"(Translation) 湖西暗行御史封書"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
(Original Script)
114번째 줄: 114번째 줄:
<sup>1</sup> 湖西:Hoseo [MR: Hosŏ] (now Chungcheong [MR:Ch’ungch’ŏng])
<sup>1</sup> 湖西:Hoseo [MR: Hosŏ] (now Chungcheong [MR:Ch’ungch’ŏng])
<sup>2</sup> 兩南:Ryangnam [MR: Ryangnam] are the ‘two Southernmost provinces’ Honam (湖南, now Jeolla [MR: Chŏlla]) and Yŏngnam (嶺南 , now Gyeongsang [MR: Kyŏngsang])
<sup>2</sup> 兩南:Ryangnam [MR: Ryangnam] are the ‘two Southernmost provinces’ Honam (湖南, now Jeolla [MR: Chŏlla]) and Yŏngnam (嶺南 , now Gyeongsang [MR: Kyŏngsang])
<sup>3</sup> 邑:Eup [MR: ûp] ar equivalents of counties (or towns)
<sup>3</sup> 邑:Eup [MR: ûp] ar equivalents of counties (or towns)

2018년 7월 10일 (화) 12:39 판



Original Script

Classical Chinese English










 牙山 平澤 泰安 延歧
























As to the whole region of Hosô1 its soil is barren and do not produce many [crops], its people are lazy and do not work hard. As for (the sources of) clothing and eating, originally it does not match those of Ryangnam2; in addition, this year the ûp 3 [of Hosô] to be relieved are more than [those of] Ryangnam. [Even if I am] conceiving these places with the same eye , I particularly do not bear feeling reassured. This is how it is. In general, to those who are under the jurisdiction of this measure, give 60.000 jeon [MR: chŏn] of money and nearly 40.000 units of crops.But if [the situation is] particularly severe, then following the precedent of the Ŭrhae [RR: Eulhae, pinyin: Yihai] year grant those who are willing to pay the certificate of honorary title. If you dispatch Senior Subalterns and obtain such people, within the 1000 li of the lakes and mountains, people will likely turn their tears into laughter. But every ûp has difficulties in appointing officials, everyone has difficulties in fulfilling their duty. Thence, even if you empty the millet of the Ao Grainery and dispel the wealth of Shuiheng. Thereby, how could you help all the people in the abyss? Those who wear embroideries are called the straight pointers because of the straightforwardness of their pointed statement/pointing at things. You should not be afraid of those in power; you should not be hindered by personal affection. The list of matters is explained very expensively. Aside from this (list), the places which have been selected, you can refer [to them] on the record to the left, and apart from the ûp that you are assigned, along the road of the neighbouring prefectures, you can make a list and judge altogether at your discretion.

Assigned ûp:

Asan / Pyeongtaek / Tae’an / Yeon’gi

The classification in myôn and li administration is considered to be meticulous. It is meticulous, therefore it is difficult. Let alone people’s households. In the designation of “particularly severe,” there is also a designation of ‘the most particularly severe’, and the ranking of households should emulate the ranking of ûp. As to the suspension [of grain taxes], the amount is reduced gradually according to their ranks. Although the ûp is the second worst, the households are now in ‘particularly severe’ state. Comparing the ‘particular severe’ ûp and the ‘particularly severe’ household, it indeed reflects the saying, “Grass and green share the same color.” Between cows and sheep, which to choose? First, we should rank them, according to whether they are good or bad, conduct a thorough investigation over each of them, and as to cases where the postponement was biased and went to the local functionaries whereas than to those who are impoverished and injured; we should examine it in a more conscious manner. As the number of relieved people, we should rank according to the households. In one case [the relief] went to those who are in ‘particularly severe’, but did not go to those whom received the relieve. In another case the relieve was delivered [to the localities], but initially it did not go to those of the “particularly severe”; within these two cases, one is wrong.

We see that now the circulation of disease has eventually ceased, and the desolation after the disaster begins to appear. This is the moment to administer nourishing and nurturing, but the distribution of the called Hyuljeon has no direction from the government. In the graveyard and swallow soil, passer-bys are still lamenting. As to the sick people and the relief of emergency, [even] the amount [of rice] has distinction. And the cunning clerks and the like extort [from people] and oversee [the extortion] as if following government orders. They do not only benefit from not being inspected, they unexpectedly end up in beginning the calamities. I would rather be not terrified by the pain, and strictly punish [them] at their place.

Tempted by the year’s bad harvest, they opportunely commit extortion. Prohibiting beef and alcohol, and [so] establishing their mind aims to have them punished and redeem themselves; it does not aim at having them abiding the law. As for the disease that the people suffered, there is nothing greater than this.

1 湖西:Hoseo [MR: Hosŏ] (now Chungcheong [MR:Ch’ungch’ŏng])

2 兩南:Ryangnam [MR: Ryangnam] are the ‘two Southernmost provinces’ Honam (湖南, now Jeolla [MR: Chŏlla]) and Yŏngnam (嶺南 , now Gyeongsang [MR: Kyŏngsang])

3 邑:Eup [MR: ûp] ar equivalents of counties (or towns)

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(sample) : Jaeyoon Song

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Student 5 : Inho Choi

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unit for measuring areas?

湖西(how do we translate?)一路(province or path?)土瘠而旣不多出, 人惰而又不昏作衣食之源, 本不及於兩南 而今年賑邑又比兩南夥然 一視之地尤未忍釋念者 此也凡所







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Student 7 : (Write your name)

湖西一路, 土瘠而旣不多出, 人惰而又不昏作.

衣食之源, 本不及於兩南, 而今年賑邑, 又比兩南夥然,

一視之地, 尤未忍釋念者, 此也.

凡所以措施區劃之者, 錢爲六萬, 穀近四萬,

而尤甚則照乙亥之例, 願納則許空名之帖.

若使長吏, 得其人, 湖山千里之間, 尙庶幾回咷而爲笑.

但邑邑有難擇任, 人人有難盡職,

則雖傾敖倉之粟, 而散水衡之財.


衣繡者號稱直指, 以指陳之尙直也,

勿以勢力爲憚, 勿以顔私爲拘.

齎去事目, 特泛說也, 外此當採者, 左錄可按,

而栍邑之外, 傍郡沿路, 自可一體論列


 牙山 平澤 泰安 延歧

面里分等, 尙云細矣. 細固難矣, 況民戶乎.

尤甚之中, 又有㝡尤甚名色.

而戶之分等, 視邑之分等.

其所停退, 以次遞減, 邑雖之次, 戶則尤甚.

與尤甚邑之尤甚戶, 眞箇諺所云草綠一色.

則牛羊何擇焉. 先自分等之精濫.

各別詳探, 而停退之偏於官屬而不及貧殘者, 亦須採勘.

賑口, 當從戶分等矣.

或有入於尤甚, 而不入於賑者,

或有付於賑, 而初非入於尤甚秩者, 則二者之中, 一則誤矣.

見今輪氣才霽, 瘡痍甫起.

此政涵濡呴育之時, 而所謂恤典之題給, 不有朝飭.

邱原淺土, 行路猶歎.

至於病民救急, 則升龠有分.

而奸胥輩誅求, 督若官令, 不但惠不下究, 反爲貽害之端.

寧不駭痛, 在所嚴懲,

誘以歲儉, 巧事掊克.

牛酒之當禁, 而其立心也在於懲贖, 不在於守法.

民之受病, 莫大於此.

本道番上之軍, 尤甚邑, 限明年換番.

而各邑邑底, 有所謂都家者, 各哨旗隊長, 凡係呈訴糶糴.

出入官府之時, 日費百錢, 酒肉淋漓.

及其上番當次也, 輒討其債於旗隊下諸卒.

每人幾出十餘兩, 尤爲湖民痼瘼.

恩津之江景, 結城之廣川, 卽湖西都會之地也.

魚鹽之所出, 舟車之所湊, 民富俗厚, 自古稱樂土.

而近來漸不如古, 人烟日稀,商估罕至.

此必官吏之誅求日甚, 而村氓之生理日艱而然.

其所以擧瘼興弊之策, 另具聞見以奏.

平澤, 處在畿湖之交. 而湖南大路, 太半由此.

故屠牛犯禁, 自昔蕩然.

官家進排, 又是無價.

官不惟不禁, 反令爲之.

距京師不滿百五十里之地, 法之不行, 已如此.


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