20호 지석묘(해남 덕정리 지석묘군)

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
20호 지석묘
Dolmen No. 20
Goto.png 종합안내판: 해남 덕정리 지석묘군



20호 지석묘는 덮개돌이 확인되지 않았다. 묘역석은 8호 지석묘와 같이 판판한 돌을 이용하여 네모 형태로 구획하고, 그 내부에 여러 매의 판판한 돌을 깔았다. 무덤 벽석은 작은 막돌을 쌓아 만든 석곽형으로 무덤 바닥 또한 작은 막돌을 깔았다.

무덤 규모는 길이 165cm, 너비 35cm, 깊이 22cm, 묘역은 잔존길이 491cm, 잔존너비 286cm이며, 유물은 묘역에서 석촉 1점, 무덤 바닥에서 석부편 1점이 출토되었다.


Dolmen No. 20

This dolmen was discovered without its capstone. The perimeter stones consisted of slabs which were placed flat on the ground in a square layout. The area inside the square was then filled in with several stone slabs. The burial chamber was a rectangular stone-lined pit constructed of small rough-hewn stones. Small rough-hewn stones were placed on the floor of the chamber as a surface upon which to lay the body to rest.

The burial chamber measures 165 cm in length, 35 cm in width, and 22 cm in depth. The remaining dolmen boundary measures 491 cm in length and 286 cm in width.

A stone arrowhead was excavated from the dolmen’s perimeter, and a shard of a stone axe was excavated from on top of the burial surface.
