Resource: Creating a Winning Online Exhibition

From Lyndsey Twining
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Explains the process and provides practical guidelines for the creation of an online exhibition.

Useful Content

p 3

  • "Five Types of exhibition effects that you may wish to consider are
    • Aesthetic: organized around the beauty of the objects
    • Emotive: designed to illicit an emotion in the viewer
    • Evocative: designed to create an atmosphere
    • Didactic: constructed to teach about something specific
    • Entertaining: presented just for fun!"

p 92 - Awards for Online Exhibitions

Table of Contents

  1. Online Exhibitions versus Digital Collections
  2. The Idea
  3. Executing the Exhibition Idea
  4. The Staff
  5. Technical Issues: Digitizing
  6. Technical Issues: Markup Languages
  7. Technical Issues: Programming, Scripting, Databases, and Accessibility
  8. Design
  9. Online Exhibitions: Case Studies and Awards
  10. Conclusion: Online with the Show!


  1. Sample Online Exhibition Proposal
  2. Sample Exhibition Script
  3. Guidelines for Reproducing Works from Exhibition Websites
  4. Suggested Database Structure for Online Exhibitions
  5. Timeline for Contracted Online Exhibitions
  6. Dublin Core Metadata of an Online Exhibition
  7. The Katharine Kyes Leab and Daniel J. Leab American Book Prices Current Exhibition Awards
  8. Bibliography of Exhibitions (Gallery and Virtual)


  • Useful but out of date