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api-error-unknownerror (토론) (번역) 알 수 없는 오류: "$1"
api-error-uploaddisabled (토론) (번역) 이 위키에서 파일 올리기가 비활성화되어 있습니다.
api-error-verification-error (토론) (번역) 파일이 손상되었거나 잘못된 확장자를 사용하고 있습니다.
api-error-was-deleted (토론) (번역) 이 이름으로 된 파일은 과거에 업로드된 이후 삭제된 적이 있습니다.
api-format-prettyprint-header (토론) (번역) This is the HTML representation of the $1 format. HTML is good for debugging, but is unsuitable for application use. Specify the <var>format</var> parameter to change the output format. To see the non-HTML representation of the $1 format, set <kbd>format=$2</kbd>. See the [[mw:API|complete documentation]], or the [[Special:ApiHelp/main|API help]] for more information.
api-format-prettyprint-header-only-html (토론) (번역) This is an HTML representation intended for debugging, and is unsuitable for application use. See the [[mw:API|complete documentation]], or the [[Special:ApiHelp/main|API help]] for more information.
api-format-title (토론) (번역) MediaWiki API result
api-help-authmanager-general-usage (토론) (번역) The general procedure to use this module is: # Fetch the fields available from <kbd>[[Special:ApiHelp/query+authmanagerinfo|action=query&meta=authmanagerinfo]]</kbd> with <kbd>amirequestsfor=$4</kbd>, and a <kbd>$5</kbd> token from <kbd>[[Special:ApiHelp/query+tokens|action=query&meta=tokens]]. # Present the fields to the user, and obtain their submission. # Post to this module, supplying <var>$1returnurl</var> and any relevant fields. # Check the <samp>status</samp> in the response. #* If you received <samp>PASS</samp> or <samp>FAIL</samp>, you're done. The operation either succeeded or it didn't. #* If you received <samp>UI</samp>, present the new fields to the user and obtain their submission. Then post to this module with <var>$1continue</var> and the relevant fields set, and repeat step 4. #* If you received <samp>REDIRECT</samp>, direct the user to the <samp>redirecttarget</samp> and wait for the return to <var>$1returnurl</var>. Then post to this module with <var>$1continue</var> and any fields passed to the return URL, and repeat step 4. #* If you received <samp>RESTART</samp>, that means the authentication worked but we don't have an linked user account. You might treat this as UI or as FAIL.
api-help-authmanagerhelper-additional-params (토론) (번역) This module accepts additional parameters depending on the available authentication requests. Use <kbd>[[Special:ApiHelp/query+authmanagerinfo|action=query&meta=authmanagerinfo]]</kbd> with <kbd>amirequestsfor=$1</kbd> (or a previous response from this module, if applicable) to determine the requests available and the fields that they use.
api-help-authmanagerhelper-continue (토론) (번역) This request is a continuation after an earlier <samp>UI</samp> or <samp>REDIRECT</samp> response. Either this or <var>$1returnurl</var> is required.
api-help-authmanagerhelper-mergerequestfields (토론) (번역) Merge field information for all authentication requests into one array.
api-help-authmanagerhelper-messageformat (토론) (번역) Format to use for returning messages.
api-help-authmanagerhelper-preservestate (토론) (번역) Preserve state from a previous failed login attempt, if possible.
api-help-authmanagerhelper-request (토론) (번역) Use this authentication request, by the <samp>id</samp> returned from <kbd>[[Special:ApiHelp/query+authmanagerinfo|action=query&meta=authmanagerinfo]]</kbd> with <kbd>amirequestsfor=$1</kbd>.
api-help-authmanagerhelper-requests (토론) (번역) Only use these authentication requests, by the <samp>id</samp> returned from <kbd>[[Special:ApiHelp/query+authmanagerinfo|action=query&meta=authmanagerinfo]]</kbd> with <kbd>amirequestsfor=$1</kbd> or from a previous response from this module.
api-help-authmanagerhelper-returnurl (토론) (번역) Return URL for third-party authentication flows, must be absolute. Either this or <var>$1continue</var> is required. Upon receiving a <samp>REDIRECT</samp> response, you will typically open a browser or web view to the specified <samp>redirecttarget</samp> URL for a third-party authentication flow. When that completes, the third party will send the browser or web view to this URL. You should extract any query or POST parameters from the URL and pass them as a <var>$1continue</var> request to this API module.
api-help-datatypes (토론) (번역) API 요청 내 몇몇 매개변수형에 대해 더 자세히 설명해보겠습니다: ;boolean :Boolean 매개변수들은 HTML 체크박스처럼 동작합니다: 만약 매개변수가 지정되었다면, 값에 상관없이 참의 값으로 여겨집니다. 거짓값은 매개변수 전체를 생략하세요. ;timestamp :타임스탬프들은 여러 형식으로 표현될 수 있으나 ISO 8601 날짜와 시간이 추천됩니다. 모든 시간은 UTC이어야 하며, 포함된 시간대는 모두 무시됩니다. :* ISO 8601 날짜와 시간, <kbd><var>2001</var>-<var>01</var>-<var>15</var>T<var>14</var>:<var>56</var>:<var>00</var>Z</kbd> (구두점과 <kbd>Z</kbd>는 선택입니다.) :* ISO 8601 날짜와 시간과 (무시되는) 소수 초, <kbd><var>2001</var>-<var>01</var>-<var>15</var>T<var>14</var>:<var>56</var>:<var>00</var>.<var>00001</var>Z</kbd> (대시, 콜론과 <kbd>Z</kbd> 는 선택입니다.) :* 미디어위키 형식, <kbd><var>2001</var><var>01</var><var>15</var><var>14</var><var>56</var><var>00</var></kbd> :* 일반적인 수 형식 <kbd><var>2001</var>-<var>01</var>-<var>15</var> <var>14</var>:<var>56</var>:<var>00</var></kbd> (<kbd>GMT</kbd>, <kbd>+<var>##</var></kbd>, 또는 <kbd>-<var>##</var></kbd>와 같은 선택적 시간대는 무시됩니다) :*RFC 2822 형식 (시간대는 생략될 수 있음), <kbd><var>Mon</var>, <var>15</var> <var>Jan</var> <var>2001</var> <var>14</var>:<var>56</var>:<var>00</var></kbd> :* RFC 850 형식 (시간대는 생략될 수 있음), <kbd><var>Monday</var>, <var>15</var>-<var>Jan</var>-<var>2001</var> <var>14</var>:<var>56</var>:<var>00</var></kbd> :* C ctime 형식, <kbd><var>Mon</var> <var>Jan</var> <var>15</var> <var>14</var>:<var>56</var>:<var>00</var> <var>2001</var></kbd> :* 1부터 13자리까지의 숫자로 표현된 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z 부터 흐른 시간(초) (<kbd>0</kbd>을 제외) :* 문자열 <kbd>now</kbd>
api-help-datatypes-header (토론) (번역) 데이터 유형
api-help-examples (토론) (번역) {{PLURAL:$1|예시}}:
api-help-fallback-description (토론) (번역) $1
api-help-fallback-example (토론) (번역) $1
api-help-fallback-parameter (토론) (번역) $1
api-help-flag-deprecated (토론) (번역) 이 모듈은 사용되지 않습니다.
api-help-flag-generator (토론) (번역) This module can be used as a generator.
api-help-flag-internal (토론) (번역) <strong>This module is internal or unstable.</strong> Its operation may change without notice.
api-help-flag-mustbeposted (토론) (번역) 이 모듈은 POST 요청만을 허용합니다.
api-help-flag-readrights (토론) (번역) 이 모듈은 read 권한을 요구합니다.
api-help-flag-writerights (토론) (번역) 이 모듈은 write 권한을 요구합니다.
api-help-flags (토론) (번역)  
api-help-help-urls (토론) (번역)  
api-help-lead (토론) (번역) 이 페이지는 자동으로 생성된 미디어위키 API 도움말 문서입니다. 설명 문서 및 예시: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API
api-help-license (토론) (번역) 라이선스: [[$1|$2]]
api-help-license-noname (토론) (번역) 라이선스: [[$1|링크 참조]]
api-help-license-unknown (토론) (번역) 라이선스: <span class="apihelp-unknown">알 수 없음</span>
api-help-main-header (토론) (번역) 메인 모듈
api-help-open-in-apisandbox (토론) (번역) <small>[open in sandbox]</small>
api-help-param-continue (토론) (번역) When more results are available, use this to continue.
api-help-param-default (토론) (번역) 기본값: $1
api-help-param-default-empty (토론) (번역) 기본값: <span class="apihelp-empty">(비어 있음)</span>
api-help-param-deprecated (토론) (번역) 사용 중지됨.
api-help-param-direction (토론) (번역) In which direction to enumerate: ;newer:List oldest first. Note: $1start has to be before $1end. ;older:List newest first (default). Note: $1start has to be later than $1end.
api-help-param-disabled-in-miser-mode (토론) (번역) Disabled due to [[mw:Manual:$wgMiserMode|miser mode]].
api-help-param-integer-max (토론) (번역) The {{PLURAL:$1|1=value|2=values}} must be no greater than $3.
api-help-param-integer-min (토론) (번역) The {{PLURAL:$1|1=value|2=values}} must be no less than $2.
api-help-param-integer-minmax (토론) (번역) The {{PLURAL:$1|1=value|2=values}} must be between $2 and $3.
api-help-param-limit (토론) (번역) No more than $1 allowed.
api-help-param-limit2 (토론) (번역) No more than $1 ($2 for bots) allowed.
api-help-param-limited-in-miser-mode (토론) (번역) <strong>Note:</strong> Due to [[mw:Manual:$wgMiserMode|miser mode]], using this may result in fewer than <var>$1limit</var> results returned before continuing; in extreme cases, zero results may be returned.
api-help-param-list (토론) (번역) {{PLURAL:$1|1=하나의 값|2=값 ("{{!}}"로 구분)}}: $2
api-help-param-list-can-be-empty (토론) (번역) {{PLURAL:$1|0=Must be empty|Can be empty, or $2}}
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