틀:JSG Summer Hanmun Workshop 참고자료 References
참고자료 References
- Old Documents and Sources(한국고문서자료관)
- Veritable Records of Joseon Dynasty(조선왕조실록)
- Korean Classics and Literati's Collection of Writings(한국고전종합DB)
- Korean Historic Figures Database(한국역대인물)
- Index of Korean Administrational Titles by Maurice Courant(韓國歷代行政-官職總攬/PDF)
- Répertoire historique de l'administration coréenne by Maurice Courant(韓國歷代行政-官職總攬/Database)
- Useful Websites by 'Gateway to Premodern Korean Studies'
- Chinese Text Project(中國哲學書電子化計劃)
- 中央研究院漢籍電子文獻
- National Institute of Japanese Literature(国文学研究資料館)
- TLS(The Thesaurus Linguae Sericae)
- Resources for East Asian Language and Thought by Charles Muller
- Download: Classical Chinese and Literary Chinese (handout)
- Download: 이동철 교수님 특강 자료 1:한국학과 인터넷
- Download: 이동철 교수님 특강 자료 2: 인터넷에서의 韓國學資料와 情報의 檢索과 活用