Draft The Division of Korea and the Korean War

강혜원 (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2017년 11월 6일 (월) 13:22 판 (강혜원님이 The Division of Korea and the Korean War 문서를 넘겨주기를 만들지 않고 Draft The Division of Korea and the Korean War 문서로 이동했습니다)

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Title Communist Act of Brutality: Korean War and Divided Korea

1차 원고

The Soviet Union occupies the North of the 38th parallel

On August 8, 1945, the Soviet Union declared war against waning Japan and began to deploy troops to the Korean peninsula. A few days later on August 11, Japan surrendered. The United State quickly sent its troops in order to prevent the Soviet occupation of the peninsula, but the Soviets entered the northern part of Korea before their arrival. The US and USSR struck an agreement to mark the 38th parallel as the line that divides Korea into Soviet occupation zone and US occupation zone.

The Soviet army immediately took control over at the 38th parallel by disconnecting the Gyeongwon Line and Gyeongui Line, the two railroads that had connected North and South of Korea. By September 6, postal and communication services across the parallel were disrupted. In other words, the Soviets established the 38th parallel which had originally meant to be an artificial buffer between the two occupation zones as a political and territorial border dividing North and South Koreas.

The outbreak of the Korean War

On June 25, 1950, the North Korean army crossed the 38th parallel and invaded South Korea. At the time, the North Korean army, supported by the Communist Soviet Union and China, was better equipped and trained than South Korean soldiers. As soon as the news of North Korean invasion reached the world, the United Nations Security Council held an emergency meeting, demanding North Korea to immediately cease any acts of aggression and dispatched a peacekeeping force to the Korean peninsula.

However, the North Korean army soon occupied Seoul and pushed the South Korean army further south to the Nakdong River front where the two army stood in a stalemate. It was only when the Allied troops led by General MacArthur arrived in Incheon that South Koreans could push back North Koreans. By September 28, South Korean forces could regain Seoul.

The tide was now turned. The North Korean troops began to retreat in all fronts. On September 29, President Rhee decided to pursue North Korea. As a result, the South Korean army crossed the 38th parallel and captured Pyongyang on October 19. In desperation, North Korea asked for a reinforcement from China and the Soviet Union, in response to which China sent more than 300,000 Chinese soldiers to fight the Korean War.

The war soon turned into a stalemate when the both Koreas again met at the 38th parallel. The UN peacekeeping force and Communist forces came to the realization that there was no point in continuing the war and proposed a ceasefire to temporarily halt the conflict.

The War ended with a ceasefire

The armistice agreement commenced for two more years while battles continued. The then newly-elected American president, Dwight Eisenhower, promised to end the war as resolutely and quickly as possible while on the contrary, the then South Korean president, Rhee Syngman, insisted that the war could not end until all Communists had been driven out of Korea. President Rhee also released around 36,000 anti-Communist prisoners in order to put a stop to the armistice talk. It was only after the UN promised that a mutual defence treaty would be concluded between South Korea and the US and that a long-term economic aid would be provided the South Korea President agreed to conclude the armistice.

Even though the armistice temporarily halted the war, the damage it had caused remained tremendous. Around 1.19 South Korean soldiers and UN peacekeeping forces were killed, missing-in-action, or injured. When adding civilian casualties, it is estimated that more than 5 million people from both Koreas lost their lives. Most industrial facilities and transportation infrastructure were ruined. However, the most devastating tragedy done by the war was that Koreans killed and injured their own compatriots. Hereinafter the war, the people of two Koreas have lived in mutual hostility towards one another.


The Tragic National Division of Korea

On August 8, 1945, the Soviet Union declared war against waning Japan and began to deploy troops into the Korean Peninsula. A few days later on August 11, Japan announced its decision to surrender. The United State quickly sent some of its troops in order to prevent the Soviet occupation of the peninsula, but the Soviets occupied the northern part of Korea before their arrival. The US and USSR struck an agreement to use the 38th parallel as the line that divided Korea into Soviet and US occupation zones.

The Soviet army immediately took control over at the 38th parallel by disconnecting the two railroads that had connected northern and southern Korea, and by September 6, postal and communication services across the parallel were disrupted. In other words, the Soviets established the 38th parallel which had originally meant to be an artificial buffer between the two occupation zones as a political and territorial border dividing those regions .

On June 25, 1950, the North Korean army crossed the 38th parallel and invaded the Republic of Korea. At the time, the North Korean army, supported by the Communist Soviet Union and China, was better equipped and trained than South Korean soldiers. As soon as the news of North Korean invasion reached the world, the United Nations Security Council held an emergency meeting, demanding North Korea to immediately cease any acts of aggression and dispatched a peacekeeping force to the Korean Peninsula.

However, the North Korean army soon occupied Seoul and pushed the South Korean army further south to the Nakdong River front where the two armies were locked in a stalemate. It was only when the Allied troops led by General MacArthur arrived in Incheon that South Korean forces could push the North Koreans back, and by September 28 they regained Seoul.

The tide was now turned. The North Korean troops began to retreat on all fronts. On September 29, President Rhee decided to pursue North Korea. As a result, the South Korean army crossed the 38th parallel and captured Pyongyang on October 19. In desperation, North Korea asked for reinforcements from China and the Soviet Union, in response to which China sent more than 300,000 Chinese soldiers to fight the Korean War against the U.N. Forces led by the United States.

The war soon turned into a bloody stalemate at the 38th parallel, and after two years of that the UN and Communist forces came to the realization that there was no point in continuing the war and proposed a ceasefire to at least temporarily halt the conflict. Negotiations went on for two years while battles continued. The then newly-elected American president, Dwight Eisenhower, promised to end the war as resolutely and quickly as possible while on the contrary, the then South Korean president, Rhee Syngman, insisted that the war could not end until all Communists had been driven out of Korea. President Rhee also released around 36,000 anti-Communist prisoners in order to put a stop to the armistice talks. It was only after the UN promised that a mutual defence treaty would be concluded between South Korea and the US and that long-term economic aid would be provided that Rhee agreed to conclude the armistice.

Even though the war was temporarily halted by the armistice, the damage it had caused remained tremendous. Around 1.19 million South Korean soldiers and UN peacekeeping forces were killed, missing-in-action, or injured. When adding civilian casualties, it is estimated that more than 5 million people from both Koreas lost their lives. Most industrial facilities and transportation infrastructure were ruined. However, the most devastating tragedy done by the war was that Koreans killed and injured their own compatriots, and since then the people of two Koreas have lived in mutual hostility towards one another.