
Lyndsey (토론 | 기여)님의 2024년 3월 9일 (토) 14:17 판
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The Faces of Gwangju: Artists 》The Art and Life of Heo Baek-ryeon, Gwangju’s Representative Painter


  • Heo Baek-ryeon (1891-1977, pen name: Uijae) was a renowned painter and calligrapher. He was born in Jindo but settled in Gwangju from 1937. He visited Japan from 1912 to 1918, where he studied landscape painting. In Gwangju, he established an art collective and founded the Gwangju Agriculture Technology High School together with Pastor Choi Heung-jong.
  • The Uijae Museum of Art, located on Mudeungsan Mountain, is home to many of his works. Nearby is Chunseolheon House, where Uijae lived his last years.

Semantic Data

Node Description

id class groupName partName label hangeul hanja english infoUrl iconUrl
S2023-215b Story Episode The Art and Life of Heo Baek-ryeon, Gwangju’s Representative Painter The Art and Life of Heo Baek-ryeon, Gwangju’s Representative Painter http://dh.aks.ac.kr/~gwangju/wiki/index.php/S2023-215b http://dh.aks.ac.kr/~gwangju/icon/episode.png


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