Dosanseowon, and was highly trusted for his academics and conduct.
또한 그는 아우 김부의(金富儀), 4촌형 김부인(金富仁), 4촌아우 김부신(金富信)·김부륜(金富倫), 고종 금응훈(琴應壎)·금읍협(琴應夾)과 한 동네에 살면서 학문을 토론하고 덕업을 권장하여 ‘오천칠군자(烏川七君子)’라 칭송되었다.
1570년 이황이 역동서원(易東書院) 건립 시 협조하였으며, 1574년 조목(趙穆)과 함께 도산서원 건립을 주도하였으며, 학문과 행실로서 신망이 두터웠다.  
저서로는 『후조당문집(後彫堂文集)』이 있으며, [http://dh.aks.ac.kr/~heritage/wiki/index.php/안동_후조당_종택 안동 후조당 종택]을 지었다. 묘소는 안동 금학산에 있으며, 위패는 안동 예안의 낙천사(洛川祠)에 봉안되었다.
His books include 『The Collection of Later Jodang Literature (After Jodang 文集), [http://dh.aks.ac.kr/~heritage/wiki/index.php/ Andong _ After Jodang _ Jongtaek After Andong then Jodang Jongtaek ] was built. His tomb is located on Mt. Geumhak, Andong, and his mortuary tablet is enshrined in Nakcheong (洛川祠) in Yean, Andong.

2021년 6월 2일 (수) 18:00 판

Relics of Hujodang, Andong



These are various literary records stored in the descendants of the descendants of Kim Bupil (金富弼, 1516-1577, Ho: Fujodang).

At the time of designation as a cultural property, the school papers received at the time of proclamation of the city name and 「Toegye Yumuk」, 『Hyangbyeong Diary』, 『Jeongabocheop』[1] There were 4 types and 6 pieces, but now, except for 『Jeongabocheop』 and 『Hyangbyeong Diary』, it is designated as a treasure. 『Toegye Yumuk』 is two books. The Toegye Master Yumuk is a book written by Yi Hwang Toegye, written by Hyo-ro Kim himself, written on his tombstone. It is an exceptional pen.

The 2nd volume of 『Hyangbyeong Diary』 is a manuscript written by Kim Hae (金垓) and is a record of the Imjin War from the year of Imjin to the year of Gyesa, and it is in good condition. There are two types of manuscripts of 『Hyangbyeong Diary』, and one of them is designated as Tangible Cultural Property No. 483 of Gyeongsangbuk-do by writing the facts related to military service in the order of date.

The first book of 『Jeongabocheop』 is a collection of letters from the ancestors of the Gwangsan Kim clan living in Ocheon, Andong, Gyeongsangbuk-do, according to their genealogy. It is a collection of letters from many greetings such as Yeon (緣), Su (綏), Boo (富儀), Wife (富仁), Buyun (富倫), and Hae (垓). .

In addition, in 1825 (25th year of King Sunjo), King Sunjo gave the title of 'Gong Mun Sun-gong' to Kim Bupil, who had died 250 years earlier, and the Gyoji that gave Kim Bupil a new post in 1822 (22nd year of King Sunjo). It has been designated as a cultural property, so it is a good resource for studying the culture of Gyoji.

Currently, it is protected and managed in Soongwon-gak, and there are hundreds of relics such as collections and books of many mines Kim clan.

김부필은 누구인가

Who is Bupil Kim?

Kim Bu-pil is the son of Kim Yeon (金緣, 1487-1544), a writer of Toegye Yi Hwang, and a scholar of the Joseon Dynasty who gave up and devoted himself to his studies, although he had been appointed several times. Seeing his appearance, Yi Hwang said, “The successor owner keeps a clean incision, so he is not happy even when the chief of staff arrives at the door… … He wrote a poem titled “.” and praised his tenacity and integrity. In addition, he was the brother of Kim Bu (金富儀), the fourth cousin Kim Bu-in (金富仁), the fourth cousin Kim Bu-shin (金富信) and Kim Bu-ryun (金富倫), and Gojong Geum Eung-hun (琴應壎) and Geum-eup-hyeop (琴應夾). He was praised as the 'Five Thousand Seven Gentlemen (烏川七君子)' because he lived in the same neighborhood with his family, discussed learning, and encouraged virtue.

In 1570, Yi Hwang cooperated with the establishment of the Yeokdongseowon (易東書院), and in 1574, together with Jo Mok (趙穆), led the construction of the Dosanseowon, and was highly trusted for his academics and conduct.

His books include 『The Collection of Later Jodang Literature (After Jodang 文集)』, Andong _ After Jodang _ Jongtaek After Andong then Jodang Jongtaek was built. His tomb is located on Mt. Geumhak, Andong, and his mortuary tablet is enshrined in Nakcheong (洛川祠) in Yean, Andong.

  1. , among these, the Toegye teacher's ink, Toegye teacher's book, and the posthumous poem Hogyoji and Jeungjikgyoji are Treasure No. It was designated as (the records of the Yean faction of the Gwangsan Kim clan).