
수업자료 1-3 LocalSetting 추가

KHS DH wiki

# End of automatically generated settings.
# Add more configuration options below.

 이 아래에 밑의 내용을 복사·붙여넣기 한다.

# File extensions to upload
$wgEnableUploads = true;
$wgFileExtensions = array('png', 'gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'pdf', 'xlsx', 'xls', 'hwp', 'zip', 'ppt', 'odt', 'tif', 'ogg', 'swf');
# added by 이름 on 2022.09.21.

# Enabling HTML code
$wgRawHtml = true; 
# added by 이름 on 2022.09.21.

# Setting to open external links in a new window / tab.
$wgExternalLinkTarget = '_blank';
# added by 이름 on 2022.09.21.

# If there is an error, the detailed error code is displayed.
$wgShowExceptionDetails = true;
# added by 이름 on 2021.09.21.