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The Association for Heritage Interpretation. http://www.ahi.org.uk/www/about/what_is_interpretation/
The Association for Heritage Interpretation. http://www.ahi.org.uk/www/about/what_is_interpretation/
[[Category:Masters Thesis]]

Revision as of 21:48, 31 July 2017


Beck, Larry and Ted T. Cable. 2011. The Gifts of Interpretation: Fifteen Guiding Principles for Interpreting Nature and Culture [3rd Ed.]. Urbana, IL: Sagamore Publishers.

Cameron, Fiona and Sarah Kenderdine, Ed. 2007. Theorizing Digital Cultural Heritage: A Critical Discourse. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.

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Chowdhury, Sudatta. 2015. “Cultural heritage information: users and usability.” In Cultural Heritage Information: Access and Management, edited by Ian Ruthven and G.G. Chowdhury. Chicago: ALA Neal-Schuman.

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Kim, Heesoon, Myeong-Hee Lee, Hyun-Sook Song, and Heesun Chung. 2013. “Developing Digital Contents through Ontology-based Corpus Generation of Cultural Heritage Information: The Case of Religious Architecture Located in the former Hanseongbu” [in Korean]. Hanguk dosijiri hakoeji 16(1): 57-70.

Kim, Hyeon. 2013. “National Hangeul Museum Digital Archive Design Basic Framework” [In Korean]. The National Hangeul Museum.

Lee, Ryeo-Jung and Byung-Yong Kim. 2014. “A Study on the Relationship between the Motivation of Visit, Satisfaction, and Re-visiting Intentions of Korean & Chinese Visitors to Gyeongbokgung” [in Korean]. Hotel gyeongyeonghak yeongu 23(6): 95-111.

Lee, Youn-Yong, Eun-Bi Kang, Jae-Na Lee, and Yong Kim. 2014. A Study on Development of the Metadata Schema for Traditional Architecture Based on FRBR [in Korean]. Hanguk bibeullia hakoeji 25(3): 29-57.

Silberman, Neil. 2006. “The ICOMOS–Ename Charter Initiative: Rethinking the Role of Heritage Interpretation in the 21st Century.” In The George Wright Forum 23(1): 28-33.


Kang, Hae-won. 2016. “A Look at English-language Cultural Heritage Interpretive Texts in the Digital Age: Analyzing English Terms and Designing a Terminology Database Utilizing State-designated and Registered Cultural Heritages of Korea” [in Korean]. Master's thesis, Graduate School of Korean Studies Academy of Korean Studies.

Kim, Sa Hyun. 2016. “A Study of an Information Model for Cultural Heritage Guidance “ [in Korean]. Master's thesis, Graduate School of Korean Studies Academy of Korean Studies.

Kim, Young-Mi. 2015 “A Study of the Structural Relationship on the Influence of Cultural Heritage Site Tour Motivations on Experience, Satisfaction, and Revisiting Intentions: Using 4 Ancient Palaces as an Example” [In Korean]. PhD, Diss., Graduate School of Kyunghee University.

Lim, Hee Ju. 2008. “Development of Ontology Design and the Retrieval System for Important Intangible Cultural Heritage” [in Korean]. Master's thesis, Hansung University.

Park, Jung-Hyun. 2011. “Translations Shifts of Cultural Assets Guide Text in Relations to Its Informativity” [in Korean]. Master's thesis, Pusan National University.

Saeji, CedarBough. 2012. “Transmission and Performance: Memory, Heritage, and Authenticity in Korean Mask Dance Dramas.” PhD, Diss., UCLA.

Seo, So Ri. 2014. “A Study on Cultural Heritage Data Model - Focusing on Implementation of the Buddhist Pagoda Knowledge Network” [in Korean]. Master's thesis, Graduate School of Korean Studies Academy of Korean Studies.

Shalaginova, Iryna. 2012. “Understanding Heritage: A Constructivist Approach to Heritage Interpretation as a Mechanism for Understanding Heritage Sites.” PhD Diss., Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus.

Son, Hyun-Soo. 2015. “A Study on the Influence of Cultural Tourism Commentator’s Commentary on the Emotional Response, Satisfaction, and Behavior Intention of Tourists” [In Korean]. Master's thesis, Graduate School of Daegu University.

Stiller, Juliane. 2014. “From Curation to Collaboration: A Framework for Interactions in Cultural Heritage Information Systems.” PhD Diss., Humbolt-Universitat zu Berlin.


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