
Lyndsey (토론 | 기여)님의 2021년 4월 11일 (일) 18:44 판 (구 안내판)
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국문 해설문

현장 안내판 해설문 내용 - 국문

구 안내판

목포시사 木浦詩社
전라남도기념물 제121호
소재지 : 전라남도 목포시 죽교동

새 안내판

전라남도 기념물 제21호

문화재청 국가문화유산포털 해설문 - 국문

목포시사 (木浦詩社)
분 류 : 유적건조물 / 인물사건 / 역사사건
수량/면적 : 일원
지정(등록)일 : 1976.09.30
소 재 지 : 전남 목포시 유달로 165 (죽교동)
소유자(소유단체) :
관리자(관리단체) : 목포시

시사는 서로 뜻이 통하는 문학에 뛰어난 선비들이 계절에 따라 자연과 시를 융화시켰던 풍류의 장소이다. 목포시사는 한말의 대학자인 정만조가 1907년에 세운 건물로 전국 각처에서 200여명이 해마다 봄, 가을 2회에 걸쳐 백일장을 개최하여 한시(漢詩)의 명맥을 오늘날까지 이어 오는 유래 깊은 시사이다.

정만조는 고종 26년(1889) 문과에 급제하여 예조참의, 승지를 거쳐 내부참의, 규장각부제학 등을 지냈다. 광무년간 정변시 진도에 유배되어 10여년 간을 보내기도 하였는데, 이 당시 문학, 서예 등을 가르쳐 많은 인사를 배출하였고, 목포시사를 세워 퇴폐한 학문의 기풍을 바로잡아 지방 문화에 많은 공적을 남겼다.

건물 규모는 앞면 4칸·옆면 1칸 반이며, 지붕은 옆면에서 볼 때 여덟 팔(八)자 모양인 팔작지붕이다. 시사 안에는 정만조의 문집을 비롯하여 한말의 전적, 한시 현판들을 다수 소장하고 있다.


목포시사는 한말 대학자인 정만조가 1907년에 창건한 건물로서 전국 명승에서 200여 명이 매년 춘.추로 2회에 걸쳐 백일장을 개최하여 한시의 명맥을 오늘에까지 전수해 온 국내 유일의 시사이다. 건물의 모습을 보면 정면 4칸, 측면 1칸 반으로 팔작지붕이다. 1단의 다듬은 돌 기단 위에 편평한 주초를 놓고 민흘림의 원주를 세웠다. 1980년 여규향, 허석제, 박만취 선생이 유달산에 유달정을 건립하여 이 고장 문인들에게 시문을 가르치고 백일장과 같은 문학 모임을 주도하였다. 목포시사의 규약에는 시에 뜻을 둔 사람이라면 남녀 노소를 가리지 않고 입사할 수 있도록 개방되어 있으며 윤리에 어긋난 패덕자들의 출입을 금하였다. 매년 봄(3월)과 가을(9월)에 한시(漢詩) 백일장을 개최하고 있다. 보유 유물로는 <<무정전교(戊亭全橋)>>, <<무정보유편(戊亭補遺編)>>, <<사문유취(事文類聚)>>등 70책이 있다.

영문 해설문

현장 안내판 해설문 내용 - 영문

구 안내판

Mokpo Si - sa
Jeollanam-do Momument No. 121
Area : Jeollanam - do Mokpo - si Jukgyo-dong

Mokposisa, built in 1890, is a wooden house with tiled roofs and it was designated to the Local Cultural Properties, No. 121, in 1976. It has four compartments on the front facade, and one and half compartments on each side. It also has a Paljak jibung, a style of roof with an angled rafter set on each corner of the eaves. Originally the right and left sides and the center of the backside were made of brick. However, in 1979 and in 1984, the bricks were removed and the roof was repaired. This building was dismantled and restored in 1995.

This place was founded in 1890 and originally called Yusanjeong by Ha Jeong and Yeo Gyn Hyang. A Literary writing contest was held in this place, and they gave lessons on poetry and prose. In 1920, Mu Jeong : Jeong Man Jo renamed it Yusansa. Then he repaired it in 1932 and started Mokposisa here in 1937

Mokposisa was a cultural organization of Confucian scholars more concerned about sharing the grief of the national ruin and patriotic sentiment than simply meeting to discuss poetry or calligraphy. According to the rules, whoever had a desire to study poetry could enter Mokposisa, but immoral or unethical men were prohibited from entering.

Jeong Man Jo reintroduced Confucian academic traditions. When the Empress Myeong seong was assassinated in 1896, he was exiled to Jindo because of Lee Wan Yong's false testimony. For 12 years in jindo, he educated the younger generations and wrote. It was said he made their pennames to his disciples like Uije : Heo Baek Ryeon and Namnong : Heo Geon.

Mokposisa is the only poetry office that preserves Chinese poetry, done by the essay contest that is still held with Confucian scholars every spring and fall. It has preserved winning works from essay contests: draft poems as well as the Collected Works of Mu Jeong.

새 안내판

Mokposisa Writer’s House
Jeollanam-do Monument No. 21

Poets Society is a gathering of classical scholars who sang praise of nature and recited poems according to the seasons. Mokpo Poets Society was not just a gathering of literary scholars, but also served as a literary association of Confucian scholars who expressed the deep sorrow and patriotism of the country.

Mokpo Poets Society is Korea’s representative poets society that has continued the tradition Chinese poetry. Mokpo Poets Society started from ‘Yusan Poets Society’ which was formed in 1920. The foundation of Yusan Poets Society was led by Kim Seong-gyu, who served as supervisor in Muan, and was participated by Mokpo Confucian scholars and literary scholars from Jindo and Gangjin. In 1933, the current Poets Society building, Yusanjeong, was completed. In 1961, it was renamed as Mokpo Poets Society by integrating with another Poets Society.’Boin Poets Society’, which was active in Mokpo. Mokpo Poets Society served as the spiritual pillar of Mokpo because there was no Hyanggyo or Seowon in Mokpo. Anyone who had an interest in poetry could join the society, but those who acted against ethics were not allowed to join.

Even now, Chinese poem contest is held here every spring and autumn as the only poets society in Korea that has continued the tradition of Chinese poetry. It preserves the anthology of Mujeong, the records of the late Joseon Dynasty, and the manuscripts of literary figures who won the poem contests held since its founding.

The building of Mokpo Poets Society is composed of four bays in the front, and one and a half bays in the side, and its roof has a gambrel shape when seen from the side.

문화재청 국가문화유산포털 해설문 - 영문

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