2019 啓蒙篇 07 - 09

이동: 둘러보기, 검색

Original Script

天之十干이 與地之十二支로 相合而爲六十甲子하니

所謂六十甲子者는 甲子乙丑丙寅丁卯로 至壬戌癸亥是也라.
  • 與 N: (together) with N
  • 相: each other



十有二月者는 自正月二月로 至十二月也라.

一歲之中에 亦有四時하니, 四時者는 春夏秋冬이 是也라.
  • 自N1 至 N2 : from N1 to N2
  • N 之中: within N
  • 亦: also, again



以十二月로 分屬於四時하니

正月二月三月은 屬之於春하고

四月五月六月은 屬之於夏하고

七月八月九月은 屬之於秋하고

十月十日月十二月은 屬之於冬하니

晝長夜短而天地之氣大暑면 則爲夏하고

夜長晝短而天地之氣大寒면 則爲冬하다.

春秋則晝夜長短平均인데, 而春氣微溫하고, 秋氣微凉이니라.
  • 之 (pronoun “it, him, her, them”)



Sentence 7 : Kristina Kaltenbach

The 10 stems of heaven with the 12 branches of the earth combine together and make the sexagenary cycle. The so called sexagenary cycle is from kapcha, ŭlch’uk, pyŏngin, chŏngmyo up to imsul and kyehae, these are [the combinations].

  • Discussion Questions:

Sentence 8 : Hector Sanchez

As for the 12 months, [these] go from the first (chŏng) and second months to the twelfth month. Within a year, there also are four seasons. As for the four seasons, spring, summer, autumn, and winter, these are [them.]

  • Discussion Questions:

Sentence 9 : Hector Sanchez

We take the 12 months and divide them into belonging to four seasons. As for the first, second, and third months, we classify them into the spring. As for the fourth, fifth, and sixth months, we classify them into the summer. As for the seventh, eighth, and ninth months, we classify them into the autumn. As for the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth months, we classify them into the winter. When the days are long, the nights short and the air of Heaven and Earth greatly warm, then, it is summer. When the nights are long, the days short, and the air of Heaven and Earth greatly cold, then, it is winter. If it is spring or autumn, then, the length of night and day is the same and in spring, the air is mildly warm [while] in autumn, the air is mildly cool.

  • Discussion Questions:

(YO) I like that you clarified that it is we who classify them into four seasons. I wonder, however, if we can just translate 平均 'the same'. How about 'evenly balanced'?