"The Resting Places of Kings and Queens - Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty"의 두 판 사이의 차이

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잔글 (Lyndsey님이 Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty 문서를 넘겨주기를 만들지 않고 The Resting Places of Kings and Queens - Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty 문서로 이동했습니다)
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The Joseon royal tombs are a collection of 40 tombs built from 1408 to 1966 in which 27 generations of Joseon kings, queens, and concubines are buried. They have been well preserved and demonstrate Confucian values, funerary culture, geomancy, and architecture of the Joseon dynasty. They were selected as a UNESCO World Heritage in 2013.
The Joseon royal tombs are a collection of 40 tombs built from 1408 to 1966 in which 27 generations of Joseon kings and queens are buried. They have been well preserved and demonstrate Confucian values, funerary culture, geomancy, and architecture of the Joseon dynasty. They were selected as a UNESCO World Heritage in 2013.
Tombs played an important role in Joseon society, which was based on Confucianism. Ancestral rituals, which honored the dead, were held multiple times a year. The spirits of the deceased were believed to come back to their tombs during these rituals, and therefore, the tombs needed to be located in auspicious and beautiful locations and maintained in good condition in order to please the spirits. This was more so the case for royal tombs.
Tombs played an important role in Joseon society, which was based on Confucianism. Ancestral rituals, which honored the dead, were held multiple times a year. The spirits of the deceased were believed to come back to their tombs during these rituals, and therefore, the tombs needed to be located in auspicious and beautiful locations and maintained in good condition in order to please the spirits. This was more so the case for royal tombs.
The royal tombs are located some distance outside the walls of the Joseon capital, Hanyang, but still within Gyeonggi-do Province (with one exception). Their locations were selected based on geomancy – in remote areas with mountains to the back and sides and flowing water to the front. The mound-shaped tombs were located atop a hill and surrounded by trees to protect them from the elements. There are various kinds of tombs styles which were chosen in harmony with the surrounding environment: single tomb (a single mound for a king or queen), twin tomb (king next to queen), triplet tomb (king, queen, and concubine), double tomb (king and queen buried in same mound), or “one site, two ridge” with tombs on adjacent hills sharing a ritual house. Each tomb has its own name ending in “-''neung''” or “-''reung'',” which means “royal tomb.
The royal tombs are located some distance outside the walls of the Joseon capital, Hanyang, but still within Gyeonggi-do Province (with one exception -  the tomb of King Danjong in Yeongwol, Gangwon-do). Their locations were selected based on geomancy – in remote areas with mountains to the back and sides and flowing water to the front. The mound-shaped tombs were located atop a hill and surrounded by trees to protect them from the elements. There are various kinds of tombs styles which were chosen in harmony with the surrounding environment: single tomb (a single mound for a king or queen), twin tomb (king next to queen), triplet tomb (king and two queens), combined tomb (king and queen(s) buried in same mound), or two or three ridge tomb (tombs on adjacent hills sharing a ritual house), and upper and lower tombs (two tombs with one located higher up on the hill than the other). Each tomb has its own name ending in “-''neung''” or “-''reung'',” which means “royal tomb."
A royal tomb has two sections: the burial area and the ritual area. The burial area is located in the back of the complex on a hill, while the ritual area is located in the front, below the hill. The burial area includes the burial mound, a stone platform, a stone lantern, and stone figures of various animals, all surrounded by a low wall in the back and sides. Just below this are two rows of stone statues of civil and military officials and their horses. The ritual area includes a spiked, red entrance gate, a T-shaped ritual house, and various auxiliary buildings. The ritual house has a window along its back wall, through which the burial area can be seen as someone does a ritual bow.
A royal tomb has two sections: the burial area and the ritual area. The burial area is located in the back of the complex on a hill, while the ritual area is located in the front, below the hill. The burial area includes the burial mound, a stone platform, a stone lantern, and stone figures of various animals, all surrounded by a low wall in the back and sides. Just below this are two rows of stone statues of civil and military officials and their horses. The ritual area includes a spiked, red entrance gate, a T-shaped ritual house, and various auxiliary buildings. The ritual house has a window along its back wall, through which the burial area can be seen as someone performs a ritual bow.
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File:3-20.건원릉(동구릉)-0138.jpg|Geongwonneung Royal Tomb (Donggureung-ro, Guri, Gyeonggi-do)
File:3-20.경릉-동구릉.jpg|Gyeongneung Royal Tomb (Donggureung-ro, Guri, Gyeonggi-do)
File:3-20.목릉(동구릉)- 0113.jpg|Mongneung Royal Tomb (Donggureung-ro, Guri, Gyeonggi-do)
File:3-20.수릉(동구릉)-DSC_0323.jpg|Sureung Royal Tomb (Donggureung-ro, Guri, Gyeonggi-do)
File:3-20.광릉-석상.jpg|Stone Statues at Gwangneung Royal Tomb (Gwangneungsumonkwon-ro, Jinjeop-eup, Namyangju, Gyeonggi-do)
File:3-20.선릉(선정릉(성종)-0049.jpg|Seonneung Royall Tomb (100-gil, Seonneung-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul)
File:3-20.파주장릉-1788.jpg|Ancestral Ritual Offerings at Jangneung Royal Tomb (Jangneung-ro, Tanhyeon-myeon, Paju, gyeonggi-do)
File:3-20.헌릉1.jpg|Ancestral Ritual at Heonneung Royal Tomb (Heoninneung-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul)
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===Locations of the Royal Tombs===
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File:045(E).jpg|Locations of Joseon Royal Tombs
{|class="wikitable sortable" style="width:100%; background:white; text-align:left;"
!style="width:15%;"|Number||style="width:10%;"|Name||style="width:30%;"|Entombed Person(s)||style="width:5%;"|Generation||style="width:30%;"|Date of Construction||style="width:10%;"|Type
|rowspan="3"|01 Paju Samneung||Gongneung (恭陵)||Queen Jangsun (Yejong's 1st Queen)||08||1461, 1471 (Invested as royal tomb)||Single
|Sunneung (順陵)||Queen Gonghye (Seongjong's 1st Queen)||09||1474||Single
|Yeongneung (永陵)||King Jinjo and Queen Hyosun||Honorary||King: 1728, Queen: 1751, 1776 (Invested as royal tomb)||Twin
|02 Paju Jangneung||Jangneung (長陵)||King Injo and Queen Innyeol (Injo's 1st Queen)||16||1731 (Moved to current site)||Combined
|03 Gimpo Jangneung||Jangneung (章陵)||King Wonjong and Queen Inheon||Honorary||King: 1627 (Moved to current site), Queen: 1626, 1632 (Invested as royal tomb)||Twin
|rowspan="5"|04 Goyang Seooerung||Changneung (昌陵)||King Yejong and Queen Ansun (Yejong's 2nd Queen)||08||King: 1470, Queen: 1499||Two ridge
|Gyeongneung (敬陵)||King Deokjong and Queen Sohye||Honorary||King: 1457, Queen: 1504||Two ridge
|Myeongneung (明陵)||King Sukjong and Queen Inheon (Sukjong's 2nd Queen); Queen Inwon (Sukjong's 3rd Queen)||19||King: 1720, 2nd Queen: 1701, 3rd Queen: 1757||Two ridge (Twin and single)
|Ingneung (翼陵)||Queen Ingyeong (Sukjong's 1st Queen)||19||1680||Single
|Hongneung (弘陵)||Queen Jeongseong (Yeongjo's 1st Queen)||21||1757||Single
|05 Yangju Onneung||Onneung (溫陵)||Queen Dangyeong (Jungjong's 1st Queen)||11||1557, 1739 (Invested as royal tomb)||Single
|rowspan="3"|06 Goyang Seosamneung||Huireung (禧陵)||Queen Janggyeong (Jungjong's 2nd Queen)||11||1537 (Moved to current site)||Single
|Hyoreung (孝陵)||King Injong and Queen Injeong||12||King: 1545, Queen: 1578||Twin
|Yereung (睿陵)||King Cheoljong and Queen Cheorin||25||King: 1864, Queen: 1878||Twin
|07 Seong Jeongneung||Jeongneung (貞陵)||Queen Sindeok (Taejo's 2nd Queen)||01||1409 (Moved to current site)||Single
|rowspan="2"|08 Seoul Taereung and Gangneung||Taereung (泰陵)||Queen Munjeong (Jungjong's 3rd Queen)||11||1565||Single
|Gangneung (康陵)||King Myeongjong and Queen Insun||13||King: 1567, Queen: 1575||Twin
|09 Seong Uireung||Uireung(懿陵)||King Gyeongjong and Queen Seonui (Gyeongjong's 2nd Queen)||20||King: 1724, Queen: 1730||Upper and lower
|rowspan="9"|10 Guri Donggureung||Geonweonneung (健元陵)||King Taejo||01||1408||Single
|Hyeongneung(顯陵)||King Munjong and Queen Hyeondeok||05||King: 1452, Queen: 1513 (Moved to current site)||Two ridge
|Mongneung (穆陵)||King Seonjo and Queen Uiin (Seonjo's 1st Queen); and Queen Inmok (Seonjo's 2nd Queen)||14||King: 1630 (Moved to current site), 1st Queen: 1600, 2nd Queen: 1632||Three ridge (all single)
|Hwireung (徽陵)||Queen Jangnyeol (Injo's 2nd Queen)||16||1688||Single
|Sungneung (崇陵)||King Hyeonjong and Queen Myeongseong||18||King: 1674, Queen: 1684||Twin
|Hyereung (惠陵)||Queen Danui (Gyeongjong's 1st Queen)||20||1718, 1720 (Invested as royal tomb)||Single
|Wonneung (元陵)||King Yeongjo and Queen Jeongsun (Yeongjo's 2nd Queen)||21||King: 1776, Queen: 1805||Twin
|Sureung (綏陵)||King Munjo and Queen Sinjeong||Honorary||King: 1855 (Moved to current site), Queen: 1890||Combined
|Gyeongreung (景陵)||King Heonjong, Queen Hyohyeon (Heonjong's 1st Queen), and Queen Hyojeong (Heonjong's 2nd Queen)||24||King: 1849, 1st Queen: 1843, 2nd Queen: 1904||Triplet
|rowspan="2"|11 Seoul Seonneung and Jeongneung||Seonneung (宣陵)||King Seongjong and Queen Jeonghyeon (Seongjong's 2nd Queen)||09||King: 1495, Queen: 1530||Two ridge
|Jeongneung (靖陵)||King Jungjong||11||1562 (Moved to current site)||Single
|rowspan="2"|12 Seoul Heonneung and Inneung||Heonneung (獻陵)||King Taejong and Queen Wongyeong||03||King: 1422, Queen: 1420||Twin
|Inneung (仁陵)||King Sunjo and Queen Sunwon||23||King: 1856 (Moved to current site), Queen: 1857||Combined
|13 Namyangju Gwangneung||Gwangneung (光陵)||King Sejo and Queen Jeonghui||07||King: 1468, Queen: 1483||Two ridge
|14 Namyangju Sareung||Sareung (思陵)||Queen Jeongsun (Danjong's Queen)||06||1531, 1698 (Invested as royal tomb)||Single
|rowspan="2"|15 Namyangju Hongneung and Yureung||Hongneung (洪陵)||Emperor Gojong and Empress Myeongseong||26||Emperor: 1919, Empress: 1919 (Moved to current site)||Combined
|Yureung (裕陵)||Emperor Sunjong, Empress Sunmyeong (Sunjong's 1st Empress), Empress Sunjeong (Sunjong's 2nd Empress)||27||Emperor: 1926, 1st Empress: 1926 (Moved to current site), 2nd Empress: 1966||Combined
|rowspan="2"|16 Hwaseong Yungneung and Geonneung||Yungneung (隆陵)||King Jangjo and Queen Heongyeong||Honorary||King: 1789 (Moved to current site), Queen: 1815, 1899 (Invested as royal tomb)||Combined
|Geonneung(健陵)||King Jeongjo and Queen Hyoui||22||King: 1821 (Moved to current site), Queen: 1821||Combined
|rowspan="2"|17 Yeoju Yeongneung and Yeongneung||Yeongneung (英陵)||King Sejong and Queen Soheon||04||1469 (Moved to current site)||Combined
|Yeongneung (寧陵)||King Hyojong and Queen Inseon||17||King: 1673 (Moved to current site), Queen: 1674||Upper and lower
|18 Yeongwol Jangneung||Jangneung (莊陵)||King Danjong||06||1698 (Invested as royal tomb)||Single
|rowspan="2"|Located in Present-day North Korea||Jereung (齊陵)||Queen Sinui (Taejo's 1st Queen)||01||1391, 1392 (Invested as royal tomb)||Single
|Hureung (厚陵)||King Jeongjong and Queen Jeongan||02||King: 1420, Queen: 1412||Twin
|rowspan="2"|Misc.||Tomb of Yeonsangun||King Yeonsangun and Queen Geochang||10||King: 1512 (Moved to current site), Queen: 1537||Twin
|Tomb of Gwanghaegun||King Gwanghaegun and Queen Munseong||15||King: 1641, Queen: 1623||Twin
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2018년 1월 10일 (수) 11:21 기준 최신판

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The Joseon royal tombs are a collection of 40 tombs built from 1408 to 1966 in which 27 generations of Joseon kings and queens are buried. They have been well preserved and demonstrate Confucian values, funerary culture, geomancy, and architecture of the Joseon dynasty. They were selected as a UNESCO World Heritage in 2013.

Tombs played an important role in Joseon society, which was based on Confucianism. Ancestral rituals, which honored the dead, were held multiple times a year. The spirits of the deceased were believed to come back to their tombs during these rituals, and therefore, the tombs needed to be located in auspicious and beautiful locations and maintained in good condition in order to please the spirits. This was more so the case for royal tombs.

The royal tombs are located some distance outside the walls of the Joseon capital, Hanyang, but still within Gyeonggi-do Province (with one exception - the tomb of King Danjong in Yeongwol, Gangwon-do). Their locations were selected based on geomancy – in remote areas with mountains to the back and sides and flowing water to the front. The mound-shaped tombs were located atop a hill and surrounded by trees to protect them from the elements. There are various kinds of tombs styles which were chosen in harmony with the surrounding environment: single tomb (a single mound for a king or queen), twin tomb (king next to queen), triplet tomb (king and two queens), combined tomb (king and queen(s) buried in same mound), or two or three ridge tomb (tombs on adjacent hills sharing a ritual house), and upper and lower tombs (two tombs with one located higher up on the hill than the other). Each tomb has its own name ending in “-neung” or “-reung,” which means “royal tomb."

A royal tomb has two sections: the burial area and the ritual area. The burial area is located in the back of the complex on a hill, while the ritual area is located in the front, below the hill. The burial area includes the burial mound, a stone platform, a stone lantern, and stone figures of various animals, all surrounded by a low wall in the back and sides. Just below this are two rows of stone statues of civil and military officials and their horses. The ritual area includes a spiked, red entrance gate, a T-shaped ritual house, and various auxiliary buildings. The ritual house has a window along its back wall, through which the burial area can be seen as someone performs a ritual bow.

Locations of the Royal Tombs

Number Name Entombed Person(s) Generation Date of Construction Type
01 Paju Samneung Gongneung (恭陵) Queen Jangsun (Yejong's 1st Queen) 08 1461, 1471 (Invested as royal tomb) Single
Sunneung (順陵) Queen Gonghye (Seongjong's 1st Queen) 09 1474 Single
Yeongneung (永陵) King Jinjo and Queen Hyosun Honorary King: 1728, Queen: 1751, 1776 (Invested as royal tomb) Twin
02 Paju Jangneung Jangneung (長陵) King Injo and Queen Innyeol (Injo's 1st Queen) 16 1731 (Moved to current site) Combined
03 Gimpo Jangneung Jangneung (章陵) King Wonjong and Queen Inheon Honorary King: 1627 (Moved to current site), Queen: 1626, 1632 (Invested as royal tomb) Twin
04 Goyang Seooerung Changneung (昌陵) King Yejong and Queen Ansun (Yejong's 2nd Queen) 08 King: 1470, Queen: 1499 Two ridge
Gyeongneung (敬陵) King Deokjong and Queen Sohye Honorary King: 1457, Queen: 1504 Two ridge
Myeongneung (明陵) King Sukjong and Queen Inheon (Sukjong's 2nd Queen); Queen Inwon (Sukjong's 3rd Queen) 19 King: 1720, 2nd Queen: 1701, 3rd Queen: 1757 Two ridge (Twin and single)
Ingneung (翼陵) Queen Ingyeong (Sukjong's 1st Queen) 19 1680 Single
Hongneung (弘陵) Queen Jeongseong (Yeongjo's 1st Queen) 21 1757 Single
05 Yangju Onneung Onneung (溫陵) Queen Dangyeong (Jungjong's 1st Queen) 11 1557, 1739 (Invested as royal tomb) Single
06 Goyang Seosamneung Huireung (禧陵) Queen Janggyeong (Jungjong's 2nd Queen) 11 1537 (Moved to current site) Single
Hyoreung (孝陵) King Injong and Queen Injeong 12 King: 1545, Queen: 1578 Twin
Yereung (睿陵) King Cheoljong and Queen Cheorin 25 King: 1864, Queen: 1878 Twin
07 Seong Jeongneung Jeongneung (貞陵) Queen Sindeok (Taejo's 2nd Queen) 01 1409 (Moved to current site) Single
08 Seoul Taereung and Gangneung Taereung (泰陵) Queen Munjeong (Jungjong's 3rd Queen) 11 1565 Single
Gangneung (康陵) King Myeongjong and Queen Insun 13 King: 1567, Queen: 1575 Twin
09 Seong Uireung Uireung(懿陵) King Gyeongjong and Queen Seonui (Gyeongjong's 2nd Queen) 20 King: 1724, Queen: 1730 Upper and lower
10 Guri Donggureung Geonweonneung (健元陵) King Taejo 01 1408 Single
Hyeongneung(顯陵) King Munjong and Queen Hyeondeok 05 King: 1452, Queen: 1513 (Moved to current site) Two ridge
Mongneung (穆陵) King Seonjo and Queen Uiin (Seonjo's 1st Queen); and Queen Inmok (Seonjo's 2nd Queen) 14 King: 1630 (Moved to current site), 1st Queen: 1600, 2nd Queen: 1632 Three ridge (all single)
Hwireung (徽陵) Queen Jangnyeol (Injo's 2nd Queen) 16 1688 Single
Sungneung (崇陵) King Hyeonjong and Queen Myeongseong 18 King: 1674, Queen: 1684 Twin
Hyereung (惠陵) Queen Danui (Gyeongjong's 1st Queen) 20 1718, 1720 (Invested as royal tomb) Single
Wonneung (元陵) King Yeongjo and Queen Jeongsun (Yeongjo's 2nd Queen) 21 King: 1776, Queen: 1805 Twin
Sureung (綏陵) King Munjo and Queen Sinjeong Honorary King: 1855 (Moved to current site), Queen: 1890 Combined
Gyeongreung (景陵) King Heonjong, Queen Hyohyeon (Heonjong's 1st Queen), and Queen Hyojeong (Heonjong's 2nd Queen) 24 King: 1849, 1st Queen: 1843, 2nd Queen: 1904 Triplet
11 Seoul Seonneung and Jeongneung Seonneung (宣陵) King Seongjong and Queen Jeonghyeon (Seongjong's 2nd Queen) 09 King: 1495, Queen: 1530 Two ridge
Jeongneung (靖陵) King Jungjong 11 1562 (Moved to current site) Single
12 Seoul Heonneung and Inneung Heonneung (獻陵) King Taejong and Queen Wongyeong 03 King: 1422, Queen: 1420 Twin
Inneung (仁陵) King Sunjo and Queen Sunwon 23 King: 1856 (Moved to current site), Queen: 1857 Combined
13 Namyangju Gwangneung Gwangneung (光陵) King Sejo and Queen Jeonghui 07 King: 1468, Queen: 1483 Two ridge
14 Namyangju Sareung Sareung (思陵) Queen Jeongsun (Danjong's Queen) 06 1531, 1698 (Invested as royal tomb) Single
15 Namyangju Hongneung and Yureung Hongneung (洪陵) Emperor Gojong and Empress Myeongseong 26 Emperor: 1919, Empress: 1919 (Moved to current site) Combined
Yureung (裕陵) Emperor Sunjong, Empress Sunmyeong (Sunjong's 1st Empress), Empress Sunjeong (Sunjong's 2nd Empress) 27 Emperor: 1926, 1st Empress: 1926 (Moved to current site), 2nd Empress: 1966 Combined
16 Hwaseong Yungneung and Geonneung Yungneung (隆陵) King Jangjo and Queen Heongyeong Honorary King: 1789 (Moved to current site), Queen: 1815, 1899 (Invested as royal tomb) Combined
Geonneung(健陵) King Jeongjo and Queen Hyoui 22 King: 1821 (Moved to current site), Queen: 1821 Combined
17 Yeoju Yeongneung and Yeongneung Yeongneung (英陵) King Sejong and Queen Soheon 04 1469 (Moved to current site) Combined
Yeongneung (寧陵) King Hyojong and Queen Inseon 17 King: 1673 (Moved to current site), Queen: 1674 Upper and lower
18 Yeongwol Jangneung Jangneung (莊陵) King Danjong 06 1698 (Invested as royal tomb) Single
Located in Present-day North Korea Jereung (齊陵) Queen Sinui (Taejo's 1st Queen) 01 1391, 1392 (Invested as royal tomb) Single
Hureung (厚陵) King Jeongjong and Queen Jeongan 02 King: 1420, Queen: 1412 Twin
Misc. Tomb of Yeonsangun King Yeonsangun and Queen Geochang 10 King: 1512 (Moved to current site), Queen: 1537 Twin
Tomb of Gwanghaegun King Gwanghaegun and Queen Munseong 15 King: 1641, Queen: 1623 Twin

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  • Koehler, Robert. 2011. Joseon's Royal Heritage: 500 Years of Splendor. Seoul Selection. p. 56-71.