(Translation) 海南尹氏 土地買賣 立案
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English | ||
Chinese | 海南尹氏 土地買賣 立案 | |
Korean(RR) | ( ) | |
Text Details | ||
Genre | Historical Manuscripts | |
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Author(s) | ||
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Translation Info | ||
Translator(s) | Participants of 2018 Summer Hanmun Workshop (Advanced Translation Group) | |
Editor(s) | ||
Year | 2018 |
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Original Script
- 3 Discussion Questions
- 4 Further Readings
- 5 References
- 6 Translation
- 6.1 (sample) : Jaeyoon Song
- 6.2 Student 1 : (Write your name)
- 6.3 Student 2 : (Write your name)
- 6.4 Student 3 : (Write your name)
- 6.5 Student 4 : (Write your name)
- 6.6 Student 5 : (Write your name)
- 6.7 Student 6 : (Write your name)
- 6.8 Student 7 : (Write your name)
- 6.9 Student 8 : (Write your name)
- 6.10 Student 9 : (Write your name)
- 6.11 Student 10 : (Write your name)
- 6.12 Student 11 : (Write your name)
- 6.13 Student 12 : (Write your name)
- 6.14 Student 13 : (Write your name)
- 6.15 Student 14 : (Write your name)
1683년 해남현(海南縣) 입지(立旨)
1682년(肅宗8)에 私奴 淡伊가 幼學 李必晟의 戶婢 月梅에게 畓 9마지기를 放賣하면서 작성한 明文.
1682년(肅宗8)에 사노 담이가 畓 3마지기를 유학 이필성의 호비 월매에게 正租 10石을 받고 팔면서 써준 明文이다. 正租는 벼를 말한다. 매매 대상인 토지는 花山一道面 大路越員에 있는 若字 畓 3마지기인데, 이는 세 배미[夜味]로 이루어진 9마지기의 일부분으로서, 東邊의 한 배미이며, 卜數로는 10卜 3束이다. 배미[夜味]는 하나의 논두렁으로 구획된 畓 한 개를 헤아릴 때 쓰는 말이다. 따라서 이는 면적의 광협과는 상관이 없는 말이다. 員은 전답이 소재하는 들판을 이른다. 이 명문의 작성에는 畓主 이외에, 證人으로는 사노 石碧이, 證人 및 保人으로는 內奴 處日이, 筆執으로는 진득창이 각각 참여하였다. 內奴는 內需司에 소속된 종이다. 이 명문에는 증인, 보인, 필집이 각각 이 매매의 내용이 진실함을 진술한 招辭가 붙어 있으며, 官에서는 이를 기초로 이듬해인 1683년(肅宗9)에 이 매매 사실을 확인해주는 立案을 발급하였다.
마지기(斗落只)는 파종량을 기준으로 한 전답의 면적 단위이다. 1마지기는 한 말[斗]의 씨앗을 파종할 수 있는 면적인데, 대개 토질에 따라 그 면적의 크기에 다소 차이가 있다. 卜數는 소출량에 근거한 租稅 單位이며, 負數로도 쓴다. 1負는 타작하기 전의 볏단 한 짐의 분량이다.
Original Script
Image | Text | Translation |
花山面居幼學李必晟戶婢月梅 右謹陳所志矣段婢矣上典主敎是縣居私奴 淡伊處花山一道大路越員若字畓參斗 落只庫乙上年分買得未及官斜爲白有等 以敢此呼訴爲白去乎依例斜給行下爲白只爲 行下向敎是事 官司主處分 癸亥三月 日所志 官[押] [題辭]依願斜給向事 初五 |
(translation) 花山面居幼學李必晟戶婢月梅 To Wŏlmae, house slave of Yi P’ilsŏng who is a scholar residing in a town in Hwasan.[1]
The petition mentioned on the right is as follows:
My master ordered his slave Tami, living in the prefecture, to sell three turakchi of 283rd paddy[2] in Taerowŏl plain of Hwasan county last year.
However, the government officer did not issue the certificate yet, therefore I humbly ask for it.
According to a precedent, please grant me the certificate.
At the government officer's disposal
Petition in the third month of the year kyehae
Government seal
Government grants your wish on the fifth day.
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康熙貳拾壹年壬戌十二月初八日戶婢月梅處 明文 右明文爲臥乎事段矣身許多食口連 値㐫荒生利爲難乙仍于勢不得已花 山一道面大路越員伏在若字畓玖斗落只 參夜味內東邊參斗落只壹夜味負數拾 負參束庫乙正租拾石以交易依數捧上 爲遣同婢處永永放賣爲去乎後此同 生子息姪子中生謀雜談爲去等此 文記告官卞正事 畓主私奴淡伊[左寸] 證人同姓姪子私奴石碧[左寸] 證保內奴處日[左寸] 筆執正兵陳得昌[署押] |
(translation) 康熙貳拾壹年壬戌十二月初八日 戶婢月梅處明文 Document of Exchange Agreements to House Slave Wŏlmae on the 8th day of the 12th month of the 20th year [1682] of Emperor Kangxi’s reign [1661-1722]
The document mentioned on the right is as follows: Since I have many people in my family and keep encountering a series of severe famine, it is difficult to find the way to live on.
So in this situation, I have no other choice but to exchange a strip of paddy with ten sŏk of rice. The paddy produces ten loads and three handfuls of grains and is three turakchi on the east side of three strips of paddy among nine turakchi of 283rd paddy on Taerowŏl plain of Hwasan county.
이는 세 배미[夜味]로 이루어진 9마지기의 일부분으로서, 東邊의 한 배미이며, 卜數로는 10卜 3束이다.
I take the amount and sell over the property to the same slave [Wŏlmae] in perpetuity.
Should there be a dispute at a later date among her siblings and nephews, take this document and report to the authorities for justice to this matter.
證人 同姓姪子私奴 石碧(左寸) 證保 內奴 處日 (左寸) 筆執 正兵 陳得昌 (手決) Paddy Owner: Private Male Slave, Tami [Signature of Left Index Finger Joint] Witness: Paternal Nephew’s Slave, Sŏkbyŏk [Signature of Left Index Finger Joint] Guarantor: Slave of the Palace Supply Bureau, Chŏil [Signature of Left Index Finger Joint] Scribe: Conscript Soldier, Chin Tŭkch’ang [Signature]
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癸亥三月初八日畓主私奴 淡伊年 白等矣身亦生利爲難 仍于資生次花山一道面大 路越員伏在若字畓九 斗落只參夜味內東邊 三斗落只一夜味庫乙 正租十石以折價捧上爲白遣 上項幼學李必晟戶婢月 梅處永永放賣的實爲白置相 考施行 白 官[押] |
(translation) 癸亥三月初八日 On the eighth day of the third month of the year kyehye,
I, Tami, as the paddy owner and private male slave, report that I have a hard time making a living.
In order to survive, I set the price of a strip of paddy which is three turakchi on the east side of three strips of paddy among nine turakchi of 283rd paddy on Taerowŏl plain of Hwasan county. Ten sŏk of rice was the price and it was paid.
It is certainly true that the property was sold over in perpetuity to Wŏlmae, the above-mentioned scholar Yi P’ilsŏng’s female slave.
Please consider this and put it into effect.
Government Office [Seal]
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同日 證人私奴石碧年 證保內奴處日年 筆執正兵陳得昌年 白等奴淡伊亦生利爲難其矣 畓庫是在花山一道面大路越員伏 在若字畓三斗落只一夜味庫乙 價正租拾石以交易捧上爲遣 前項幼學李必晟戶婢月梅 處永永放賣時叅訂的實 爲白置相考施行 白[左寸] 白[左寸] 白[左寸] 白[署押] 官[押] |
(translation) | |
康熙二十二年三月日海南縣立案 右立案爲後考事粘連詳狀據 叅訂各人等招辭是置有亦上項 幼學李必晟戶婢月梅亦私奴 淡伊處花山一道面大道越員伏 在若字畓三斗落只庫乙買得 的實爲乎等以葉作官上爲 遣以憑後考次合行立案者 縣監[管押] |
(translation) |
Discussion Questions
Further Readings
- ↑ Hwasan is located modern Chŏnju in North Chŏlla province.
- ↑ The Chinese characters for 283rd paddy are 若字畓 (paddy of character yak). Yak 若 is the 283rd character in the Thousand Character Classic千字文.
(sample) : Jaeyoon Song
- Discussion Questions:
Student 1 : (Write your name)
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Student 2 : (Write your name)
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Student 3 : (Write your name)
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Student 4 : (Write your name)
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Student 5 : (Write your name)
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Student 6 : (Write your name)
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Student 7 : (Write your name)
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Student 8 : (Write your name)
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Student 9 : (Write your name)
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Student 10 : (Write your name)
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Student 11 : (Write your name)
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Student 12 : (Write your name)
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Student 13 : (Write your name)
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Student 14 : (Write your name)
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