From Lyndsey Twining
Master's Coursework
2015 Fall Semester
- Intro to Academic Writing in Korean 학술적 글 쓰기 입문
- Introduction to Korean Geography 한국 지리 입문
- Cultural Informatics Database 인문정보데이터베이스
- Ubiquitous and Augmented Reality 유비쿼터스와 증가현실
2016 Winter Break
- Korean Vocabulary & Grammar 한국어 어휘-문법
- Advanced Academic Writing in Korean 학술적 글 쓰기 심화
2016 Spring Semester
- Korean History and Culture 한국의역사와문화
- Electronic Document and Hypertext 전자문서와하이퍼텍스트
- Korean Culture and Cultural Contents 한국문화와문화콘텐츠
- Understanding of Korean Traditional Music 한국전통음악의이해 (English)
2016 Fall Semester
- Cultural Information Compilation Research 인문정보편찬연구 (Research Course)
- Classic Translation Research 고문서번역연구 (Research Course)
PhD Coursework
2017 Fall Semester
- Geography and Content: City 지리연구와 콘텐츠 - 도시
- Goryeo Society and Culture 고려시대사회와문화 (English)
- Digital Archive and Knowledge Network 디지털아카이브와지식네트워크