"Text:Heritage:M00-0029-0000"의 두 판 사이의 차이

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2021년 8월 4일 (수) 19:36 기준 최신판

해설문 홈


영문 해설문

Former Honam Bank, Mokpo Branch
Registered Cultural Heritage No. 29

This building was constructed in 1929 to be used as the Mokpo Branch of Honam Bank. It is the only remaining financial building dating to the Japanese colonial period (1910-1945) in Mokpo and is a symbol of the efforts of Koreans to come together in the face of the exclusionary and exploitative financial practices of the Japanese imperial government.

Following the opening of Mokpo Port in 1897, the city of Mokpo became a regional commercial hub, resulting in the establishment of a number of modern financial institutions. In 1920, a group of regional leaders established Honam Bank to provide their fellow Koreans with access to financial capital which was being denied to them by the Japanese colonialists. Headquartered in Gwangju, the bank had branches not only in Mokpo, but also in other cities in the Honam region (today's Jeollanam-do and Jeollabuk-do Provinces). The bank operated solely on Korean capital and repeatedly disregarded colonial policy which sought to disadvantage Korean-owned banks. Honam Bank was successful in its efforts until 1942, when the bank was forcibly merged with Dongil Bank, a civilian-owned bank that was overseen by the Japanese government-general.

The two-story building stands near a junction of five roads in what was one of the busiest districts of Mokpo at the time of its construction. It is made of square bricks and its exterior has been decorated with red tiles to give it a distinctive appearance. The building features tall windows on both floors which, together with the decorative masonry, create a strong sense of verticality.

The building was used as a bank until 2009, when it was renovated to be used as the Mokpo Cultural Center.

현장 안내판 해설문 내용 - 영문

Former Honam Bank, Mokpo Branch
Registered Cultural Heritage No. 29
Designation Date: May 31, 2002

Honam Bank was established in Mokpo in 1920 by a group of local leaders led by Hyeon Jun-ho, who yearned to promote Korean capital against the intrusion of Japanese capital. The bank was operated independently regardless of the colonial financial policy of Imperial Japan until 1942, when it was forcibly merged with Dongil Bank and, later, with Chohung Bank.

This building, located as a junction of five roads in the busiest part of the center of Mokpo, was completed on November 11, 1929 to house the Mokpo branch of the Honam Bank. It is a double-story brick building featuring a cubic shape with red tiles covering its entire exterior.

While quite a few modern bank buildings opened in Mokpo as it grew into a commercially successful modern city following the opening of Korea’s (then Joseon) ports to the outside world in 1897, this is the only extant building from that period. The building is now regarded as a valuable asset of Korea’s modern cultural heritage in that it is directly connected with one of the first modern banks established and operated with Korean capital.

문화재청 국가문화유산포털 해설문 - 영문

Former Honam Bank, Mokpo Branch
Classification: National Registered Cultural Heritage 29
Name of Cultural Properties: Former Honam Bank, Mokpo Branch
Quantity: One Building 516.02㎡
Designated Date: 2002.05.31
Age: Japanese Imperialism Period
Address: 34, Haean-ro 249beon-gil, Mokpo, Jeollanam-do

This building, built in 1929, is Mokpo branch of Honam Bank that was established by people of Honam region against Japanese capital.

Although the general design is simple surface with focus on verticality, some variation exists with the protruding design above 2nd floor wall and stringcourse below eaves and roof.

This is the only existing building in the field of finance at Mokpo, an open port of Korea’s modern times.

It’s highly valuable modern cultural heritage as a bank established purely on Korean capital.

국문 해설문

현장 안내판 해설문 내용 - 국문

구 호남은행 목포지점
舊 湖南銀行 木浦支店
등록문화재 제29호
등록일 2002.05.31

호남은행은 민족 자본 육성을 위해 현준호를 중심으로 한 한국인 지역 유지들이 힘을 모아 1920년에 설립한 은행이다. 일제의 식민지 금융 정책에 맞서 독자적으로 운영을 하다가 1942년에 동일은행과 강제로 통합되었고 이후 조흥은행으로 명맥이 이어졌다.

구 호남은행 목포지점은 목포 상권의 중심인 오거리에 세운 호남은행 목포지점 건물이다. 현재의 건물은 1929년 11월 11일에 신축한 것이다. 2층으로 된 사각형 모양의 벽돌 건물로 표면에 붉은색 타일을 붙여 멋스러움을 더한 것이 특징이다.

1897년 개항 이후 상업 도시로 성장한 목포에는 근대 금융 건축물이 많이 생겼는데, 현재는 이 건물만이 유일하게 남아 있다. 한국인이 설립하고 운영한 민족 은행이었다는 점에서 가치가 높은 근대 문화유산이다.

문화재청 국가문화유산포털 해설문 - 국문

구 호남은행 목포지점 (舊 湖南銀行 木浦支店)
분 류 : 등록문화재 / 기타 / 업무시설
수량/면적 : 1동 연면적 516.02㎡
지정(등록)일 : 2002.05.31
소 재 지 : 전남 목포시 해안로249번길 34 (상락동1가)
시 대 : 1926
소유자(소유단체) : 신한은행
관리자(관리단체) : 목포시

1929년 건립된 이 건물은 일본 자본에 대항해 호남 지역 인사들에 의해 설립된 호남은행 목포지점이다. 전체적으로 수직성을 강조한 단순한 형태의 입면이지만, 2층 벽면 위쪽의 돌출된 문양과 처마 지붕 아래의 돌림띠 등으로 입면에 변화를 주었다. 근대 개항 도시 목포에 남아 있는 유일한 근대 금융계 건축물로 순수 민족 자본으로 설립된 은행 건물이라는 점에서 가치가 높은 근대 문화유산이다.

안내판 갤러리

현장 안내판