(2017Translation) 婁伯捕虎

Thpepe (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2017년 7월 20일 (목) 15:11 판 (Student 3 : (Write your name))

이동: 둘러보기, 검색

Original Script

翰林學士崔婁伯。水原戶長尙翥之子。年十五時。父因獵爲虎所害。婁伯欲補 虎。母止之。婁伯曰。父讐可不報乎。卽荷斧跡虎。虎旣食飽臥。婁伯直前叱虎 曰。汝食吾父。吾當食汝。虎乃掉尾俛伏。遽斫而刳其腹。取父骸肉。安於器。 納虎肉於瓮。埋川中。葬父弘法山西廬墓。一日假寐。其父來詠詩云。披榛到孝 子廬。情多感淚無窮。負土日加上。知音明月淸風。生則養死則守。誰謂孝無始 終。詠訖遂不見。服闋。取虎肉盡食之。



Student 9 : (Write your name)


Student 10 : Jelena Gledić


Nubaek wanted to capture the tiger. [His] mother [tried to] stop him. Nubaek said: “[He is] my father’s adversary, how can I not counteract?” Thereafter he put an ax on his shoulder and tracked [down] the tiger. The tiger had already eaten and was lying down with a full stomach.

Student 11 : (Write your name)

婁伯直前叱虎 曰。汝食吾父。吾當食汝。虎乃掉尾俛伏。遽斫而刳其腹。

Student 12 : (Write your name)

取父骸肉。安於器。 納虎肉於瓮。埋川中。葬父弘法山西廬墓。

Student 13 : Ra Yeonjae


One day, in the half of his sleeping, his father came and intoned the poem: "To divide and pushing through the thicket, reached filial son. Emotions is felt greatly and tears undone. Carrying the dirt and put it on top of the tomb.

Student 1 : Sanghoon Na


Those who truly know me are a bright moon and a clean wind. When [I was] alive, he nourished me; when dead he guards me. Who said that filial piety does not have beginning and end?

Finishing intoning [the poem], subsequently he was not seen. After the mourning period, he took the tiger meat and ate it all.

Student 2 : Younès M'Ghari



Father Ch’oe, in the mountain, rabbits, foxes, was he hunting; but yet, a tiger, his muscles, his flesh, were now found feeding

At the time, the filial piety of the son, there was; with a brandished axe, the tiger's head, he ended up hacking

Student 3 : Petra Sváková


Catching the tiger and repaying it revenge may be the most pitiful [thing]. In the west of the mountain, he was also mourning [for] three years. The short verses are coming and being recited [like it] really was not a dream. In deed, it is [that] the sorrow is sincere and it penetrates the Nine Springs1.

1 Nine Springs mean the 'underworld'.