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(Created page with "This page summarizes the organizational structure, membership structure, and constitutions of the constituent organizations of the ADHO. =Executive Committee Structure= {|cl...")
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|EADH||The European Association for Digital Humanities||Committee||President and Officers: Chair, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer||
|EADH||The European Association for Digital Humanities||Committee||President and Officers: Chair, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer||
|ACH||Association for Computers and the Humanities||Executive Council||Executive Officers: President, Vice-President, Executive Secretary, Treasurer
Council Representatives: 4 sets of 3 people for 4-year terms||Ex Officio Representatives: Digital Humanities Quarterly Editor, Editor of Humanist, Liasons
|CSDH/SCHN||Canadian Society for Digital Humanities / Société canadienne des humanités numériques||Executive Council||President, Vice-President (English), Vice-President (French), Secretary, Treasurer, Compute Canada Representative, Member-at-large (two), Communications Officer, Graduate Representative, Editor-in-Chief DS/CN, Webmaster||Committees: Award, Annual Conference Programme, Representative to the General Assembly of the CFHSS; Discontinued: Outreach, Website, Newsletter, Publication, Renewal, Constitution Review
|centerNet||centerNet||Executive Council|Co-chairs (2), Executive Secretary, Treasurer, Council Members: 13 ||
|aaDH||Australasian Association for Digital Humanities||Executive Committee||President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Communications Manager, + 5 additional members||
|JADH||Japanese Association for Digital Humanities||Executive Board||President, Chair, Secretary/Treasurer, 7 additional members||Auditors (2), Nominating Committee (3), Co-opted (1)
|Humanistica||Humanistica, L'association francophone des humanités numériques/digitales||Bureau||Porte-parole, Secretaire, Tresorier, Comite (9)||Representates Dans Les Instances ADHO
|DHASA||Digital Humanities Association of Southern Africa||??||President, Vice-President, Secretary, Additional member (2)||
|TADH||Taiwanese Association of Digital Humanities||Administration||President, Executive Board (16 including Chair), Auditors (5 including Chair), Secretary General||Committees: Conference Coordination and Scholarship, Education and Professional Training, Technology Development, International Relationship, Membership, Publish Membership
|RedHD||Red de Humanidades Digitales||Comite Ejecutive||Presidente, Secretario, Vocal, Vocal, Terorera||Creditos de la pagina: dessarollo del Sistema, noticias y edicion digital
=Membership Structure=
=Membership Structure=
{|class="wikitable sortable" style="width:100%; background:white; text-align:left;"
!style="width:10%;"|Organization||style="width:15%;"|Organization Name||style="width:75%;"|Membership Info
|EADH||The European Association for Digital Humanities||by subscription to DSH, The Journal of Digital Scholarship in the Humanities
low-cost membership for students and early career scholars and unwaged or low-waged independent scholars: no DSH subscription + membership-only fees (which will give you joint membership to EADH, ACH, CSDH/SCHN, aaDH and JADH) will be set at $26, £15, and €21
|ACH||Association for Computers and the Humanities||ACH Membership Only Options:Membership only (£25 / $40), Student membership (£15 / $26), Developing countries membership only (£15 / $26); ACH Membership + Print subscription to Digital Scholarship in the Humanities: Membership + Print DSH (£91 / $172), Membership + Print DSH – Senior Citizen rate (£46 / $87), Membership + Print DSH – Student Rate (£46 / $87); Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) Membership:Joint membership in all constituents of the Alliance for Digital Humanities Organizations – Membership only – (£25 / $40)
|CSDH/SCHN||Canadian Society for Digital Humanities / Société canadienne des humanités numériques||Through the Oxford University Press website: membership only (USD 40), membership with subscription (USD 166; includes a print subscription to Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, formerly LLC), student membership (USD 26), senior rate (USD 89; includes print subscription to SDH), developing country rate (USD 26; list of eligible countries), joint membership (USD 40; membership in all of the ADHO organizations.
|centerNet||centerNet||Per-center basis through the Oxford University Press Website: pay a membership fee directly to centerNet or sign up for an institutional subscription to LLC; Dues are based on your center’s FTE (Full Time Employees); Larger centers: 5+ FTE and/or invested in promoting Digital Humanities internationally $400, Mid-sized centers: 1 – 4 FTE and/or invested in promoting Digital Humanities regionally $240, Small centers or projects: no FTE $80, Centers in developing nations $80 or Free; LLC subscription are as follows: $392 for online only access, $470 for print and online access, Reduced pricing ($80 or free)
|aaDH||Australasian Association for Digital Humanities||All membership administration is managed by Oxford University Press; Members may choose the ‘membership only’ option (AUD$50 approx) or elect to also subscribe to the journal Digital Scholarship in the Humanities which is published on behalf of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO).
|JADH||Japanese Association for Digital Humanities||ADHOへのご加入にあたりましては、以下の頁から、クレジットカードによる支払いがもっとも簡便です。あるいは、請求書による支払い等が必要な場合には、http://www.oxfordjournals.org/en/contact-us/customer-services.html の日本事務局にお問い合せしてみてください。http://dsh.oxfordjournals.org/ 上記URLの頁で「Purchase」というタブをクリックしていただき、その頁(頁A)の「Joint membership of all Associations in the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations」の項目の中の「Membership + Print」 (会員資格+雑誌購読)か「Membership only」(会員資格のみ)、もしくは、学生であれば「Student membership only」(2013年より登場した低価格版・雑誌購読なしの会員資格のみ。所属機関でこの雑誌を(電子)購読している場合はこちらがおすすめです)か「Membership Print - Student Rate」(雑誌購読あり)の行の「Add to Bascket」ボタンをクリックしてください。そうするとBascket画面になりますので、あとは「Proceed to Checkout」をクリックすれば先に進みます。ここで、もし、Oxford Journals Webサイトのユーザではない場合、ユーザ登録を行ってからさらに先に進んでください。※Student membershipは、「registered students, early career scholars and unwaged or low-waged independent scholars」のために提供されているものですので、必ずしも学生でなくとも対象となることがあります。ご注意ください。
|Humanistica||Humanistica, L'association francophone des humanités numériques/digitales||MEMBRES INDIVIDUELS: Cotisation standard (Cotisation annuelle standard pour membres individuels.): € 30 (Humanistica), € 133 (Humanistica + DSH), € 30 (Joint Membership), € 156 (Joint Membership + DSH); Cotisation réduite (Cotisation annuelle réduite pour étudiants, doctorants, postdocs en contrat court, retraités, demandeurs d’emplois, personnes invalides ou souffrant d’un handicap et ressortissants de pays en voie de développement): € 21 (Humanistica), € 69 (Humanistica + DSH), € 21 (Joint Membership), € 79 (Joint Membership + DSH); MEMBRES INSTITUTIONNELS:Cotisation institutionnelle (Cotisation annuelle standard pour les membres institutionnels.): € 200; Cotisation de membres « bienfaiteurs » (Cotisation annuelle de soutien pour les membres « bienfaiteurs ».): € 500
|DHASA||Digital Humanities Association of Southern Africa||??
|TADH||Taiwanese Association of Digital Humanities||Individual member: Anyone over 20 years old in research of or interested in digital humanities can file an application form to be an individual member after payment of membership fee. The application form shall be examined and approved by the Council. Group member: Any organization or society in agreement with the purpose of the Association can file an application form before paying a membership fee. The application form shall be examined and approved by the Council. Moreover, two delegates should be recommended and sent by the specific group member to exert rights of the member. 入會申請手續: 填寫會員入會申請書(個人會員表格、團體會員表格)。請親自簽名或蓋章後以email(掃描成PDF檔)或郵寄方式將申請書寄至臺灣數位人文學會籌備會。email:tadh.tw@gmail.com 地  址:10617臺北市大安區羅斯福路四段1號 國立臺灣大學數位人文研究中心 (圖書館B1臺大出版中心書店內). 經理事會開會通過。學會回覆正式入會通知函。繳交入會費新台幣壹仟元及當年常年會費(個人會員: 新台幣壹仟元,團體會員: 新台幣壹萬元). 完成入會手續,正式入會。
|RedHD||Red de Humanidades Digitales||Las membresías son anuales y serán del 1 de mayo al 30 de abril de cada año. $650 pesos mexicanos (40 dólares americanos) cuota $350 pesos mexicanos (20 dólares americanos) para estudiantes, jubilados o mayores de 65 años. El mecanismo de pago es por medio del sistema PayPal.
=Constitution Summary=
=Constitution Summary=
by subscription to DSH, The Journal of Digital Scholarship in the Humanities
low-cost membership for students and early career scholars and unwaged or low-waged independent scholars: no DSH subscription + membership-only fees (which will give you joint membership to EADH, ACH, CSDH/SCHN, aaDH and JADH) will be set at $26, £15, and €21
ACH Association for Computers and the Humanities
Executive Officers: President, Vice-President, Executive Secretary, Treasurer
Council Representatives: 4 sets of 3 people for 4-year terms
Ex Officio Representatives: Digital Humanities Quarterly Editor, Editor of Humanist, Liasons
ACH Membership Only Options
Membership only (£25 / $40)
Student membership (£15 / $26)
Developing countries membership only (£15 / $26)
ACH Membership + Print subscription to Digital Scholarship in the Humanities
Membership + Print DSH (£91 / $172)
Membership + Print DSH – Senior Citizen rate (£46 / $87)
Membership + Print DSH – Student Rate (£46 / $87)
Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) Membership
Joint membership in all constituents of the Alliance for Digital Humanities Organizations – Membership only – (£25 / $40)
CSDH/SCHN Canadian Society for Digital Humanities / Société canadienne des humanités numériques
Executive Council: President, Vice-President (English), Vice-President (French), Secretary, Treasurer, Compute Canada Representative, Member-at-large (two), Communications Officer, Graduate Representative, Editor-in-Chief DS/CN, Webmaster
Committees: Award, Annual Conference Programme, Representative to the General Assembly of the CFHSS; Discontinued: Outreach, Website, Newsletter, Publication, Renewal, Constitution Review Through the Oxford University Press website:
membership only (USD 40)
membership with subscription (USD 166; includes a print subscription to Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, formerly LLC)
student membership (USD 26)
senior rate (USD 89; includes print subscription to SDH)
developing country rate (USD 26; list of eligible countries)
joint membership (USD 40; membership in all of the ADHO organizations.
centerNet centerNet
Excecutive Council: Co-chairs (2), Executive Secretary, Treasurer
Council Members: 13 Per-center basis through the Oxford University Press Website
- pay a membership fee directly to centerNet or
- sign up for an institutional subscription to LLC.
Dues are based on your center’s FTE (Full Time Employees)
Larger centers: 5+ FTE and/or invested in promoting Digital Humanities internationally $400
Mid-sized centers: 1 – 4 FTE and/or invested in promoting Digital Humanities regionally $240
Small centers or projects: no FTE $80
Centers in developing nations $80 or Free
LLC subscription are as follows:
$392 for online only access
$470 for print and online access.
Reduced pricing ($80 or free)
aaDH Australasian Association for Digital Humanities
Executive Committee: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Communications Manager, + 5 additional members All membership administration is managed by Oxford University Press.
Members may choose the ‘membership only’ option (AUD$50 approx) or elect to also subscribe to the journal Digital Scholarship in the Humanities which is published on behalf of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO).
JADH Japanese Association for Digital Humanities
Executive Board: President, Chair, Secretary/Treasurer, 7 additional members
Auditors (2)
Nominating Committee (3)
Co-opted (1) ADHOへのご加入にあたりましては、以下の頁から、クレジットカードによる支払いがもっとも簡便です。あるいは、請求書による支払い等が必要な場合には、http://www.oxfordjournals.org/en/contact-us/customer-services.html の日本事務局にお問い合せしてみてください。
上記URLの頁で「Purchase」というタブをクリックしていただき、その頁(頁A)の「Joint membership of all Associations in the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations」の項目の中の「Membership + Print」 (会員資格+雑誌購読)か「Membership only」(会員資格のみ)、もしくは、学生であれば「Student membership only」(2013年より登場した低価格版・雑誌購読なしの会員資格のみ。所属機関でこの雑誌を(電子)購読している場合はこちらがおすすめです)か「Membership Print - Student Rate」(雑誌購読あり)の行の「Add to Bascket」ボタンをクリックしてください。そうするとBascket画面になりますので、あとは「Proceed to Checkout」をクリックすれば先に進みます。ここで、もし、Oxford Journals Webサイトのユーザではない場合、ユーザ登録を行ってからさらに先に進んでください。
※Student membershipは、「registered students, early career scholars and unwaged or low-waged independent scholars」のために提供されているものですので、必ずしも学生でなくとも対象となることがあります。ご注意ください。
Humanistica Humanistica, L'association francophone des humanités numériques/digitales
Bureau: Porte-parole, Secretaire, Tresorier, Comite (9)
Representates Dans Les Instances ADHO
Cotisation standard (Cotisation annuelle standard pour membres individuels.)
€ 30
€ 133
(Humanistica + DSH)
€ 30
(Joint Membership)
€ 156
(Joint Membership + DSH)
Cotisation réduite (Cotisation annuelle réduite pour étudiants, doctorants, postdocs en contrat court, retraités, demandeurs d’emplois, personnes invalides ou souffrant d’un handicap et ressortissants de pays en voie de développement)
€ 21
€ 69
(Humanistica + DSH)
€ 21
(Joint Membership)
€ 79
(Joint Membership + DSH)
Cotisation institutionnelle (Cotisation annuelle standard pour les membres institutionnels.)
€ 200
Cotisation de membres « bienfaiteurs » (Cotisation annuelle de soutien pour les membres « bienfaiteurs ».)
€ 500
DHASA Digital Humanities Association of Southern Africa
President, Vice-President, Secretary, Additional member (2) Unclear.
TADH Taiwanese Association of Digital Humanities
Administration: President, Executive Board (16 including Chair), Auditors (5 including Chair), Secretary General
Conference Coordination and Scholarship, Education and Professional Training, Technology Development, International Relationship, Membership, Publish Membership
Both individuals and groups in agreement with the purpose of the Association can apply to be a member after meeting the following qualifications:
Individual member: Anyone over 20 years old in research of or interested in digital humanities can file an application form to be an individual member after payment of membership fee. The application form shall be examined and approved by the Council.
Group member: Any organization or society in agreement with the purpose of the Association can file an application form before paying a membership fee. The application form shall be examined and approved by the Council. Moreover, two delegates should be recommended and sent by the specific group member to exert rights of the member.
地  址:10617臺北市大安區羅斯福路四段1號 國立臺灣大學數位人文研究中心 (圖書館B1臺大出版中心書店內)
繳交入會費新台幣壹仟元及當年常年會費(個人會員: 新台幣壹仟元,團體會員: 新台幣壹萬元)
RedHD (?) Red de Humanidades Digitales
Comite Ejecutive: Presidents, Secretario, Vocal, Vocal, Terorera
Creditos de la pagina: dessarollo del Sistema, noticias y edicion digital Las membresías son anuales y serán del 1 de mayo al 30 de abril de cada año.
$650 pesos mexicanos (40 dólares americanos) cuota
$350 pesos mexicanos (20 dólares americanos) para estudiantes, jubilados o mayores de 65 años.
El mecanismo de pago es por medio del sistema PayPal.

Revision as of 11:14, 28 February 2018

This page summarizes the organizational structure, membership structure, and constitutions of the constituent organizations of the ADHO.

Executive Committee Structure

Organization Organization Name Executive Committee Name Executive Committee Members Additional Administrators
EADH The European Association for Digital Humanities Committee President and Officers: Chair, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer
ACH Association for Computers and the Humanities Executive Council Executive Officers: President, Vice-President, Executive Secretary, Treasurer

Council Representatives: 4 sets of 3 people for 4-year terms||Ex Officio Representatives: Digital Humanities Quarterly Editor, Editor of Humanist, Liasons

CSDH/SCHN Canadian Society for Digital Humanities / Société canadienne des humanités numériques Executive Council President, Vice-President (English), Vice-President (French), Secretary, Treasurer, Compute Canada Representative, Member-at-large (two), Communications Officer, Graduate Representative, Editor-in-Chief DS/CN, Webmaster Committees: Award, Annual Conference Programme, Representative to the General Assembly of the CFHSS; Discontinued: Outreach, Website, Newsletter, Publication, Renewal, Constitution Review
centerNet centerNet Co-chairs (2), Executive Secretary, Treasurer, Council Members: 13
aaDH Australasian Association for Digital Humanities Executive Committee President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Communications Manager, + 5 additional members
JADH Japanese Association for Digital Humanities Executive Board President, Chair, Secretary/Treasurer, 7 additional members Auditors (2), Nominating Committee (3), Co-opted (1)
Humanistica Humanistica, L'association francophone des humanités numériques/digitales Bureau Porte-parole, Secretaire, Tresorier, Comite (9) Representates Dans Les Instances ADHO
DHASA Digital Humanities Association of Southern Africa ?? President, Vice-President, Secretary, Additional member (2)
TADH Taiwanese Association of Digital Humanities Administration President, Executive Board (16 including Chair), Auditors (5 including Chair), Secretary General Committees: Conference Coordination and Scholarship, Education and Professional Training, Technology Development, International Relationship, Membership, Publish Membership
RedHD Red de Humanidades Digitales Comite Ejecutive Presidente, Secretario, Vocal, Vocal, Terorera Creditos de la pagina: dessarollo del Sistema, noticias y edicion digital

Membership Structure

Organization Organization Name Membership Info
EADH The European Association for Digital Humanities by subscription to DSH, The Journal of Digital Scholarship in the Humanities

low-cost membership for students and early career scholars and unwaged or low-waged independent scholars: no DSH subscription + membership-only fees (which will give you joint membership to EADH, ACH, CSDH/SCHN, aaDH and JADH) will be set at $26, £15, and €21

ACH Association for Computers and the Humanities ACH Membership Only Options:Membership only (£25 / $40), Student membership (£15 / $26), Developing countries membership only (£15 / $26); ACH Membership + Print subscription to Digital Scholarship in the Humanities: Membership + Print DSH (£91 / $172), Membership + Print DSH – Senior Citizen rate (£46 / $87), Membership + Print DSH – Student Rate (£46 / $87); Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) Membership:Joint membership in all constituents of the Alliance for Digital Humanities Organizations – Membership only – (£25 / $40)
CSDH/SCHN Canadian Society for Digital Humanities / Société canadienne des humanités numériques Through the Oxford University Press website: membership only (USD 40), membership with subscription (USD 166; includes a print subscription to Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, formerly LLC), student membership (USD 26), senior rate (USD 89; includes print subscription to SDH), developing country rate (USD 26; list of eligible countries), joint membership (USD 40; membership in all of the ADHO organizations.
centerNet centerNet Per-center basis through the Oxford University Press Website: pay a membership fee directly to centerNet or sign up for an institutional subscription to LLC; Dues are based on your center’s FTE (Full Time Employees); Larger centers: 5+ FTE and/or invested in promoting Digital Humanities internationally $400, Mid-sized centers: 1 – 4 FTE and/or invested in promoting Digital Humanities regionally $240, Small centers or projects: no FTE $80, Centers in developing nations $80 or Free; LLC subscription are as follows: $392 for online only access, $470 for print and online access, Reduced pricing ($80 or free)
aaDH Australasian Association for Digital Humanities All membership administration is managed by Oxford University Press; Members may choose the ‘membership only’ option (AUD$50 approx) or elect to also subscribe to the journal Digital Scholarship in the Humanities which is published on behalf of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO).
JADH Japanese Association for Digital Humanities ADHOへのご加入にあたりましては、以下の頁から、クレジットカードによる支払いがもっとも簡便です。あるいは、請求書による支払い等が必要な場合には、http://www.oxfordjournals.org/en/contact-us/customer-services.html の日本事務局にお問い合せしてみてください。http://dsh.oxfordjournals.org/ 上記URLの頁で「Purchase」というタブをクリックしていただき、その頁(頁A)の「Joint membership of all Associations in the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations」の項目の中の「Membership + Print」 (会員資格+雑誌購読)か「Membership only」(会員資格のみ)、もしくは、学生であれば「Student membership only」(2013年より登場した低価格版・雑誌購読なしの会員資格のみ。所属機関でこの雑誌を(電子)購読している場合はこちらがおすすめです)か「Membership Print - Student Rate」(雑誌購読あり)の行の「Add to Bascket」ボタンをクリックしてください。そうするとBascket画面になりますので、あとは「Proceed to Checkout」をクリックすれば先に進みます。ここで、もし、Oxford Journals Webサイトのユーザではない場合、ユーザ登録を行ってからさらに先に進んでください。※Student membershipは、「registered students, early career scholars and unwaged or low-waged independent scholars」のために提供されているものですので、必ずしも学生でなくとも対象となることがあります。ご注意ください。
Humanistica Humanistica, L'association francophone des humanités numériques/digitales MEMBRES INDIVIDUELS: Cotisation standard (Cotisation annuelle standard pour membres individuels.): € 30 (Humanistica), € 133 (Humanistica + DSH), € 30 (Joint Membership), € 156 (Joint Membership + DSH); Cotisation réduite (Cotisation annuelle réduite pour étudiants, doctorants, postdocs en contrat court, retraités, demandeurs d’emplois, personnes invalides ou souffrant d’un handicap et ressortissants de pays en voie de développement): € 21 (Humanistica), € 69 (Humanistica + DSH), € 21 (Joint Membership), € 79 (Joint Membership + DSH); MEMBRES INSTITUTIONNELS:Cotisation institutionnelle (Cotisation annuelle standard pour les membres institutionnels.): € 200; Cotisation de membres « bienfaiteurs » (Cotisation annuelle de soutien pour les membres « bienfaiteurs ».): € 500
DHASA Digital Humanities Association of Southern Africa ??
TADH Taiwanese Association of Digital Humanities Individual member: Anyone over 20 years old in research of or interested in digital humanities can file an application form to be an individual member after payment of membership fee. The application form shall be examined and approved by the Council. Group member: Any organization or society in agreement with the purpose of the Association can file an application form before paying a membership fee. The application form shall be examined and approved by the Council. Moreover, two delegates should be recommended and sent by the specific group member to exert rights of the member. 入會申請手續: 填寫會員入會申請書(個人會員表格、團體會員表格)。請親自簽名或蓋章後以email(掃描成PDF檔)或郵寄方式將申請書寄至臺灣數位人文學會籌備會。email:tadh.tw@gmail.com 地 址:10617臺北市大安區羅斯福路四段1號 國立臺灣大學數位人文研究中心 (圖書館B1臺大出版中心書店內). 經理事會開會通過。學會回覆正式入會通知函。繳交入會費新台幣壹仟元及當年常年會費(個人會員: 新台幣壹仟元,團體會員: 新台幣壹萬元). 完成入會手續,正式入會。
RedHD Red de Humanidades Digitales Las membresías son anuales y serán del 1 de mayo al 30 de abril de cada año. $650 pesos mexicanos (40 dólares americanos) cuota $350 pesos mexicanos (20 dólares americanos) para estudiantes, jubilados o mayores de 65 años. El mecanismo de pago es por medio del sistema PayPal.

Constitution Summary


EADH Constitution

The EADH (earlier: ALLC) Constitution was adopted 2 April 1980 and amended: 7 June 1982; 3 June 1987; 16 December 2007; 15 July 2013.


1. The Association shall be called the European Association for Digital Humanities. 2. The objects of the Association are to promote the advancement of education in the digital humanities, through the development and use of computational methods in research and teaching in the Humanities and related educational disciplines with particular reference but not limited to literary and linguistic computing. 3. In furtherance of the aforementioned objects the Association shall have power: to undertake research and to arrange for the publication of the results of such research. One venue for such publication shall be the Association's Journal LLC: The Journal of Digital Scholarship in the Humanities (hereafter `the Journal'); and to do all other lawful things necessary to advance those objects.


4. Membership shall be open to all persons, subject to the approval of the Committee, on payment of an annual subscription, which shall be determined from time to time by the Committee. The annual subscription shall be due on 1st January in each year. Personal subscribers to the Journal shall be members of the Association, if they so choose, without further subscription. 5. Any publications issued by the Association shall be available to all Members at a reduced rate. No publications purchased at a reduced rate may be re-sold. Members shall normally be entitled to concessionary rates when attending conferences, summer schools, and other gatherings sponsored by the Association. 6. The Committee may, at its discretion, confer Honorary Membership on persons who have rendered distinguished service to the Association, and other persons of distinction in the field. 7. The Association shall cause the Constitution to be published, and shall make a copy available to every Member on request.


8. The Association shall in each year hold an Annual General Meeting at such time and place as the Committee shall decide. Not less than eight weeks notice shall be given of the Annual General Meeting. 9. Other General Meetings may be called by the Committee, or by the written request of not less than twenty members. Not less than three weeks notice shall be given of other General Meetings.


10. Each Individual Member shall have one vote.

The Committee

11. The management of the Association shall be in the hands of the Committee. The Committee shall consist of nine elected members plus ex officio members. Members of the Committee shall be Members of the Association. 12. Elections to the Committee shall be conducted by postal or remote electronic vote. Vacancies on the Committee for each year shall be filled by election and the result declared at the Annual General Meeting. Any Member of the Association may be nominated for election to the Committee. Nominations must carry a statement from the nominee confirming his or her willingness to serve, and must be supported by two Members of the Association other than the nominee. Nominations shall reach the Honorary Secretary on or before the published deadline for nominations, which shall be no less than eight weeks before the Annual General Meeting. 13. Elected Members of the Committee shall normally serve for three years, with one-third of their number retiring each year; Retiring Members shall be eligible for immediate re-election for one further period of three years. Former members of the Committee may only be elected again under this process after a period of at least one year has elapsed since their last retirement or resignation from the Committee. In the event of the resignation of any elected Member of the Committee, save in the third year of his or her tenure, the resulting vacancy shall be filled through the election of one additional Member to complete the term of the resigning Member. 14. The Committee is empowered to add up to three Members to its number by co¬option in order to further the aims of the Association, including members ineligible for re-election. Co-opted Members shall be voting Members of the Committee, but shall not count towards the quorum. Co-opted membership of the Committee shall lapse after the Annual General Meeting of the year of appointment, unless renewed by the Committee for a further year. 15. The Officers and the Editor of the Journal shall be ex officio members of the Committee. Ex officio members shall be voting members of the Committee. 16. A quorum of the Committee shall consist of any two of the Officers and five elected members of the Committee. 17. The Members may remove any member of the Committee before the expiration of his/her tenure, by postal or remote electronic vote, where such vote is requested by not less than twenty members.

President and Officers

18. A President of the Association may be appointed by the Committee from time to time at its discretion, to serve as an additional, non-voting, Member of the Committee for a period of three years. A retiring President may be re-appointed for one further period of three years only. 19. The Officers of the Association shall be a Chair, an Honorary Secretary, and an Honorary Treasurer. Officers shall be Members of the Association. They shall be elected by the Committee and shall hold office for three years, but may be re-elected for one further period of three years. As far as is feasible, the Committee shall seek to ensure that only one of these officers is elected in a given year. Former office holders may only be elected again to the same office under this process after a period of at least one year has elapsed since their last retirement or resignation from that office. Tenure of one office does not affect a member's eligibility for election to another office, except that no member may hold more than one office at the same time. 20. In exceptional circumstances and where it is deemed to be in the best interests of the Association, the terms of office specified in clauses 18 and 19 may be varied by a two-thirds majority of the nine elected members of the Committee. This may be done prior to an election or during a term of office.


21. The Balance Sheet and Income and Expenditure Account of the Association, duly scrutinised in accordance with the laws governing UK charities, shall be drawn up annually and shall be published by the Association and a copy shall be made available to every Member on request.


22. The Committee may set up Subcommittees, Regional Branches and Specialist Groups at its discretion to further the objects of the Association. 23. The Committee may appoint Representatives of the Association. Representatives shall be responsible for promoting the interests of the Association in their locality, and conversely for representing the interests of Members from that locality. 24. This Constitution other than the objects, this Clause and the dissolution provisions, may be amended by a resolution passed by three-fourths majority of the Members of the Committee present and voting at a meeting called for that purpose provided that no amendment shall be made which would cause the Association to cease to be a charity in law. 25. The income and property of the Association shall be applied solely towards the promotion and objects of the Association, as set forth in this Constitution, and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividend, bonus, or otherwise by way of profits to Members of the Association.


26. If upon winding up or dissolution of the Association there remains, after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to or distributed among the Members of the Association, but shall be given or transferred to some other charitable institution or institutions having objects similar to the objects of the Association, and which shall prohibit the distribution of its income and property among its or their members to the extent at least as great as is imposed on the Association under or by virtue of Clause 24 hereof, such institution or institutions to be determined by the Members of the Association at or before the time of dissolution, and if so far as effect cannot be given to such provision, then to some charitable object.  

ACH Constitution

Constitution of the Association for Computers and the Humanities Approved December 1978; as amended November 1979, 1983, June 1987, December 1992, December 2002, December 2013, December 2014.


The name of this organization shall be The Association for Computers and the Humanities.


The purpose of the Association shall be to encourage the use of computers and related technologies in the study of humanistic subjects. The Association shall further this goal by sponsoring regular conferences on computers and the humanities, and by otherwise facilitating contacts and discussion among individuals interested in the goal of the Association. The Association for Computers and the Humanities is formed exclusively for educational, research, and advocacy purposes. It is a founding, constituent member of the international umbrella organization, the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO).


Membership shall be open, through the processes established by the Association and published on its website, to all persons interested in furthering the purpose of the Association. Classes of membership shall be established in the Bylaws.

Management of the Association

A. The Officers of the Association shall be: The Immediate Past President, whose term of office shall normally be one year, coinciding with the first year of the President’s term. The President, who shall be normally elected by the general membership originally into the position of Vice President and whose term of office shall be two years, ending at the close of the annual summer Executive Council meeting or (in the event no Executive Council meeting is held in the summer) on August 1st of his or her final year in office. Following the expiration of his or her last term, he or she shall succeed to the position of Immediate Past President. The President, as the chief executive officer of the Association, shall: Preside at the General Business Meetings of the Association and of the Executive Council; Be a member or ex-officio member of all committees of the Association (or designate the Vice President to fill that role). The Vice President/President-Elect, who shall be elected by the general membership, and whose term of office shall normally be two years, ending at the close of the annual summer Executive Council meeting or (in the event no Executive Council meeting is held in the summer) on August 1st of his or her final year in office. Following the expiration of her or his term, the Vice President shall succeed to the position of President. The Vice President shall perform those of the President’s duties as shall, from time to time, be delegated to her or him by the President. The Executive Secretariat consisting of one or more Executive Secretaries, who shall be responsible for the day-to-day administration of the Association. He, she, or they shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Executive Council. It shall be the responsibility of the Executive Secretariat to carry out policies established by the Executive Council and perform such duties as are assigned by it. The Treasurer, who shall be appointed and serve at the pleasure of the Executive Council. She or he shall: Maintain accurate and timely records of all income and expenditures of the Association; Be responsible for the safekeeping of all documents relating to the fiscal affairs of the Association; Safeguard all funds and income of the Association and keep them safely deposited in a chartered bank approved by the Executive Council; On authorization of the Executive Council, draw checks against deposited funds. For checks in excess of amounts to be determined by the Executive Council, the signature of a second officer designated by the Executive Council shall be required; Prepare, with the advice of the Executive Secretary, the annual budget for the approval of the Executive Council; Report at the annual meeting of the Executive Council, or as it shall require, on the collection and disbursements of the Association. Deliver copies of his or her financial records of ACH transactions to the Executive Secretary for archiving, at least once a year, usually at the annual general meeting. B. The Executive Council The affairs and business of the Association shall be managed and controlled, subject to the provisions of the Bylaws, by an Executive Council consisting of: The Immediate Past President, the President, and the Vice President, ex officiis; these officers shall be with vote. The Executive Secretary, the Communications Officer, and the Treasurer, ex officiis; these officers shall be with vote. Twelve Members at large shall serve terms of four years, with one quarter of their number retiring each year, at the close of the annual summer Executive Council meeting or (in the event no Executive Council meeting is held in the summer) on August 1st. Members at large shall be eligible for immediate re-election. One editor from each of any ACH-sponsored publications as ex officio member with vote. Invited liaison members from allied organizations, and others invited by the Executive Council, without vote. The Executive Council shall be the basic policy making organ of the Association. The function and duties of the Executive Council shall be: To appoint the Executive Secretary, Treasurer, and Communications Officer; To approve the budget submitted by the Treasurer and to set the dues and other financial conditions of membership; To organize and conduct events sponsored by the Association; To establish and terminate Standing Committees and Special Interest Groups; To accept reports as required from such committees as it shall appoint; To maintain liaison with other professional associations in related fields; To elect representatives to appropriate federations and councils; To establish, subject to the approval of a majority of the membership, appropriate Bylaws; To ensure the preservation of documents related to the Association’s business in a reliable archive or repository; To transact all such other business which furthers the purpose of the Association and which is not subject to the approval of the General Business Meeting of the Association.


An annual conference shall normally be held at least once every year at times and places determined in partnership with ADHO. The Association may sponsor or co-sponsor, at the discretion of the Executive Council, similar conferences.

Meetings and Voting Measures

A. Annual General Meetings An Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held in conjunction with the major annual conference sponsored under the auspices of the Association. In the event a vote is required, thirty members in good standing (attending in person, virtually, or via proxy) shall constitute a legal quorum. Other business Meetings may be ordered by the Executive Council and called by the President. At these, fifteen members (attending in person, virtually, or via proxy) shall constitute a legal quorum. Notice of the AGM will be by means of inclusion in the program for the ADHO conference. Written notice stating the place, day and hour of any other meeting, shall normally be given not less than twenty-one days before the date of the meeting (except as otherwise required by law), by or at the direction of the President or the Executive Secretary, or the persons calling the meeting, to each member entitled to vote. In the case of a special meeting, notice shall be deemed duly given to a member when it is either delivered in person, electronically mailed, or mailed, postage-prepaid, to the address of such member as it appears in the records of the ACH. The vote of a majority of the members entitled to vote that are present in person or by proxy at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be necessary and sufficient for the adoption of any matter voted upon by the members, unless a greater vote of the members is required by law or by the Executive Council. B. Executive Council Meetings A regular Meeting of the Executive Council shall be held each year, on a date and at a location determined by the Council. Additional meetings may be convened by the President on his or her own initiative or on notice signed by seven members of the Council. A quorum shall consist of any seven members of the Council in addition to any two of the officers. If a quorum of the Executive Council is present and wishes to conduct official business, but the President and the Vice President are unavailable, the Executive Secretary may preside. If the Executive Secretary is also unavailable, the Executive Council may elect a chairman pro tem to preside. At any meeting of the Executive Council, other persons may be invited, at the discretion of the Council, to participate in Council meetings without vote. Written notice stating the place, day and hour of the meeting, and, in the case of a special meeting, the purpose or purposes for which the meeting is called shall be given not less than fourteen days before the date of the meeting (except as otherwise required by law), by or at the direction of the President or the Executive Secretary, or the persons calling the meeting, to each member of the Executive Council. A notice shall be deemed duly given to a member when it is either delivered in person, electronically mailed, or mailed, postage-prepaid, to the address of such member as it appears in the records of the ACH. No public notice shall be required. C. Amendments and Petitions The Constitution or the Bylaws may be amended as follows:

The Executive Council may approve an amendment proposal by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast. Then a ballot shall be sent to the entire membership and at least 14 days allowed for return. The distribution and counting of the ballots shall be conducted as for elections. Ratification shall require a two-thirds majority of the votes cast. Any member in good standing may create and, with the obligatory assistance of the officers of the organization, distribute a petition, if seconded by at least five members in good standing, to fellow members. These petitions may propose and call for a vote to ratify changes to the ACH Constitution or Bylaws, or initiate a vote of no confidence in leadership and a special elections process.


Upon dissolution of the Association, a matter which requires assent of three-quarters of the membership, the Executive Council shall, after paying or making provisions for payment of all the liabilities of the Association, dispose of all the assets of the Association exclusively for the purpose of the Association in such manner, or to such organization or organizations organized and operated exclusively for educational purposes or shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under section 501 (c) (3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue law), as the Executive Council shall determine. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the Court of Common Pleas of the country in which the principal office of the Association is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.

Bylaws of the Association for Computers and the Humanities

Approved August 1979, Amended 1983, 1987, 1992, 2002, 2013

I. Membership and Dues A. The Membership of the Association shall consist of: Members. Any person may become a Member of the Association on the terms established by the Association and published on its website and in the categories of membership provided. Honorary Members. Honorary Membership may be conferred on any person, for life, upon the recommendation of the Executive Council. Such Honorary Members shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of a regular member in the Association. B. Privileges of Membership Each Member in good standing in the Association shall receive, as part of the privileges of membership, a subscription to any publications of the Association, unless his or her chosen membership option states otherwise. All classes of membership, except as otherwise specified, shall be entitled to reduced prices on such publications as the Association may arrange, to reduced registration fees at the annual meeting, and to other benefits as may be negotiated or provided by the Executive Council. C. Payment of Dues The annual dues for members shall be payable in accordance with the terms laid out on the Association’s website. Honorary Members shall not be required to pay annual dues. D. Removal and Resignation of Members The privileges of the Association shall be withdrawn from any member whose annual dues are six months overdue. Any member may withdraw from the Association by notifying the Executive Secretary. No refund of dues will be made. II. Elections At each annual meeting of the Executive Council it shall appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of an Executive Officer and four other members, who shall be current members of the ACH but need not be members of the Executive Council. Each year nominations will be made for Executive Council vacancies; every other year nominations will be made for President and Vice President/President-Elect (unless otherwise needed by a vacancy). At some time before 1 February the Nominating Committee shall transmit to the Executive Secretariat nominations of at least double the number of positions that shall become vacant on the Executive Council and/or for the Executive Officers at the next election, based on an email or Web nomination process managed by the Nominating Committee. This process should allow for self-nomination as well as nomination by another member of the Association, and should gather pertinent information about the candidate’s interests and background for inclusion on the ballot. The Nominating Committee shall ensure diversity in the candidate pool, and that all nominated candidates who willing to serve are included on the ballot. The Nominating Committee shall further ensure that all candidates on the ballot are ACH members in good standing or are willing to become such prior to the distribution of the election ballot. After receiving the list of nominations from the Nominating Committee, the Executive Secretariat shall distribute to each voting member a ballot listing all persons nominated to run in the election. Ballots may be distributed and collected electronically (by fax, email, Web, or other means) provided there is a mechanism for preserving the secrecy of the ballot while still ensuring that each member casts only one vote. The ballot must indicate the number of seats that are to be filled ( and therefore the maximum number of persons for whom members may vote). The ballot must also include the address to which it must be returned (unless it is to be submitted interactively, for example through a Web form), and the date by which it must be received in order to be counted. All ballots received by the specified deadline shall be opened and tallied by the Executive Secretariat, and certified by the President and Vice President/President-Elect. The results will be transmitted to the Executive Council, Officers, and all candidates for office; any of those people may request a formal recount before the next Executive Council meeting. Results of the election will be announced to the Members on or about 15 March. The Executive Secretariat will keep the records of voting, including physical or electronic ballots until the completion of the first meeting of the Executive Council after the election. III. Vacancies In the event of the resignation of any elected member of the Executive Council, save in the last year of his or her term, the resulting vacancy shall be filled by electing one additional member at the normal annual election for the Executive Council. The member who receives the fewest votes of those elected on that occasion shall serve only during the residual term of the resigned member. This procedure shall also be adopted, mutatis mutandis, in the case of multiple vacancies. If the position of Immediate Past President becomes vacant for any reason, it shall not be filled until the President can assume this position. If the position of President becomes vacant, the Vice President shall assume the office and responsibilities of the President. Following the expiration of the original term, the new President shall stay on for another full term as originally intended. If the position of Vice President becomes vacant, an interim Vice President shall be elected by the Executive Council from among its ranks. At the next election cycle, a new Vice President shall be elected. The President and Vice President are charged with organizing the process to appoint or re-appoint other officers of the organization (with final approval by the Executive Council). Any officer in the organization who does not remain a member in good standing may be removed by vote of the Executive Council. IV. Standing Committees The Executive Council shall establish standing committees, appoint their members and chairpersons by vote, and accept their reports. The membership of these standing committees will be composed of Executive Council members and/or ACH members in good standing. Standing committees will be expected to submit regular reports at intervals established by the Executive Council. These committees shall include:

A Committee on Advocacy and Outreach, normally chaired by the ACH Vice President. A Nominating Committee, as described in section IIA of the Bylaws, above. V. Special Interest Groups Members shall be encouraged to form Special Interest Groups. With the approval of the Executive Council, they may hold sessions during the annual meeting, distribute newsletters, apply for occasional funding support through established mechanisms, and in other ways further their particular concerns within the general framework of the Association.

VI. Council Representatives from Related Professional Associations The Council may approve having an official liaison to any related learned society or professional association. ACH and the related association would agree upon a person named to be the liaison who would be a member of both organizations to serve as long as both organizations deem it appropriate. The role of the liaison is to encourage a broad exchange of information and to promote exchange sessions and panels at regular meetings of the related association.

VII. Affiliated Chapters The Association encourages the formation of regional or thematic chapters, and is willing to negotiate cooperative agreements and mutually beneficial dues structures. A potential ACH chapter may apply to the Executive Council for start-up costs, and may also apply for more formal ties, to be specified in mutually-agreeable terms. In either case, the ACH chapter will determine its own governance structure and budget. The Council may dissolve its sponsorship for such an organization at any time, so long as it gives six months’ notice in writing to the leadership of that organization.

VIII. Fiscal Year The fiscal year of the Association shall be the calendar year.

IX. Rules of Order In all matters not determined by the Constitution or the Bylaws, the proceedings for the Association shall be governed by the latest edition of Roberts’ Rules of Order.   3. CSDH Constitution

Article 1: Society Name and Mandate 1. The name of the society is the Canadian Society for Digital Humanities / Société canadienne des humanités numériques (CSDH/SCHN), and is affiliated with the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences as organisation 255.

2. The purpose of the society is to draw together humanists throughout the university and college system who are engaged in digital and computer-assisted research, teaching, and creation.

3. The society fosters work in the digital humanities in Canada’s two official languages, and champions interaction between Canada’s anglophone and francophone communities, in all areas reflected by its diverse membership: providing opportunities for publication, presentation, and collaboration; supporting a number of educational venues and international initiatives; acting as an advisory and lobbying force to local, national, and international research and research-funding bodies; working with allied organisations; and beyond.

4. The work of the society is carried out without purpose of gain for any of its members; any revenue which comes to the society is used to promote its objectives.

Article 2: The Executive Committee of the Society 1. The Executive Committee (the Executive) manages the affairs and business of the society and is comprised of the officers of Executive. These officers are: the President; the Vice-President (French); the Vice-President (English); the Secretary; the Treasurer; and the non-voting Past-President (if any). To carry out the business of the society, the Executive may establish standing committees and, with consensus, appoint further delegates and officers.

1.1 Terms and Conditions of Appointment: Members of the Executive serve three-year terms and are elected by society members by majority vote from among a slate of members-in-good-standing of the society proposed by the Renewal Committee at the society’s Annual General Meeting (AGM). The Past-President serves ex-officio for a single year immediately following the elected term of office. If any member of the Executive is unable to fulfil the terms and conditions of appointment, the Executive may elect that member’s replacement. Conditions of appointment to the Executive include:

attendance at the annual conference, the AGM, plus related meetings; participation in electronic correspondence of the Executive; the fulfillment of other duties and responsibilities of each individual position, as outlined below. Note: To insure continuity within the Executive, the renewal of individual positions will be staggered, following historical precedent and its state at the inception of this Article. (The first Executive served from 1986 to 1989, with the exception of the Secretary and Treasurer, who served until 1990.)

1.2 The Condition of Membership in All Operations of the Society: All those comprising the Executive, and those invited to assume duties associated with the responsibilities of those comprising the Executive (for committees, for work delegated by its officers, and beyond), must be and must remain on record as members-in-good-standing of the society.

2. Responsibilities and Operation : As a body, the Executive is responsible for managing the affairs and business of the society. It

acts as the basic policy making organ for the society, charged with proposing and implementing policies that forward the society’s mission and mandate. establishes and defines the mandate and duration of standing committees, and ensures involvement in those committees that reflects its constituency and its concerns. maintains liaison with professional associations in related fields. It is also permitted to enter the society into formal association with other bodies. sets or alters the rates of annual fees and, in consultation with annual conference organisers, the conference fees. determines the timing of its meetings, and operates only with a quorum of four or more (which may include proxy participation), and approves items with majority vote. It may handle its responsibilities via electronic means or physical assembly, each recorded as part of the minutes at the AGM by the Secretary. presents a full report to society members, officer by officer, on its activities and its fulfillment of Executive functions, at the AGM. accepts, at the AGM, reports from all committees it appoints. seeks input from its advisory group of Past Presidents and Directors of the society. 3. The President is primarily responsible for strategic planning and overall policy issues for the society, and will advance the society’s mandate to foster digital humanities research in Canada’s two official languages and to champion interaction between Canada’s anglophone and francophone research communities, supported by a Vice-President (English) and a Vice-President (French).

3.1. The President will represent the Executive publicly, supported by one of the Vice-Presidents for communications in an official language as necessary.

3.2. The President is responsible for delegating, or taking on, the organization and execution of the society’s annual conference, with the support of the Vice-Presidents, including the selection and supervision of the role of Conference Organizer.

3.3. The President will be responsible for external relations with professional associations in related fields, serving as the society’s liaison member at Executive Council meetings of associations with which the society has a formal affiliation. The President will serve as liaison to national and international associations, except where functioning in an official language makes preferable the delegation of the liaison role to a Vice-President.

3.4. The President will be responsible for organizing or delegating responsibility for organising society-sponsored paper sessions and streams at the meetings of affiliated organizations such as the Association for Computers and the Humanities (ACH), L’Association des professeurs de français des universités et collèges canadiens (APFUCC), the Modern Language Association (MLA), and others.

3.5. In all the above, the President is responsible to the Executive for coordinating agreement in the direction of internal operations and external relations, in accordance with the society’s mandate.

4. The Vice-Presidents are primarily responsible for operational issues of the society. In that capacity, they:

preside, under the President, at meetings held by the Executive Council. preside, under the President, over the AGM of the society, and ensures that all orders and resolutions of the Executive and membership are carried into effect. conduct, with the direction of the President, the general and active affairs of the society, overseeing its affairs and continuing operations. formulate, with the President, policies and projects for presentation to the Executive and society membership to fulfill the society’s obligations and purposes. oversee the work of the society’s committees, as outlined in Article 4.4, below, including the chairing of the Awards Committee. 5. The Vice-Presidents are responsible for dividing, in consultation with the President, the above responsibilities and assisting the President in the performance of their duties. Specifically, it works well if one Vice President focuses on internal operations, while the other has a mandate for society outreach and integration, working in conjunction with priorities and direction set by the President. In the absence of one Vice-President, the other Vice-President will perform the duties and exercise the powers of the absent Vice-President.

6. The Secretary is responsible for duties related to the maintenance of the membership, the history, and the general correspondence of the society. He or she:

ensures that a functional membership mechanism exists for the society. This includes processes relating to the collection of membership dues and benefits, membership recruitment, reminders of membership renewal, and the ongoing maintenance of an accurate list of members-in-good-standing of the society and of past members. is responsible for assisting the President in setting the agenda for, and taking minutes (including recording the results of voting) at, the society’s AGM and meetings of the Executive. is responsible for tracking consultations of the Executive carried out via electronic means, and for making a record of that activity available after those discussions and, in gathered form, in advance of the AGM for the minutes of that meeting. chairs the Website Committee, and is responsible for ensuring an ongoing home for the society website. chairs the Newsletter Committee. is the society’s archivist, responsible for maintaining a record of the society’s scholarly, organizational and financial activities. These are kept in a private area of the society’s website, available solely to members of the Executive via a confidential password. 7. The Treasurer is responsible for maintaining accurate and timely records of all income and expenditures for the society. She or he:

is responsible for the safekeeping of all documents relating to the fiscal affairs of the society. reserves all dues and subscriptions of the society and keeps the funds of the society safely deposited in a chartered bank approved by the Executive. on authorization of the Executive, draws cheques against deposited funds. prepares the annual budget for the approval of the Executive. reports at the AGM on the collection and disbursements of the society. delivers copies of his or her financial records of society transactions to the Secretary for archiving, at least once a year, at the AGM. Article 3: The Board of Directors 1. The Board of Directors acts as an advisory group to the Executive of the society, and is comprised of esteemed members representative of the community served by the society. The Executive issues invitations to Directors, and defines the nature of that body’s consultative role. To carry out the business of the society, the Executive may establish standing committees and, with consensus, appoint further delegates and officers.

Article 4: Committees 1. To carry out the business of the society, the Executive may establish standing committees and, with consensus, appoint further delegates and officers. The Executive establishes and defines the mandate and duration of standing committees, and ensures involvement in those committees that reflects its constituency and its concerns.

2. As per section 2.1.2, all those invited to assume duties associated with the responsibilities of those comprising the Executive (for committees, for work delegated by its officers, and beyond), must be and must remain on record as members-in-good-standing of the society.

3. One Vice-President, at minimum, will serve as member (at least ex-officio) of each committee.

4. The society’s committees include, but are not limited to, the following:

Annual Conference Programme Committee: chaired by the President or delegate, the Conference Organiser; responsible for organising the programme and making local arrangements for the annual conference; set at the AGM of the previous year’s conference; Outreach Committee: chaired by a Vice President; dedicated to outreach, operating with direction provided by the President and the Executive. Website Committee: chaired by the Secretary; responsible for the content and maintenance of the society’s website, ensuring that information is accurate and routinely updated for the benefit of the general membership, and archival backups of the website kept (according to the Secretary’s home institution’s data-archiving practices) for recovery purposes; also responsible for technical infrastructure matters as they relate to the work of the society; Newsletter Committee: chaired by the Secretary; responsible for the editing and regular dissemination, via the website and e-mail, of the society’s newsletter; or is responsible for that duty’s delegation to a responsible deputy; Publication Committee: responsible for coordinating the publishing efforts of the society, operating with direction provided by the President and the Executive. Renewal Committee: responsible for establishing a list of candidates for activities associated with Executive Renewal. Award Committee: responsible for administering the several societal awards according to the terms and the rotation outlined in the awards documentation. The award committee is comprised of 3 members of the society, appointed by the executive for three-year terms in rotation with the possibility of renewal plus one Vice-President (as chair), and the society President. 

centerNet Constitution

Could not find.  

aaDH Constitution

See attached.

Aims: The broad aims of the association are as follows:

1. Raising profile To raise profile of those working in the field, promoting Australasian work internationally, but also increasing awareness of Digital Humanities work within national contexts. Facilitate shared awareness around common issues. Showcase exemplary and innovative Australasian projects and initiatives. 2. Policy advocacy, lobbying and influence Provide advice and recommendations to government agencies and institutions. Advocate for the recognition of research output in digital forms. To promote the national benefit of Digital Humanities work as a national priority area. 3. Enlarge the field, collaborate Connect with other disciplines and knowledge, e.g. social sciences, geography, indigenous studies. Promote cross-disciplinary alliances. Identify funding sources; seek collaborative funding for research efficiencies. 4. Provide career development and professional advice Support individuals in developing career paths, building skills, contacts, and facility for transitioning between sectors. 5. Act as a ‘methodological commons’ Provide a portal/gateway for the sharing of best practice in digital technologies across a range of fields in the humanities, arts and social sciences. Provide guidance and development of standards. Promote best practice in the application of Digital Humanities research and teaching.  

JADH Constitution

Could not find.


The field of humanities is undergoing a radical transformation in its encounter with rapid developments in the digital domain. In response to this situation, various efforts have been undertaken based on collaboration between the humanities and the information technologies in Japan and foreign countries. Recently, various related activities have been carried out under the rubric of Digital Humanities in Europe and North America. Progress in this area in Japan however, has been hindered in a couple of ways. For example, there have been limits to the extent of the collaboration between Japanese digital humanities specialists and their counterparts in the West brought about by the basic difficulties with the digitization of the characters and texts that compose Japanese resources. In general, the results of digitization efforts in Japan in the humanities disciplines have not been commensurate with the huge effort and expense made heretofore. To begin to resolve such issues, we intend to establish the Japanese Association for Digital Humanities (JADH), which aims to form an environment where international collaborative works are more fully realized. (13 Sep 2011)  

Humanistica Constitution

Could not find. 

DHASA Constitution

Constitution of the Digital Humanities Association of Southern Africa (DHASA) (Download pdf version of constitution here)


The name of the Association shall be the Digital Humanities Association of Southern Africa, abbreviated as DHASA.


The aims of the Association shall be

a) To foreground the national and international benefits of developing Digital Humanities scholarship as a priority in the humanities and social sciences.

b) To promote the understanding and practice of digital approaches to humanities scholarship across the southern African region.

c) To hold an annual conference or workshop extending practical awareness of digitally-based scholarship in the humanities, arts and social sciences.

d) To work towards a ‘methodological commons’ for the digital humanities in the southern African region, providing guidance in the development of standards and expertise to promote best practice in DH teaching and research.

e) To extend awareness of DH research possibilities into new fields, such as indigenous knowledge systems (IKS), fine arts, performance studies, and sociology of science, for example.

f) To provide advocacy for the scholarly recognition of unfamiliar DH research outputs in national systems of innovation and research funding.

g) To showcase exemplary southern African innovations in the DH field.

h) To identify funding sources for scholarship and training in DH work.


a) The Association shall be open to all people who subscribe to its aims and who pay the prescribed membership fees.

b) The Association reserves the right to withhold membership from an individual or organisation when in its judgment such membership is prejudicial to the Association’s aims.

c) The Association may grant honorary membership to such people as it sees fit.

d) The Association may, from time to time, appoint as Patrons eminent persons who subscribe to the aims of the Association.

e) Patrons and honorary members need not pay the prescribed membership fees.

f) Corporate membership shall be open to cognate organisations, including Digital Humanities entities, language and language-processing groups, literary and cultural organisations, and discipline-related formations in the historical, social, philosophical, fine art and performance fields, both within southern Africa and abroad, who subscribe to the aims of the Association.


a) The Executive Committee shall comprise a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and an additional member. The Executive Committee shall have the right to co-opt further members for their specialised knowledge, or to replace members no longer able to serve. All members of the Executive Committee must be members of the Association.

b) The Executive Committee shall manage the day-to-day business of the Association, including its financial affairs, according to the Constitution.

c) The Executive Committee’s interpretation of the Constitution and rules of the Association shall be binding on all members.

d) The President shall be the public representative of the Executive Committee and the Association and he or she shall chair the Executive Committee.

e) The President and Vice-President shall jointly assume responsibility for organising, or seeing to the organisation of, DHASA’s annual conference or workshop. The Association’s AGM shall be held as part of this event.

f) The Treasurer shall transact the financial business of the Association, keep proper financial records, and ensure that these are professionally audited, annually. Accounts shall be available for inspection at the AGM, and thereafter shall be supplied electronically to members upon request.

g) The Secretary shall maintain Minute Books recording business conducted at meetings of the Executive Committee and the AGM. He or she shall assist the President and Vice-President with membership and other Association correspondence. Minute books shall be available for inspection at the AGM.

h) A minimum of four members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum, regardless of whether attendance at the meeting is actual or virtual.

i) The Executive shall meet at least twice a year, and all meetings shall be minuted.

j) Members of the Executive shall normally serve for three years, and may be re-elected. To ensure rotation in office, after the first election two members of the committee shall retire after two years, and no member may serve more than two terms without a break.

k) Where secretarial, financial, audit and other support services are provided by a University or other organisation, these shall have no decision-making standing within the Association.


In addition to carrying out the fiduciary responsibilities outlined in Article 4 above, the Executive Committee shall be:

a) Responsible for forwarding the aims of the Association (see Article 2 above).

b) Propose subscription and conference fees for the forthcoming year to the AGM, including corporate membership fees.

c) Set the time and dates of the annual conference or workshop, in consultation with the conference organisers.

d) Present a full report to the Association’s members at the AGM.

e) Provide members of the Association with a free annual electronic newsletter.

f) Ensure that the Association’s website is maintained and regularly updated.

g) Develop and maintain liaison and consultation with other DH entities, nationally and internationally. The Executive Committee may enter into formal relations with other such organisations where appropriate.

h) Appoint regional representatives and working groups, as required, reporting to the Executive Committee.

i) Work at developing the penetration of DH thought and practice throughout the southern African region.

j) Explore the academic and financial viability of the Association establishing its own scholarly publication.


a) The income and property of the Association shall be applied solely towards the aims of the Association, as set out in the Constitution, and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred, directly or indirectly, by way of dividend, bonus, or otherwise by way of profits to members of the Association.

b) No member of the Association shall be liable for the acts, receipts, neglects, omissions or defaults of any member of the Association, in pursuit of the activities of the Association.

c) This Constitution, other than the Aims, this Clause, and the dissolution provision below, may be amended by a resolution passed by a three-fourths majority of those present at a members’ meeting called for the purpose, with a quorum of at least twenty members present.

d) Dissolution: If for any reason the Association ceases to exist, its assets, if any, shall be distributed to an educational institution in the southern African region, at the discretion of the Executive Committee. 

TADH Charter

See attached.

RedDH Constitution (Reglamento)

See attached.