최윤덕 부조묘

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
최윤덕 부조묘
Choe Yun-deok's Shrine in Perpetuity
대표명칭 최윤덕 부조묘
영문명칭 Choe Yun-deok's Shrine in Perpetuity
한자 崔潤德 不祧廟



최윤덕(崔潤德) 장군은 세종 임금 때 좌의정을 지냈다. 이 건물은 최윤덕(崔潤德)의 신위를 모시는 사당이다. 부조묘(不祧廟)는 조선시대에 신위를 옮기지 않도록 허락받은 신주를 모시는 사당을 말한다. 현재의 건물은 1927년에 세운 것이다. 작은 규모이지만 장식성이 돋보이며, 20세기 초반 건축 양식을 잘 보여준다.


Choe Yun-deok's Shrine in Perpetuity

Choe Yun-deok (1376-1445) was one of the great commanders in the early Joseon period and served as a second state councilor during the reign of King Sejong (r. 1418-1450). His shrine was originally built in his hometown, Changwon, but was moved to Jangsu when his great-grandson Choe Yun was exiled to the area. The current building was reconstructed in 1927 and displays the architectural style of the early 20th century. In Korean Confucian tradition, a spirit tablet is generally held in a shrine only for four generations. However, a shrine in perpetuity houses a spirit tablet permanently in recognition of exceptional deeds and virtue of the deceased.