
"심통원 선생 묘 및 신도비"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
30번째 줄: 30번째 줄:
'''Tomb and Stele of Sim Tong-won'''
This is the tomb of Sim Tong-won (1499-1572), a civil official of the Joseon period, and his wife, Lady Yi.
Sim Tong-won was the 4th generation descendant of Sim On (1375-1418), the father-in-law of King Sejong. He was known to be a genius in his youth, and placed first in the state examination in 1537. After serving various official posts, he promoted to the Second State Councilor. While enjoying the power as a royal relative, Sim was accused of abusing power and demoted to the lower position. He was also impeached by Yi I (1563-1584), a renowned scholar and politician of the Joseon period, for flattering another powerful official. This eventually led Sim Tong-won to be taken out of his position.
In front of the tomb mound there are stone incense table, stone pillars and stone statues of civil officials. To the right is a tombstone explaining the epitaph written on the stele, which is located 100 m away to the south.
The stele was erected in 1575 to commemorate Sim’s life and achievements. The epitaph was composed by Sim Jin, his son, and was calligraphed by Sim Geuk-myeong (1556-unknown), his grandson. The heading of the stele was written by Sim Bang, his another son.
===영문 해설 내용===
=='''참고 자료'''==
40번째 줄: 47번째 줄:
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2020년 7월 5일 (일) 00:33 판

심통원 선생 묘 및 신도비
대표명칭 심통원 선생 묘 및 신도비
한자 沈通源 先生 墓 및 神道碑
주소 경기도 포천시 소흘읍 이곡리 산21(묘), 47-1(신도비)
지정번호 포천시 향토유적 제16호
지정일 1986년 4월 9일
소유자 사유



조선 중기의 문신 심통원(沈通源, 1499~1572)과 부인 완산이씨의 합장묘 및 신도비이다. 신도비란 임금이나 벼슬이 높은 사람의 일생과 업적을 새긴 비석을 말한다.

심통원은 세종(1418~1450 재위)의 장인 심온(沈溫, 1375~1418)의 4대손이다. 어렸을 때부터 신동 소리를 들었고, 중종 32년(1537) 과거시험에 장원급제하였다. 이후 여러 관직을 거쳐 우의정·좌의정에 이르렀다. 왕의 외가 친척으로 권세를 누리다가 윤원형 등과 함께 권력을 남용했다는 탄핵을 받아 관직이 강등되기도 하였다. 또 김안로(金安老, 1481~1537)에게 아부했다는 죄목으로 율곡 이이(李珥, 1536~1584) 등의 탄핵을 받아 관직을 빼앗기기도 하였다.

봉분 앞에는 향로석·망주석·문인석 등이 갖추어져 있고, 오른쪽에는 신도비문을 의역한 비석이 있다. 선조 8년(1575)에 건립한 신도비는 남쪽으로 100여 미터 떨어진 도로변에 있다. 아들 심진(沈鎭)이 글을 짓고, 아들 심방(沈鈁)이 전액을 썼으며, 글씨는 손자 심극명(沈克明, 1556~?)이 썼다.


Tomb and Stele of Sim Tong-won

This is the tomb of Sim Tong-won (1499-1572), a civil official of the Joseon period, and his wife, Lady Yi.

Sim Tong-won was the 4th generation descendant of Sim On (1375-1418), the father-in-law of King Sejong. He was known to be a genius in his youth, and placed first in the state examination in 1537. After serving various official posts, he promoted to the Second State Councilor. While enjoying the power as a royal relative, Sim was accused of abusing power and demoted to the lower position. He was also impeached by Yi I (1563-1584), a renowned scholar and politician of the Joseon period, for flattering another powerful official. This eventually led Sim Tong-won to be taken out of his position.

In front of the tomb mound there are stone incense table, stone pillars and stone statues of civil officials. To the right is a tombstone explaining the epitaph written on the stele, which is located 100 m away to the south.

The stele was erected in 1575 to commemorate Sim’s life and achievements. The epitaph was composed by Sim Jin, his son, and was calligraphed by Sim Geuk-myeong (1556-unknown), his grandson. The heading of the stele was written by Sim Bang, his another son.