
"서울 방이동 고분군"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
39번째 줄: 39번째 줄:
These ancient tombs in Bangi-dong were built in the Three Kingdoms period (57 BCE-668 CE).
These ancient tombs in Bangi-dong were built in the Three Kingdoms period (57 BCE-668 CE).
Excavations of this tomb complex began in the 1970s. There were 10 tombs at the start of excavations, but two were since destroyed in the process of urban development (Tombs No. 4 and 5). Among the remaining eight, four are in the eastern area and four are in the western area of the complex.
Excavations of this tomb complex began in the 1970s. There were 10 tombs at the start of excavations, but two were later destroyed in the process of urban development. Among the remaining eight, four are in the eastern area and four are in the western area of the complex.
Five of the tombs have been excavated. Tombs No. 1, 3, 4, and 6 are stone chamber tombs with a horizontal entrance and Tomb No. 5 was a stone cist tomb. Most of the tombs were robbed, and only a few artifacts have been excavated.
Five of the tombs have been excavated, among which four are are stone chamber tombs with a horizontal entrance and one is a stone cist tomb. Most of the tombs were found robbed, and only a few artifacts were excavated.
There is a debate over which of the three kingdoms, Baekje, Silla, and Goguryeo, these tombs belong to, as all three kingdoms occupied this area at some point. It was initially believed that they were Baekje tombs, as the stone chamber tomb type was commonly used by Baekje since the 4th century. However, this tomb type has also been found to be used by the other kingdoms and a mounted dish presumed to have been made by Silla was found in Tomb No. 6.
There is a debate over which of the three kingdoms, Baekje, Silla, and Goguryeo, these tombs belong to, as all three kingdoms occupied this area at some point. It was initially believed that they were Baekje tombs, as the stone chamber tomb type was commonly used by Baekje since the 4th century. However, this tomb type has also been found to be used by the other kingdoms and a mounted dish presumed to have been made by Silla was found in Tomb No. 6.

2019년 10월 3일 (목) 19:17 판

서울 방이동 고분군
Ancient Tombs in Bangi-dong, Seoul
대표명칭 서울 방이동 고분군
영문명칭 Ancient Tombs in Bangi-dong, Seoul
한자 서울 芳荑洞 古墳群
주소 서울특별시 송파구 방이동 산47-4번지
지정(등록) 종목 사적 제270호
지정(등록)일 1979년 12월 28일
분류 유적건조물/무덤/무덤/고분군
시대 삼국시대
수량/면적 30,293㎡
웹사이트 서울 방이동 고분군, 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.



방이동에는 삼국시대의 무덤들이 낮은 능선을 따라 즐비하게 자리 잡고 있었다. 발굴조사를 시작한 1975년 이래 현재 남아있는 무덤은 모두 8기로 동쪽 낮은 지대에 4기(7~10호분), 서쪽 높은 지대에 4기(1․2․3․6호분)가 있다. 4․5호분은 발굴을 끝낸 다음에 도시개발 과정에서 사라져 버렸다.

발굴한 결과 1․4․6호분은 굴식돌방무덤*으로 밝혀졌다. 이러한 구조와 형태는 삼국을 비롯하여 동아시아에서 유행했던 양식으로 4세기에 백제에 들어온 것으로 짐작된다.

무덤 내부는 대부분 도굴되어 출토된 유물이 적지만 6호분에서 신라 토기의 전형적 형식을 보이는 회청색 굽다리접시*가 발견되면서 신라 무덤일 가능성이 제기되기도 했다. 그러나 하남, 판교 등지에서 굴식돌방무덤을 여럿 발굴하면서 방이동고분군은 백제 무덤이라는 주장이 힘을 얻고 있다.

이처럼 방이동고분군은 백제시대에 처음 쌓은 이래 6세기 이후 신라 무덤으로 정착해가는 과정을 보여주는 중요한 사례로 평가할 수 있으며, 백제와 신라 간의 교류와 신라의 한강 유역 진출을 증명하는 유적지로 주목받고 있다.

  • 굴식돌방무덤(橫穴式 石室墳) 사방의 벽을 돌로 쌓아올린 뒤 한쪽에 널길(통로)을 내고 바깥을 흙으로 덮는 무덤 양식


Ancient Tombs in Bangi-dong, Seoul

These ancient tombs in Bangi-dong were built in the Three Kingdoms period (57 BCE-668 CE).

Excavations of this tomb complex began in the 1970s. There were 10 tombs at the start of excavations, but two were later destroyed in the process of urban development. Among the remaining eight, four are in the eastern area and four are in the western area of the complex.

Five of the tombs have been excavated, among which four are are stone chamber tombs with a horizontal entrance and one is a stone cist tomb. Most of the tombs were found robbed, and only a few artifacts were excavated.

There is a debate over which of the three kingdoms, Baekje, Silla, and Goguryeo, these tombs belong to, as all three kingdoms occupied this area at some point. It was initially believed that they were Baekje tombs, as the stone chamber tomb type was commonly used by Baekje since the 4th century. However, this tomb type has also been found to be used by the other kingdoms and a mounted dish presumed to have been made by Silla was found in Tomb No. 6.

영문 해설 내용

방이동 고분군은 삼국시대에 만들어졌다.

1970년대에 발굴조사가 처음 시작되었으며, 현재 동쪽 낮은 지대에 4기, 서쪽 높은 지대에 4기 등 총 8기의 무덤이 남아 있다. 4호분과 5호분은 발굴 후 도시개발 과정에서 파괴되었다.

1, 4, 6호분은 굴식돌방무덤으로 밝혀졌다. 이러한 구조의 무덤은 4세기에 백제에 들어왔으며, 삼국에서 유행하였다.

대부분의 무덤이 도굴되어 출토된 유물이 적다. 6호분에서 신라 것으로 추정되는 굽다리접시가 발견되면서, 신라 무덤일 가능성도 제기되고 있다.