한국 천주교와 인제성당 건립의 역사
한국 천주교와 인제성당 건립의 역사 |
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한국과 강원도 천주교
- 1800년대
- 1784. 천주교의 시작(이승훈이 북경에서 귀국)
- 1791. 신해박해
- 1794. 조선 최초로 사제 입국(주문모 신부)
- 1801. 신유박해
- 1831. 조선대목구 설립
- 1839. 기해박해
- 1845. 최초의 조선인 사제 김대건 신부
- 1866. 병인박해
- 1886. 종교 자유 시작-한불조약 체결
- 1890. 횡성 풍수원성당 본당 설립(강원도 첫 번째)
- 1892. 명동성당 건립(1982~1896)
- 1896. 원주 원동성당(원주성당) 본당 설립(강원도 두 번째)
- 1900년대
- 1939. 4. 25. 경성대목구에서 춘천지목구 분리
- 1965. 3. 22. 춘천교구에서 원주교구 분리
- 1982. 11. 3. 횡성풍수원천주교회 강원도 유형문화재 제69호 지정
- 1986. 5. 23. 원주용소막성당 강원도 유형문화재 제106호 지정
- 2000년대
- 2003. 6. 30. 춘천 죽림동 주교좌성당 국가등록문화재 제54호 등록
- 2004. 12. 31. 원주 원동성당 국가등록문화재 제139호 등록, 원주 흥업성당 대안리공소 국가등록문화재 제140호 등록, 삼척 성내동성당 국가등록문화재 제141호 등록
- 2005. 4. 15. 춘천 소양로성당 국가등록문화재 제161호 등록, 홍천성당 국가등록문화재 제162호 등록, 횡성 풍수원성당 구 사제관 국가등록문화재 제163호 등록
- 2008. 2. 28. 횡성성당 국가등록문화재 제371호 등록
- 2010. 2. 19. 강릉 임당동성당 국가등록문화재 제457호 등록
인제성당 건립의 역사
- 1900년대
- 1922.~ 춘천지구 소속 마루공소(남면 부평리), 덕산공소(인제면 덕산리)
- 일제강점기~한국전쟁 - 북한의 영향권 아래 교회 활동 전면 중지, 공소 폐쇄
- 1954. 6. 26. 인제 본당 설립 승인, 초대 주임 임요한 심부 부임(천막 성당), 화재로 천막 성당 전소
- 1954. 7. 26. 임시 콘센트형 성당 건물 설치(퀀셋 건물)
- 1954. 12. 25. 첫 미사 봉헌
- 1955. 5. 23. 인제성당 기공식
- 1956. 6. 7. 인제성당 준공
- 1957. 수녀원, 관사 겸 교리실 건립
- 1957. 6. 26. 양구공소 인제 본당 관할
- 1966. 12. 29. 양구공소 본당 승격 분리
- 1983. 4. 27. 교육관(마리아회관) 건립
- 2000년대
- 2006. 7. 수해로 수녀원 피해
- 2007. 8. 2.~11. 4. 수녀원 철거 후 재축 공사
- 2019. 2. 14. 인제성당 국가등록문화재 제742호 등록
Catholicism in Korea and Gangwon-do Province
18th and 19th Centuries
- 1784 / The beginning of Catholicism in Korea (The return of Yi Seung-hun from Beijing, where he was the first Korean to be baptized)
- 1791 / Catholic persecution
- 1794 / The first Catholic priest enters Korea (The Chinese priest Fr. Zhu Wenmiao)
- 1801 / Catholic persecution
- 1831 / Establishment of the Apostolic Vicariate of Korea by Pope Gregory XVI
- 1839 / Catholic persecution
- 1845 / Ordainment of the first Korean Catholic priest, Fr. Kim Tae-gon
- 1866 / Catholic persecution
- 1886 / Freedom of belief established via the France–Korea Treaty of 1886
- 1890 / Foundation of the Pungsuwon Church and Parish in Hoengseong (the first Catholic church in Gangwon-do Province)
- 1892 / Construction of the Myeongdong Cathedral in Seoul (1892-1896)
- 1896 / Establishment of the Wondong Catholic Church (also known as Wonju Catholic Church) and parish in Wonju (the second Catholic church in Gangwon-do Province)
20th century
- 25 Apr. 1939 / Subdivision of the Apostolic Prefecture of Chuncheon from the Apostolic Vicariate of Gyeongseong
- 22 Mar. 1965 / Separation of Chuncheon Diocese from the Wonju Diocese
- 3 Nov. 1982 / Pungsuwon Catholic Church in Hoengseong is designated as Gangwon-do Tangible Cultural Heritage No. 69
- 23 May 1986 / Yongsomak Catholic Church in Wonju is designated as Gangwon-do Tangible Cultural Heritage No. 106
21st century
- 30 June 2003 / Jungnimdong Cathedral in Chuncheon is listed as National Registered Cultural Heritage No 54
- 31 Dec. 2004 / Wondong Catholic Cathedral in Wonju is listed as National Registered Cultural Heritage No. 139; Daealli Chapel of the Heungeop Catholic Church in Wonju is listed as National Registered Cultural Heritage No. 140; Seongnaedong Catholic Church in Samcheok is listed as National Registered Cultural Heritage No. 141
- 15 Apr. 2005 / Soyangno Catholic Church in Chuncheon is listed as National Registered Cultural Heritage No. 161; Hongcheon Catholic Church listed as National Registered Cultural Heritage No. 162; The Former Presbytery of Pungsuwon Catholic Church in Hoengseong is listed as National Registered Cultural Heritage No. 163
- 28 Feb. 2008 / Hoengseong Catholic Church is listed as National Registered Cultural Heritage No. 371
- 19 Feb. 2010 / Imdangdong Catholic Church in Gangneung is listed as National Registered Cultural Heritage No. 457
History of the Construction of Inje Catholic Church
20th century
- 1922 / Establishment and operation of Maru Chapel (Bupyeong-ri, Nam-myeon) and Deoksan Chapel (Deoksan-ri, Inje-myeon) under the Chuncheon parish
- 1945-1953 / Suspension of religious activities under North Korean influence, shutting down of the chapels
- 26 June 1954 / Permission to build the Inje Catholic Church granted, visiting priest Fr. John Im assigned to the tent church; the tent church burns down
- 26 July 1954 / Construction of a temporary church in a Quonset hut
- 25 Dec. 1954 / The first Holy Mass held
- 23 May 1955 / Groundbreaking ceremony marking the start of the construction of a permanent church building
- 7 June 1956 / Completion of Inje Catholic Church
- 1957 / Construction of the convent and catechization hall/residence
- 26 June 1957 / Yanggu Chapel established under the jurisdiction of Inje Catholic Church
- 29 Dec. 1966 / Yanggu Chapel separates as an independent parish church
- 27 Apr. 1983 / Construction of the education hall (Maria’s Hall)
21st century
- Jul. 2006 / Convent damaged due to flooding
- 2 Aug.-4 Nov. 2007 / Demolition and reconstruction of the convent building
- 14 Feb. 2019 / Inje Catholic Church listed as National Registered Cultural Heritage No. 742