Resource: Digital Humanities in Practice

From Lyndsey Twining
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This book takes "a more practical, empirical approach to the question of what digital humanities may be... The particular emphasis of this book is, therefore, the integration of digital humanities research, with practice within and beyond academia; the involvement of the general public in digital resource creation and design; and the application of digital technologies to cultural heritage" (p xiii). It focuses on the experiences at the UCL Centre for Digital Humanities.

Useful Content

Table of Contents


  1. Studying unsers in digital humanities
  2. Social media for digital humanities and community engagement
  3. Digitization and digital resources in the humanities
  4. Image processing in the digital humanities
  5. 3D recording and museums
  6. Text encoding and scholarly digital editions
  7. Historical bibliography in the digital world
  8. Open access and online teaching materials for digital humanities
  9. Institutional models for digital humanities


  • Apart from a couple chapters focusing on 3D scanning and TEI, generally this book seems to be very relevant for my studies.
  • Chapters 1, 2, 7 and 8 seem fruitful; Chapter 1 in particular.
  • Reference sections will also be useful to peruse for further reading.
  • Chapter 6 has a really good intro to what TEI is for those who do not understand.