(Translation) 燕巖集.孔雀舘文稿.擬請疏通疏

이동: 둘러보기, 검색

Student 8 : Younès M'Ghari

  • Translations:

8. 其無才美賢能則已。若其諒直多聞。才德賢我。則顧安可以庶孽恥之哉。然而庶孽之於士族。相交而不得友。相親而不得齒。無忠告責善之道。絶琢磨切偲之義。言辭之間。禮數太苛。揖讓之際。謗讟橫生。由是論之。倫常之中。不絶而僅存者。惟夫婦一事耳。嗚乎。才賢遺而莫之恤。倫常斁而莫之救。曰庶孽無才賢。亦曰如此而後名分正。是豈理也哉。夫無子而立後者。所以繼祖而傳重也。昔石駘仲無適子有庶子六人。卜所以爲後者。祁子兆是擇賢也。唐律諸立嫡違法者。徒一年。議者曰。適妻之長子爲適子。婦人年五十以上。不復乳育。則許立庶子爲適。不立長者律亦如之。是防亂本也。 大明律凡立適子違法者杖。適妻年五十以上無子者。得立庶長子。不立長者同罪。經國大典適妾俱無子。然後取同宗之支子而爲後。於是焉官斜私契。明證攷據。然後廼得告君。重造命也。世之士夫熟習見聞。率蹈謬規。正適無男。則雖多衆妾之子。反爲門戶之私計。割情忍愛。杜撰告君之文。取嗣支族。不擇遠近。噫。父傳子繼。血脉相承。祖祀孫將。氣類以感。今也徒拘適庶之分。或有遠取乎族。系旣踈之後。以奉其先靈。此正古人所謂所不知何人耳。

He does not have either talent or grace, he is just sage and able. If he expects true and plurial knowledge, he has to give himself talent and virtue. Therefore 틀:Couldn't 틀:Gu'an be ashamed from it as a non legitimate son? However when the non legitimate sons become cholar-officials, they exchange but do not gain friendship, they are initimate but do not gain 틀:Age. They do not have the way of heartfelt advices and mutual learning of the virtuous.

1 顧安 (pinyin: Gù'ān; 1289-1365): a famed Chinese painter in the Yuan Dynasty.

  • Discussion Questions: