
"나주목 관아와 향교"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
36번째 줄: 36번째 줄:
'''Naju Local Government and Najuhyangyo Local Confucian School'''
'''Naju-mok Government Office and Local Confucian School'''
This historic site includes Naju Local Government and Najuhyanggyo Local Confucian School, both built during the Joseon period (1392-1910). The first local government office was established in Naju in 938 during the Goryeo period (918-1392). Najueupseong Walled Town, situated between Geumseongsan Mountain and the basin of the Yeongsangang River, was also constructed at the time and was the largest walled town in the whole Jeolla-do region.*** '''In 983****, Naju became Naju-mok Township/Municipality(?)''' and retained such status until the administrative division reform of 1895 when it was renamed to Naju-gun County. In 1986, it received the status of a city.  
The local government office and local Confucian school of Naju are prominent historical and architectural landmarks that represent the provincial governing system of the Joseon period (1392-1910). Thus, they were collectively designated as a Historic Site in 2007.
Naju Local Government complex is represented by its stately guesthouse as well as the Magistrate’s Residence***** and the Local Gentry Association Office****** buildings. The guesthouse includes a shrine where the spirit tablet of the king was held to exhibit his sovereignty across the region. The Magistrates Residence was originally a part of a larger area also incorporating the Magistrate’s Office, which no longer remains. The Local Gentry Association Office was an organization comprised of the representatives of the local upper class which provided aid to the magistrates dispatched to Naju in their administrative duties.
The history of the local government office dates to 938 during the Goryeo period (918-1392) when Naju-mok Prefecture was established and Najueupseong Walled Town was built to house the government facilities. Located between Geumseongsan Mountain and Yeongsangang River, the walled town was the largest in the Jeolla-do region. In fact, the provincial name Jeolla is derived from the first characters of the cities Jeonju and Naju, which served as the principal cities of the region from the Goryeo period until the turn of the 20th century.
Most of the local government’s buildings were either damaged or demolished during the Japanese colonial period (1910-1945). A few of those that have survived this period are the guesthouse’s Geumseonggwan Shrine Hall, Jeongsuru Pavilion, which served as the main gate to the Magistrate’s Office, and Geumhakheon House of the Magistrate’s Residence. Archeological excavations and historical research aimed at restoring the local government complex to its original state have been underway since the 1970s. The results of this project are the successfully dismantled and renovated Geumseonggwan Shrine Hall, renovated Jeongsuru Pavilion and Magistrate’s Residence, the newly built Local Gentry Association Office, and ''' the newly built main gate (Manhwaru Pavilion) and wing quarters of the guesthouse'''*******.
The main facilities of the local government office were the magistrate's office and residence, the guesthouse (which also served as a royal shrine), and the local elites' office (where members of the local upper class gathered to assist the magistrate). These were supported by auxiliary facilities such as a clerks' office, a police office, a prison, an armory, an archive, and a granary. The walled town that surrounded the local government had gates in the four cardinal directions, and water was sourced from Najucheon Stream, which flowed through the walled town.  
Geumseonggwan Shrine Hall is one of the largest and most ornately decorated buildings of the extant Joseon-period guesthouses. It demonstrates many architectural features characteristic of a palace building which include the hip-and-gable roof, the stone pathway, the coffered ceiling, and the building’s layout. In recognition of its architectural value, the shrine hall was designated as a Treasure in 2019.  
The once-large Naju Government Office complex was mostly destroyed during the Japanese colonial period (1910-1945). As a result, only Geumseonggwan Guesthouse, Jeongsuru Pavilion (the main gate of the magistrate's office), and Geumhakheon House (the magistrate's residence) remained. However, since the 1970s, archeological excavations and historical research aimed at restoring the complex to its original state have been underway. Based on the findings, the guesthouse was dismantled and renovated, the pavilion and magistrate's residence were repaired, the local elites' office was built anew, and the walled town and its gates are being rebuilt.
A local Confucian school, called ''hyanggyo'' in Korean, is a public education institution of the Goryeo (918-1392) and Joseon (1392-1910) periods. It was established nationwide to function as a local shrine for Confucius and other sages and to promote Confucian education and nurture elites in local districts. Students learned about literature including poetry composition, Confucian Classics, and history. Najuhyanggyo Local Confucian School was established in 1407 and is currently one of the largest in the country. The school complex consists of a lecture area in the front and a ritual area at the back. Its shrine Daeseongjeon was designated as a Treasure in 1963.  
Among these buildings, Geumseonggwan Guesthouse was designated as a Treasure in 2019 in recognition of its architectural value. <del>A government guesthouse consisted of a shrine in the center, where a wooden tablet symbolizing the king was kept to exhibit his sovereignty, and wings to either side that served as temporary accommodation for visiting officials. Only the central shrine of Geumseonggwan Guesthouse remained, with the wings having been newly rebuilt.</del> As the largest extant Joseon-period guesthouse, its architectural features are similar to those of a royal throne hall, as reflected in wide stone platform and the hip-and-gable roof.
In recognition of their value as prominent historical and architectural landmarks representing the provincial governing system of the Joseon period, Naju’s local government complex and local Confucian school were collectively designated as a Historic Site in 2007.  
Just outside the walled town was Najuhyanggyo Local Confucian School. A local Confucian school was a public education institution established in districts across the country during the Goryeo and Joseon periods to promote the veneration of Confucius and other Confucian sages and to nurture local elites in the study of literary composition, Confucian classics, and history. Established in 1407, Najuhyanggyo Local Confucian School is one of the largest extant local Confucian schools. The school complex consists of a veneration area in the front and an education area in the back. The main shrine Daeseongjeon was designated as a Treasure in 1963.  
*I guess starting the sentence with “these are…” would make sense since they are located quite far away from each other. And I chose to use just Naju instead of Naju-mok since this is how we have done it before, but I tried to add some info about it in the last sentence of this paragraph. Although if dropping ‘mok’ from the name is okay, then I think that whole last sentence isn’t necessary.
***I skipped the part about 관아 and 향교 being located inside the 읍성 because both historical and current maps show that 향교 is located outside the wall.
*[https://www.naju.go.kr/moksanaea/naju_story/najumok 나주목 역사]
****[https://www.naju.go.kr/moksanaea/naju_story/najumok 나주목 역사]
*****As I understand 아사 is not exactly a building or any single structure but an area which includes 외아(동헌) and 내아. It looks like 동헌 isn’t there anymore, so I only mentioned 내아.
******It looks like the reconstruction of 향청 is about to be completed soon, so I guess it’s okay to include it here.
*******I decided to mention the actual buildings of the 관아 which have been reconstructed rather than the walled town gates.
===영문 해설 내용===
===영문 해설 내용===

2023년 6월 16일 (금) 11:49 판

나주목 관아와 향교
Naju-mok Government Office and Local Confucian School
『나주목 관아와 향교 정밀실측조사보고서(상)』, 문화재청, 2015, 62쪽.
대표명칭 나주목 관아와 향교
영문명칭 Naju-mok Government Office and Local Confucian School
한자 羅州牧 官衙와 鄕校
주소 전라남도 나주시 과원동, 금계동 일원
지정(등록) 종목 사적 제483호
지정(등록)일 2007년 7월 31일
분류 유적건조물/정치국방/궁궐·관아/관아
시대 조선시대
수량/면적 73,799㎡
웹사이트 나주목 관아와 향교, 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.



나주는 고려시대(983년)부터 조선시대(1895년)까지 나주목(牧)이 설치되어, 호남의 중심지로서 전라도 일대를 관할하였다. 나주의 진산인 금성산과 영산강 사이에 터를 닦아 호남 최대 규모의 나주읍성을 축조하고, 성안에 행정을 펼치는 관아 시설을 두었으며 성의 동서남북에 4대 성문을 설치하였다.

나주목 관아의 대표적인 건물로 객사(客舍), 아사(衙舍), 향청(鄕廳)이 있다. 객사는 왕을 상징하는 전패(殿牌)를 모신 상징적인 공간으로, 지방 통치가 왕에 의해 직접 이루어지고 있음을 보여주기 위한 중요한 시설이다. 아사는 수령의 실무 공간으로, 업무 공간인 외아(外衙)와 관사인 내아(內衙)로 구분된다. 향청은 향촌을 교화(敎化)하고 수령을 보좌하는, 양반들의 집무처이다.

오늘날 나주목 관아는 객사 금성관(錦城館), 아사 정문 정수루(正綏樓), 내아 금학헌(琴鶴軒)이 잘 남아 있으나, 대부분 일제강점기를 거치면서 원래 모습이 변형·철거되는 수난을 겪었다. 나주시는 천년 나주목 관아의 옛 모습을 되찾고 그 위상을 바로 세우고자 1970년대부터 발굴 조사와 고증을 통해 금성관 해체 복원, 내아와 정수루 보수, 향청 복원, 나주읍성과 4대문 복원 등 정비 사업을 지속적으로 추진하고 있다.

금성관은 전국 객사 중 최대 규모이며 일반적인 객사와 달리 월대와 정청의 팔작지붕 등이 궁궐의 정전과 유사하게 구성된 점을 인정받아 2019년 10월 25일에 보물로 지정되었다.

향교는 유교 이념을 가르치기 위해 지방에 세운 국립 교육시설로, 지금의 중·고등 교육과정을 담당하였다. 이중 나주향교는 전국 최대 규모를 자랑하며 전면에 제사 공간인 대성전을, 후면에 강학 공간인 명륜당을 배치한 독특한 구조를 갖추고 있다. 특히 대성전은 전국 향교 대성전의 모범으로 인정받아 보물로 지정되었다.

나주목 관아와 향교는 건축적인 가치와 함께 조선시대 지방 통치의 거점인 목(牧) 관아의 역사 문화적 가치를 인정받아 2007년 7월 31일 국가 사적으로 지정, 보호되고 있다.


Naju-mok Government Office and Local Confucian School

The local government office and local Confucian school of Naju are prominent historical and architectural landmarks that represent the provincial governing system of the Joseon period (1392-1910). Thus, they were collectively designated as a Historic Site in 2007.

The history of the local government office dates to 938 during the Goryeo period (918-1392) when Naju-mok Prefecture was established and Najueupseong Walled Town was built to house the government facilities. Located between Geumseongsan Mountain and Yeongsangang River, the walled town was the largest in the Jeolla-do region. In fact, the provincial name Jeolla is derived from the first characters of the cities Jeonju and Naju, which served as the principal cities of the region from the Goryeo period until the turn of the 20th century.

The main facilities of the local government office were the magistrate's office and residence, the guesthouse (which also served as a royal shrine), and the local elites' office (where members of the local upper class gathered to assist the magistrate). These were supported by auxiliary facilities such as a clerks' office, a police office, a prison, an armory, an archive, and a granary. The walled town that surrounded the local government had gates in the four cardinal directions, and water was sourced from Najucheon Stream, which flowed through the walled town.

The once-large Naju Government Office complex was mostly destroyed during the Japanese colonial period (1910-1945). As a result, only Geumseonggwan Guesthouse, Jeongsuru Pavilion (the main gate of the magistrate's office), and Geumhakheon House (the magistrate's residence) remained. However, since the 1970s, archeological excavations and historical research aimed at restoring the complex to its original state have been underway. Based on the findings, the guesthouse was dismantled and renovated, the pavilion and magistrate's residence were repaired, the local elites' office was built anew, and the walled town and its gates are being rebuilt.

Among these buildings, Geumseonggwan Guesthouse was designated as a Treasure in 2019 in recognition of its architectural value. A government guesthouse consisted of a shrine in the center, where a wooden tablet symbolizing the king was kept to exhibit his sovereignty, and wings to either side that served as temporary accommodation for visiting officials. Only the central shrine of Geumseonggwan Guesthouse remained, with the wings having been newly rebuilt. As the largest extant Joseon-period guesthouse, its architectural features are similar to those of a royal throne hall, as reflected in wide stone platform and the hip-and-gable roof.

Just outside the walled town was Najuhyanggyo Local Confucian School. A local Confucian school was a public education institution established in districts across the country during the Goryeo and Joseon periods to promote the veneration of Confucius and other Confucian sages and to nurture local elites in the study of literary composition, Confucian classics, and history. Established in 1407, Najuhyanggyo Local Confucian School is one of the largest extant local Confucian schools. The school complex consists of a veneration area in the front and an education area in the back. The main shrine Daeseongjeon was designated as a Treasure in 1963.

영문 해설 내용

이곳은 조선시대 나주목의 관아와 향교이다. 나주 지역에는 고려시대인 938년 나주목이 설치되었고, 금성산과 영산강 사이에 터를 닦아 전라도 지역 최대 규모의 나주읍성을 축조하였다. 읍성의 동서남북에는 성문을 설치하였고, 관아와 향교는 나주읍성 안에 있었다. 1895년 지방행정제도 개혁에 따라 나주목은 나주군이 되었고, 이후 1986년 나주시로 명칭이 변경되었다.

나주목 관아의 대표적인 건물로는 객사, 아사, 향청이 있다. 객사는 왕을 상징하는 전패를 모신 곳으로, 지방 통치가 왕에 의해 직접 이루어지고 있음을 상징하는 중요한 시설이다. 아사는 수령의 실무 공간으로, 업무 공간인 외아와 관사인 내아로 구분된다. 향청은 향촌을 교화하고 수령을 보좌하는, 양반들의 집무처이다.

나주목 관아에 있던 건물들은 대부분 일제강점기를 거치면서 원래 모습이 변형되거나 철거되는 수난을 겪었다. 오늘날 나주목 관아에는 객사인 금성관, 아사 정문인 정수루, 내아인 금학헌이 남아 있다. 나주시는 나주목 관아의 옛 모습을 되찾고 그 위상을 바로 세우기 위해 1970년대부터 발굴 조사와 고증 연구를 수행해왔다. 그리고 이를 바탕으로 금성관 해체 복원, 내아와 정수루 보수, 향청 복원, 나주읍성과 4대문 복원 등의 정비 사업을 지속적으로 추진하고 있다.

금성관은 현재 남아 있는 조선시대 객사 건물 중 최대 규모이다. 건물 앞에 설치된 월대와 정청의 팔작지붕 등이 궁궐의 정전 건축 양식과 유사하며, 이러한 건축적 가치를 인정받아 2019년 보물로 지정되었다.

향교는 고려시대와 조선시대 지방에서 유학을 교육하기 위하여 설립된 국립교육기관이다. 덕행과 학문의 모범을 보인 성현에게 제사를 올리며, 유교의 경전과 역사, 시나 문장을 짓는 법을 가르쳤다. 나주향교는 1407년에 창건되었으며, 현재 남아 있는 최대 규모의 향교 중 하나이다. 앞쪽의 제향공간과 뒤쪽의 교육공간으로 이루어져 있으며, 대성전은 1963년 보물로 지정되었다.

나주목 관아와 향교는 건축적인 가치와 함께 조선시대 지방 통치의 거점이라는 역사 문화적 가치를 인정받아 2007년 사적으로 지정되었다.

