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(PhD Coursework)
(2019 Fall Semester)
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*Classic Translation Research 고문서번역연구 (Research Course)
*Classic Translation Research 고문서번역연구 (Research Course)
**[http://www.aks.ac.kr/lab/contentsInfo.do?menu_no=296&brd_mgrno=162 KANG Haewon, LEE Goeun, Lyndsey TWINING, and SHIN Jeongsoo. 2017. "Materials on Korean Studies: An Annotated Translation of Daily Records of King Yeonsangun, Chapter One (the 25th Day to the 29th Day of the 12th Month of 1494)". ''The Review of Korean Studies'' 20.1:173-218.]
**[http://www.aks.ac.kr/lab/contentsInfo.do?menu_no=296&brd_mgrno=162 KANG Haewon, LEE Goeun, Lyndsey TWINING, and SHIN Jeongsoo. 2017. "Materials on Korean Studies: An Annotated Translation of Daily Records of King Yeonsangun, Chapter One (the 25th Day to the 29th Day of the 12th Month of 1494)". ''The Review of Korean Studies'' 20.1:173-218.]
====2017 Spring Semester====
* N/A (논문 작성)
===PhD Coursework===
===PhD Coursework===
====2017 Fall Semester====
====2017 Fall Semester====
*[[지리연구와 콘텐츠 : 도시|Geography and Content: City 지리연구와 콘텐츠 : 도시]]
*[[지리연구와 콘텐츠 - 도시|Geography and Content: City 지리연구와 콘텐츠 - 도시]]
*Goryeo Period Society and Culture 고려시대사회와문화
*[[Goryeo Society and Culture|Goryeo Society and Culture 고려시대사회와문화]] (English)
*Digital Archive and Knowledge Network 디지털아카이브와지식네트워크
*Digital Archive and Knowledge Network 디지털아카이브와지식네트워크
====2018 Spring Semester====
====2018 Spring Semester====
*[[Comparative Study on Women and Cultures]] (English)
*[http://dh.aks.ac.kr/~classics/wiki/index.php/%EB%94%94%EC%A7%80%ED%84%B8_%EC%8B%9C%EB%8C%80%EC%9D%98_%EA%B3%A0%EC%A0%84_%EB%B2%88%EC%97%AD_I Translation of Classics in the Digital Environment I 디지털 시대의 고전 번역 I ] (English)
*[http://dh.aks.ac.kr/Edu/wiki/index.php/%EC%8B%9C%EB%A7%A8%ED%8B%B1_%EC%9B%B9%EA%B3%BC_%ED%95%9C%EA%B5%AD%ED%95%99_%EC%9E%90%EB%A3%8C_2018 Semantic Web and Korean Studies Materials 시맨틱 웹과 한국학 자료]
====2018 Fall Semester====
*[http://dh.aks.ac.kr/Edu/wiki/index.php/%EC%8B%9C%EA%B0%81%EC%A0%81_%EC%9D%B8%EB%AC%B8%ED%95%99 Visual Humanities 시각적 인문학]
*[http://dh.aks.ac.kr/~classics/wiki/index.php/%EB%94%94%EC%A7%80%ED%84%B8_%EC%8B%9C%EB%8C%80%EC%9D%98_%EA%B3%A0%EC%A0%84_%EB%B2%88%EC%97%AD_II Translation of Classics in the Digital Environment II 디지털 시대의 고전 번역 II] (English)
* 한국문화의맥락적이해 I (English)
====2019 Spring Semester====
*[http://dh.aks.ac.kr/Edu/wiki/index.php/%EC%99%B8%EA%B5%AD%EC%96%B4_%EB%94%94%EC%A7%80%ED%84%B8_%EC%BD%98%ED%85%90%EC%B8%A0_%ED%8E%B8%EC%B0%AC_%EB%B0%A9%EB%B2%95%EB%A1%A0 외국어 디지털 콘텐츠 편찬 방법론]
*[http://dh.aks.ac.kr/Edu/wiki/index.php/%EC%A0%95%EB%B3%B4%ED%99%94%EB%A5%BC_%EC%9C%84%ED%95%9C_%ED%95%9C%EA%B5%AD%ED%95%99_%EC%9E%90%EB%A3%8C_%ED%8A%B9%EA%B0%95_II 정보화를 위한 한국학 자료 특강 II]
====2019 Fall Semester====
* 논문제출자격시험
**외국어디지털 콘텐츠(합격)
* [http://dh.aks.ac.kr/Edu/wiki/index.php/%EB%AC%B8%ED%99%94%EC%9C%A0%EC%82%B0_%EB%94%94%EC%A7%80%ED%84%B8_%EC%BD%98%ED%85%90%EC%B8%A0_%EA%B0%9C%EB%B0%9C_2019 문화유산 디지털 콘텐츠 개발]
====2020 Spring Semester====

Latest revision as of 16:38, 24 October 2019

Master's Coursework

2015 Fall Semester

  • Intro to Academic Writing in Korean 학술적 글 쓰기 입문
  • Introduction to Korean Geography 한국 지리 입문
  • Cultural Informatics Database 인문정보데이터베이스
  • Ubiquitous and Augmented Reality 유비쿼터스와 증가현실

2016 Winter Break

  • Korean Vocabulary & Grammar 한국어 어휘-문법
  • Advanced Academic Writing in Korean 학술적 글 쓰기 심화

2016 Spring Semester

  • Korean History and Culture 한국의역사와문화
  • Electronic Document and Hypertext 전자문서와하이퍼텍스트
  • Korean Culture and Cultural Contents 한국문화와문화콘텐츠
  • Understanding of Korean Traditional Music 한국전통음악의이해 (English)

2016 Fall Semester

2017 Spring Semester

  • N/A (논문 작성)

PhD Coursework

2017 Fall Semester

2018 Spring Semester

2018 Fall Semester

2019 Spring Semester

2019 Fall Semester

2020 Spring Semester