"2월 13일"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
4번째 줄: 4번째 줄:
亭公館、解元門、真教寺、登瀛洲門、雲鳳門、觀光門、進士坊、貢院、亨衢門、千勝廟、晏公廟而已,重城外有吳山驛,瞬前又有吳山鋪,又三大橋、四門,皆忘其名,自門外可十餘里間,市肆相接,亦與城中一般,行至天妃宮,宮前即德勝壩河,河邊畫筋綁繩,不可勝數,楊旺與其弟楊昇及松 門衛千戶傳榮、錢塘人陳萱及從者李寬·夏斌·唐敬·杜玉等七八人同一船,臣與陪史等及北京人李節、金太同一船,臣之帶去人許尚理等同一紅.過(薄)普濟橋,橋有三虹門,橋上有華光寺、江漲橋,橋有四虹門,橋  
亭公館、解元門、真教寺、登瀛洲門、雲鳳門、觀光門、進士坊、貢院、亨衢門、千勝廟、晏公廟而已,重城外有吳山驛,瞬前又有吳山鋪,又三大橋、四門,皆忘其名,自門外可十餘里間,市肆相接,亦與城中一般,行至天妃宮,宮前即德勝壩河,河邊畫筋綁繩,不可勝數,楊旺與其弟楊昇及松 門衛千戶傳榮、錢塘人陳萱及從者李寬·夏斌·唐敬·杜玉等七八人同一船,臣與陪史等及北京人李節、金太同一船,臣之帶去人許尚理等同一紅.過(薄)普濟橋,橋有三虹門,橋上有華光寺、江漲橋,橋有四虹門,橋  
항주에서 길을 떠났습니다.
항주에서 길을 떠났습니다.
26번째 줄: 30번째 줄:
밤에 통시교(通示橋) 등 세 다리를 지났는데, 강이 넓은 까닭으로 다리에는 모두 다섯 개의 홍문이 설치되어 있었으며 매우 높고 컸습니다.
밤에 통시교(通示橋) 등 세 다리를 지났는데, 강이 넓은 까닭으로 다리에는 모두 다섯 개의 홍문이 설치되어 있었으며 매우 높고 컸습니다.
13th Day. Setting out from Hang-chou. This day was cloudy.
Commander Yang Wang escorting us, we set out from Wu-lin Station. When we had gone more than twenty li, we came to the north gate of the wall.39 It had three stories and multiple walls, and even the outer gate had two stories. Its name-plate said, “Gate of Wu-lin.” Within the wall we passed fourteen gates of more than one story, more than ten big bridges, three shrines, and two stops. Riding a donkey and going fast, I did not record the names of some of the places; I was able to record only those of Shui-ting-kung-kuan, Chiehyüan Gate, Chen-chiao Temple, Teng-ying-chou, Yün-feng Gate, Kuan-kuang Gate, Chin-shih-fang, Kung-yüan, Heng-ch'ü Gate, Ch’ien-sheng Shrine, and Yen-kung Shrine. Outside the multiple wall was Mt. Wu Station, in front of which was also Mt. Wu Stop. There were also three big bridges and four gates, the names of all of which I have forgotten. From outside the gates for more than ten li, markets stretched continuously, just as they did inside the wall.
We went on and came to T’ien-fei-kung. In front of the shrine was the Tesheng-pa River. Pleasure boats, tied together in uncountable numbers, were along the banks of the river. Yang Wang, his younger brother Yang Sheng, Chiliarch of Sung-men Garrison Fu Jung, Ch’en Hsüan of Ch’ien-t'ang, and seven or eight of their staff, including Li K’uan, Hsia Pin, T’ang Ching, and Tu Yü, shared one boat. I, my secondary officials, and Li Chieh and Chin T'ai of Peking, shared another boat; and my company, Hð Sang-ni and the others, shared a third boat. We passed P’u-chi Bridge, a bridge of three arches. Above it was Hua-kuang Temple and Chiang-chang Bridge, which had four arches, and above that was Chiang-chang Stop. We arrived in front of Hsiangchi Temple and stayed there a little while. At the temple were a quartermaster and an accountant, and it was a place that Tung-p'o used to visit. In the interval between it and Te-sheng Embankment, merchant boats from Chekiang and places south – Wen-chou, Ch'u-chou, T'ai-chou, Yen-chou, Shao-hsing, Ning-po, and other places - gather, their masts crowded thickly as in a forest.
At night we passed T’ung-shih Bridge and two other bridges. Because the river was wide, all the bridges had five arches and were extremely big.
38번째 줄: 55번째 줄:
13th Day. Setting out from Hang-chou. This day was cloudy.
Commander Yang Wang escorting us, we set out from Wu-lin Station. When we had gone more than twenty li, we came to the north gate of the wall.39 It had three stories and multiple walls, and even the outer gate had two stories. Its name-plate said, “Gate of Wu-lin.” Within the wall we passed fourteen gates of more than one story, more than ten big bridges, three shrines, and two stops. Riding a donkey and going fast, I did not record the names of some of the places; I was able to record only those of Shui-ting-kung-kuan, Chiehyüan Gate, Chen-chiao Temple, Teng-ying-chou, Yün-feng Gate, Kuan-kuang Gate, Chin-shih-fang, Kung-yüan, Heng-ch'ü Gate, Ch’ien-sheng Shrine, and Yen-kung Shrine. Outside the multiple wall was Mt. Wu Station, in front of which was also Mt. Wu Stop. There were also three big bridges and four gates, the names of all of which I have forgotten. From outside the gates for more than ten li, markets stretched continuously, just as they did inside the wall.
We went on and came to T’ien-fei-kung. In front of the shrine was the Tesheng-pa River. Pleasure boats, tied together in uncountable numbers, were along the banks of the river. Yang Wang, his younger brother Yang Sheng, Chiliarch of Sung-men Garrison Fu Jung, Ch’en Hsüan of Ch’ien-t'ang, and seven or eight of their staff, including Li K’uan, Hsia Pin, T’ang Ching, and Tu Yü, shared one boat. I, my secondary officials, and Li Chieh and Chin T'ai of Peking, shared another boat; and my company, Hð Sang-ni and the others, shared a third boat. We passed P’u-chi Bridge, a bridge of three arches. Above it was Hua-kuang Temple and Chiang-chang Bridge, which had four arches, and above that was Chiang-chang Stop. We arrived in front of Hsiangchi Temple and stayed there a little while. At the temple were a quartermaster and an accountant, and it was a place that Tung-p'o used to visit. In the interval between it and Te-sheng Embankment, merchant boats from Chekiang and places south – Wen-chou, Ch'u-chou, T'ai-chou, Yen-chou, Shao-hsing, Ning-po, and other places - gather, their masts crowded thickly as in a forest.
At night we passed T’ung-shih Bridge and two other bridges. Because the river was wide, all the bridges had five arches and were extremely big.

2020년 12월 10일 (목) 09:19 판

十三日,自杭州登程,是日陰,指揮楊旺護臣等自武林驛起程,二十餘里, 至城北門, 門有三層重城, 外門又二層, 日 ‘武林之門’. 城內所過層門十四、大橋十餘、廟三、鋪二,臣乘臟疾驅,或不記其名,所可記者,唯水

p.394 亭公館、解元門、真教寺、登瀛洲門、雲鳳門、觀光門、進士坊、貢院、亨衢門、千勝廟、晏公廟而已,重城外有吳山驛,瞬前又有吳山鋪,又三大橋、四門,皆忘其名,自門外可十餘里間,市肆相接,亦與城中一般,行至天妃宮,宮前即德勝壩河,河邊畫筋綁繩,不可勝數,楊旺與其弟楊昇及松 門衛千戶傳榮、錢塘人陳萱及從者李寬·夏斌·唐敬·杜玉等七八人同一船,臣與陪史等及北京人李節、金太同一船,臣之帶去人許尚理等同一紅.過(薄)普濟橋,橋有三虹門,橋上有華光寺、江漲橋,橋有四虹門,橋 上有江漲鋪,至香積寺前小留焉,寺有兵房吏、典簿吏,寺即東坡所遊之地也,自德勝壩至此,溫州、處州、台州、嚴州、紹興、寧波等浙江以南商舶俱會,橋竿如簇,夜過通示橋等三橋,橋以水廣,皆設五虹門,甚高大.

항주에서 길을 떠났습니다.

이 날은 흐렸습니다.

지휘 양왕이 신 등을 호위하여 무림역(武林驛)에서 길을 떠나 20여 리를 가서 성의 북문에 이르니, 문은 3층 겹성이었고 외문(外門) 또한 2층이었는데, ‘무림지문(武林之門)'이라 씌어 있었습니다. 성안에서 층문(門) 14개, 대교(大橋) 10여 개, 묘(廟) 3개, 포(鋪) 2개 등을 지나왔습니다.

신은 당나귀를 타고 빨리 달려갔으므로, 더러 그 이름을 적지 못한 것도 있습니다. 기록할 수 있었던 것은 다만 수정공관(水亭公館)·해원문(解元門)·진교사(眞敎寺) · 등영주문(登流洲門)·운봉문(雲鳳門)·관광문(觀光門)·진사방(進士坊)·공원(貢院). 형구문(亨衛門)·천승묘(千勝廟)·안공묘(公廟)뿐입니다.

겹 성 밖에 오산역(吳山驛)이 있고, 오산역 앞에는 오산포(吳山鋪)가 있었는데 그 밖의 세 대교(大橋)와 네 문은 모두 그 이름을 잊었습니다. 문 밖으로 10여 리 가는 동안 상점이 서로 잇따라 있어 또한 성 안과 같았습니다.

가다가 천비궁(天妃宮)에 이르니, 천비궁 앞이 곧 덕승파하(德勝鬪河)였습니다.

강가에 화방(畵__)이 연달아 있어 이루 셀 수가 없었습니다. 양왕은 그 아우 양승(楊昇)과 송문위천호(松門衛千戶) 부영(傅榮), 전당 사람 진훤(陳萱)과 종자 이관(李寬)·하빈(夏__)·당경(唐敬)·두옥(杜玉) 등 7-8인과 한 배를 같이 타고, 신은 배리(陪吏) 등과 북경 사람 이절 · 김태와 한 배를 타고, 신이 데리고 간 허상리 등이 한 배에 탔습니다.

보제교(普濟橋)를 지나니 다리에는 홍문(虹門) 세 개가 있었고 다리 위쪽으로 화광사(華光寺)와 강창교(江張橋)가 있었습니다. 강창교 다리에는 네 개의 홍문이 있고, 강창교 위에는 강창포(江웠鋪)가 있었습니다.

향적사(香積寺)앞에 이르러 조금 머물렀는데, 절에는 병방리(兵房吏)와 전부리(典簿吏)가 있었으며, 이 절은 곧 소동파가 노닐던 곳이었습니다.

덕승파에서 이곳에 이르기까지는 온주(溫州)·처주(處州)·태주(台州)·엄주(嚴州)·소흥(紹興)·영파(寧波) 등 절강 이남의 상선이 모두 모였는데, 돛대가 총총 잇닿아 있었습니다.

밤에 통시교(通示橋) 등 세 다리를 지났는데, 강이 넓은 까닭으로 다리에는 모두 다섯 개의 홍문이 설치되어 있었으며 매우 높고 컸습니다.

13th Day. Setting out from Hang-chou. This day was cloudy. Commander Yang Wang escorting us, we set out from Wu-lin Station. When we had gone more than twenty li, we came to the north gate of the wall.39 It had three stories and multiple walls, and even the outer gate had two stories. Its name-plate said, “Gate of Wu-lin.” Within the wall we passed fourteen gates of more than one story, more than ten big bridges, three shrines, and two stops. Riding a donkey and going fast, I did not record the names of some of the places; I was able to record only those of Shui-ting-kung-kuan, Chiehyüan Gate, Chen-chiao Temple, Teng-ying-chou, Yün-feng Gate, Kuan-kuang Gate, Chin-shih-fang, Kung-yüan, Heng-ch'ü Gate, Ch’ien-sheng Shrine, and Yen-kung Shrine. Outside the multiple wall was Mt. Wu Station, in front of which was also Mt. Wu Stop. There were also three big bridges and four gates, the names of all of which I have forgotten. From outside the gates for more than ten li, markets stretched continuously, just as they did inside the wall. We went on and came to T’ien-fei-kung. In front of the shrine was the Tesheng-pa River. Pleasure boats, tied together in uncountable numbers, were along the banks of the river. Yang Wang, his younger brother Yang Sheng, Chiliarch of Sung-men Garrison Fu Jung, Ch’en Hsüan of Ch’ien-t'ang, and seven or eight of their staff, including Li K’uan, Hsia Pin, T’ang Ching, and Tu Yü, shared one boat. I, my secondary officials, and Li Chieh and Chin T'ai of Peking, shared another boat; and my company, Hð Sang-ni and the others, shared a third boat. We passed P’u-chi Bridge, a bridge of three arches. Above it was Hua-kuang Temple and Chiang-chang Bridge, which had four arches, and above that was Chiang-chang Stop. We arrived in front of Hsiangchi Temple and stayed there a little while. At the temple were a quartermaster and an accountant, and it was a place that Tung-p'o used to visit. In the interval between it and Te-sheng Embankment, merchant boats from Chekiang and places south – Wen-chou, Ch'u-chou, T'ai-chou, Yen-chou, Shao-hsing, Ning-po, and other places - gather, their masts crowded thickly as in a forest. At night we passed T’ung-shih Bridge and two other bridges. Because the river was wide, all the bridges had five arches and were extremely big.

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