Ceesok2016 panel2

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
일시 Date Session 1 10월 21일(금), 13:30-15:00 (Oct. 21. Fri. 13:30-15:00)
장소 Venue Room 2
사회자 Moderator Mariia Soldatova
발표 분야 Disciplines Korean Diaspora
발표자 Speaker Mark E. Caprio Rikkyo University Smoke on the Water: The Dangerous East Sea and the Creation of the Zainichi Korean Bulgaria
Kim, Youngsoon Inha University A Case Study on the Multiethnic Identity of Kazakhstan Koryo-Saram’s Life History South Korea
Sungsoo Kim Yonsei University Diaspora of Trabajadores Coreanos and Creative Restoration of Missing History-Focused on Kim Young-ha’s [Black Flower] South Korea
Sai-a Lee Adam Mickiewicz University From the translation of ‘Nation’ to that of ‘Ethnic group’ and ‘Capital’. Concentrated upon diachronic change of language for ethnic Koreans living in China as a Chinese minority Poland
발표사진 Photograph 2016ceesok panel2.JPG