
이동: 둘러보기, 검색

양기탁 재판

(1)1차 공판 Hearing : 19080831 / Seoul Local Court

Judge Yokota assisted by Judge Fukazawa and Judge Yu Tungchak Prosecution was conducted by Procurator Ito Barrister Yi Yongsang (ex-judge) as counsel for the defendant. Mr. Fukaye acted as interpreter. Mr. Holmes of the British Consulate-General 일반 청중 언론석 Mr. Bolljahn of the Associated Press Mr. Marnham of the Korea Daily News 대한매일신보 Sokchung Tong, South Ward, Seoul

(2)2차공판 Hearing 19080902 배설 등 증인 채택 결정 만함과 barrister 자격이 있는 옥동규가 피고인의 변호를 맡도록 허용. (3) 양기탁 심문 proceedings against yang 19090903 (4) 4차 공판 18090929 무죄

1908. 9. 15 (Bethell 증언) / 9. 19 (Martin증언) 용어확인요 검사(원) verification 당상역관(堂上譯官)외국으로 가는 사신 중 당상의 품계를 받은 역관.


19080903 solitary barrister Yi Yongsang counsel Mr. Marnham, Mr. Ok Tongkeu Mr. Yi Pyo court interpreter: Mr. Fukaye Mr. Bethell 이 대한매일신보의 proprietor 사무원 business clerk

1907.3.31자 대한매일신보 특별공지

의연금은 매일 the subscriptions received would daily be deposited in the banking department of the Collbran-Bostwick Development Company 국채보상지원금총합소 the Central National Debt Redemption Society President Yun Woongsol Vice President Kim Chonghan Financial Supervisors Pak Yongkiu and another Auditors Yi Kangho and Yi Myon-oo Accoundants : the accused and Chung Chiyung 양기탁은 Auditor 이기도 함. 총합소의 회계는 Tsai 담당. 신문사 회계는 Lin.

처음에는 총합소 직원들 clerks 무급, 나중에 월급 100원씩 받기로 함. have no idea as to its ultimate disposal. 궁극적 처리 방안 for the avowed object of redeeming the national debt of Korea. In the Third Month of the Eleventh Year of Kwang-mu (1907) inviting, soliciting, subscriptions to the above fund.

Bethell's trial record

procurator: 피고를 위한 번호인 (법정에서) Yun president of the Central Society (총합소) -- Bethell 은 Headquarters 로 부름. Pak controller of account

Maruyama : Chief of the Metropolitan Police

신문사 proprietor 에게 모금장부 제출 요청하겠다 장부 subscription entry book + bank deposit book + chque book

          receipt books
         deposit book issued by the Collbran-Bostwick Company

배설 1904. 4 경 서울에 와서 통역필요. Mr. Muhlensteth 가 양기탁을 소개함. 1904. 7-8월에 대한매일신보 시작. 양기탁 고용. 번역과 경영 업무 재판장 " a movement started to collect money for the redemption of the national debt to Japan" "collecting public contributions for the purpose of paying the national debt" "the paper had at first refused to receive subscriptions, but that it had afterward joined the movement.": 1) Money was deposited with the banking department of the Collbran-Bostwick Co. subscriptions received 2) Holme,Ringer and Col, of Chemulpo agents for the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation

silver things contributed resident Miura resident Shinobu disposal of the fund at the Central Society

Holme,Ringer and Col, of Chemulpo agents for the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation

bethell's trial record procurator: 피고를 위한 번호인 (법정에서)

M. Martin a French citizen 콜브란(高佛安)·보스트윅(寶時旭)개발회사 Collbran-Bostwick Development Company

Callbran-Bostwick Bank

仁川 주재 香港上海銀行 대리점 Chemulpo Agency of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Cororation

Subscription Entry Book - 의연자명부 Receipt Book (Bank) Deposit Book Cheque Book

Counsel Mr. Yi Yongsang Seoul Local Court Judge Yokota assisted by Judge Fukazawa & Judge Yu Tungchak Procurator Ito Barrister Yi Yongsang, ex-judge

Mr. Fukaye acted as interpeter. Mr. Holmes of teh British Consulate - General Mr. Bolljahn of the Associated Press Mr. Marnham of the Korea Daily News

The accused Yang Kitaik E.T.Bethell, English ex-Proprietor of teh Tai Han Mai il Sinpo Maruyama Chief of teh Metropolitan Police Resident Miura olme, Ringer & Co. Preliminary examination 재판당시 화폐는 yen 으로 씀. subscriptions came in cash or by postal order. 의연자 명단은 신문에 공지 subscriptions were advertized regularly.

entrusted with the subscriptions which were being raised by other people for the very same purpose.

기성회: 당시 수많은 모금단체 중 또 하나의 Association