
"화산영당"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
32번째 줄: 32번째 줄:
'''Hwasanyeongdang Shrine'''
'''Hwasanyeongdang Shrine'''
This shrine was built in 1832 to enshrine a portrait of the prominent Confucian scholar Jeong Gyu-han (1750-1824, pen name: Hwasan). The portrait was stolen from the shrine in the 1970s, and only his spirit tablet remains inside.
Hwasanyeongdang Shrine was established in 1832 to enshrine a portrait of the prominent Confucian scholar Jeong Gyu-han (1750-1824, pen name: Hwasan). The portrait was stolen from the shrine in the 1970s, and only his spirit tablet remains inside.  
Jeong passed the state examination in 1780 but did not seek the career of a civil official and instead devoted his life to teaching. In his hometown Gongju, he built Hwasanjeongsa* where he taught his students. Jeong was known for his excellent writing skills and his love of nature. In 1795 when King Jeongjo (r. 1776-1800) gathered works written by Confucian scholars from around the country for evaluation, he chose the piece written by Jeong as the best in the category of old-style poetry called ''Gosi''. In recognition of his talent, the king presented Jeong with a copy of One hundred Selected Works of Master Zhu (''Juseo baekseon''), a compilation of the works of the Confucian sage Master Zhu (1130-1200) selected by King Jeongjo. Due to the great rarity of the book, to receive it as a gift from the king was considered a great honor.  
(This?) shrine was built after Jeong’s death by his students and the local scholars and since then underwent several repairs/reconstructions. Jeong’s tomb is located behind the shrine.
Jeong passed the state examination in 1780 but did not seek the career of a civil official and instead devoted his life to teaching. In his hometown of Gongju, he founded Hwasanjeongsa Study Hall where he taught his students. Jeong was known for his excellent writing skills and his love of nature. In 1795, when King Jeongjo (r. 1776-1800) gathered works written by Confucian scholars from around the country for evaluation, he chose a piece written by Jeong as the best in the category of old-style poetry called ''gosi''. In recognition of his talent, the king presented Jeong with a copy of ''One Hundred Selected Works of Zhu Xi'' (Juseo baekseon), a compilation of the works of the Confucian sage Zhu Xi (1130-1200) selected by King Jeongjo. Due to the great rarity of the book, to receive it as a gift from the king was considered a great honor.  
*I couldn’t find what type of building it was. A study hall, I suppose?
This shrine was established after Jeong’s death by his students and local Confucian scholars. It has since undergone several renovations. Jeong’s tomb is located behind the shrine.
===영문 해설 내용===
===영문 해설 내용===

2021년 8월 12일 (목) 15:12 판

Hwasanyeongdang Shrine
화산영당, 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.
대표명칭 화산영당
영문명칭 Hwasanyeongdang Shrine
한자 華山影堂
주소 충청남도 공주시 계룡면 만가리길 14
지정(등록) 종목 충청남도 문화재자료 제69호
지정(등록)일 1984년 5월 17일
분류 유적건조물/인물사건/인물기념/사우
시대 조선시대
수량/면적 1동
웹사이트 화산영당, 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.



화산영당은 조선 시대의 학자 화산 정규한(華山 鄭奎漢, 1750~1824)의 영정을 모시기 위해 1832년(순조 32)에 세운 사당이다. 1970년대 초 영정을 도난당해 현재는 위패만 모시고 있다.

정규한은 1780년 과거에 급제했으나 관직에 오르지 않고, 고향인 공주에서 성리학 연구에 몰두하며 향약을 정비하였다. 그는 화산정사(華山精舍)를 지어 제자들을 가르쳤으며 자연을 좋아하는 문장가로도 이름을 날렸다. 1795년(정조 19)에 임금이 유생들의 글을 평가하는 자리에서 그의 글이 고시(古詩) 부분의 으뜸으로 뽑혀 왕으로부터 직접 『주서백선(朱書百選)』을 받았다고 한다. 『주서백선』은 정조가 주자의 편지 중에서 100편을 뽑아 모은 책으로 당시 일반인에게는 널리 배포되지 않아 큰 영광으로 여겼다.

정규한이 세상을 떠난 뒤 그의 제자와 지역 유생들이 영당을 세웠으며 이후 여러 차례 고쳐 지었다. 사당 뒤편에는 정규한의 묘가 있다.


Hwasanyeongdang Shrine

Hwasanyeongdang Shrine was established in 1832 to enshrine a portrait of the prominent Confucian scholar Jeong Gyu-han (1750-1824, pen name: Hwasan). The portrait was stolen from the shrine in the 1970s, and only his spirit tablet remains inside.

Jeong passed the state examination in 1780 but did not seek the career of a civil official and instead devoted his life to teaching. In his hometown of Gongju, he founded Hwasanjeongsa Study Hall where he taught his students. Jeong was known for his excellent writing skills and his love of nature. In 1795, when King Jeongjo (r. 1776-1800) gathered works written by Confucian scholars from around the country for evaluation, he chose a piece written by Jeong as the best in the category of old-style poetry called gosi. In recognition of his talent, the king presented Jeong with a copy of One Hundred Selected Works of Zhu Xi (Juseo baekseon), a compilation of the works of the Confucian sage Zhu Xi (1130-1200) selected by King Jeongjo. Due to the great rarity of the book, to receive it as a gift from the king was considered a great honor.

This shrine was established after Jeong’s death by his students and local Confucian scholars. It has since undergone several renovations. Jeong’s tomb is located behind the shrine.

영문 해설 내용

화산영당은 조선시대의 학자 정규한(1750-1824, 호: 화산)의 영정을 모시기 위해 1832년에 세운 사당이다. 1970년대 초 영정을 도난당해 현재는 위패만 모시고 있다.

정규한은 1780년 과거에 급제했으나 관직에 오르지 않고, 고향인 공주에서 성리학 연구에 몰두하였다. 화산정사를 지어 제자들을 가르쳤으며, 자연을 좋아하는 문장가로도 이름을 날렸다. 1795년 정조(재위 1776-1800)가 유생들의 글을 모아 평가하였는데, 정규한이 지은 글이 고시(古詩) 부분의 으뜸으로 꼽혀 왕으로부터 직접 『주서백선』이라는 책을 하사받았다고 한다. 『주서백선』은 정조가 주자의 편지 100편을 친히 뽑아 모은 책으로, 당시 일반인에게는 널리 배포되지 않아 사람들이 큰 영광으로 여겼다.

정규한이 세상을 떠난 뒤 그의 제자와 지역 유생들이 영당을 세웠고, 이후 여러 차례 고쳐 지었다. 사당 뒤편에는 정규한의 묘가 있다.



ID Class Label Description
화산영당 Place 화산영당
L34-0069-0000 Heritage (충청남도_문화재자료_제69호)_화산영당
정규한 Actor 정규한(鄭奎漢,_1750~1824)
조선_정조 Actor 조선_정조(正祖,_재위_1776-1800)
주서백선 Record 주서백선(朱書百選) 정조가 주자의 편지 중에서 100편을 친히 뽑아 모은 책. 정규한은 정조에게 이 책을 직접 하사받았다.
정규한_묘 Object 정규한_묘
화산정사 Place 화산정사 정규한이 후학을 가르치기 위해 세웠던 강학당.
송환기 Actor 송환기(宋煥箕,_1728-1807)


Source Target Relation
화산영당 L34-0069-0000 isDesignatedAs
정규한 화산영당 isEnshrinedIn
정규한 조선_정조 isRelatedTo
정규한 주서백선 isRelatedTo
조선_정조 주서백선 contributor
화산영당 정규한 isNamesakeOf
화산영당 정규한_묘 isNear
송환기 정규한 hasDisciple
정규한 화산정사 founder
