
"양사언 선생 묘"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
36번째 줄: 36번째 줄:
'''Tomb of Yang Sa-eon'''
===영문 해설 내용===
This is the tomb of Yang Sa-eon (1517-1586), a poet and civil official of the Joseon period (1392-1910).
Yang passed the state examination in 1546 and served as the magistrate of Gangneung and Hamheung. He often visited Geumgangsan Mountain and wrote a travelogue. He composed several epitaphs and left his inscriptions on rocks in the districts he served. Among them, the one near the Geumsujeong Pavilion is well-known. Yang was exiled for the fire broke out at the tomb of King Taejo’s great grandfather, which was located in the district he was governing. After two years, he died from an illness.
His works are well-known that one of his poem appears in today’s school textbook. His calligraphy is also popular, that he is nominated as one of the four best calligraphers of the early Joseon period. d
In front of the tomb mound, there is a tombstone decorated with lotus flower pattern, a stone table, a stone incense table, a stone statue of a child, and stone pillars. Before the tomb of Yang, there is a tomb of his two wives, Lady Bak and Lady Yi, buried together.
=='''참고 자료'''==
45번째 줄: 51번째 줄:
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2020년 7월 5일 (일) 00:54 판

양사언 선생 묘
대표명칭 양사언 선생 묘
한자 楊士彦 先生 墓
주소 경기도 포천시 일동면 길명리 산193
지정(등록) 종목 포천시 향토유적 제32호
지정(등록)일 1986년 4월 9일
소유자 사유



봉래(蓬萊) 양사언(楊士彦, 1517~1584)의 묘이다.

양사언은 조선 전기 문신으로 조선시대 3대 명필이고 대문장가이다. 금수정 주변 영평천변에 많은 암각문이 전하고 있으며, 단사부(丹沙賦)와 열운정기(閱雲亭記)는 남기신 명작들이다.

금강산 만폭동의 바위에 새긴 봉래풍악원화동천(蓬萊楓嶽元化洞天)이란 글씨는 현재까지도 칭송이 자자하다.

‘태산이 높다하되 하늘 아래 뫼이로다’라는 시조는 만인의 사랑을 받으며 선생의 시는 꾸밈이 없어 천의무봉(天衣無縫)하다는 평을 받는다.

선생은 1546년(명종1) 문과에 급제한 후 안변대도호부사를 역임하기까지 여덟 고을을 다스렸는데 가는 곳마다 선정을 베풀어 곳곳마다 떠난 후에 거사비(去思碑)가 세워졌다.

묘의 봉분 앞에는 연꽃무늬를 조각한 묘비가 있고 상석·향로석·동자석·망주석 등의 석물이 조성되어 있다. 묘소 하단에는 숙부인 음성박씨와 간성이씨의 합장으로 봉분을 조성해 놓았다.


Tomb of Yang Sa-eon

This is the tomb of Yang Sa-eon (1517-1586), a poet and civil official of the Joseon period (1392-1910).

Yang passed the state examination in 1546 and served as the magistrate of Gangneung and Hamheung. He often visited Geumgangsan Mountain and wrote a travelogue. He composed several epitaphs and left his inscriptions on rocks in the districts he served. Among them, the one near the Geumsujeong Pavilion is well-known. Yang was exiled for the fire broke out at the tomb of King Taejo’s great grandfather, which was located in the district he was governing. After two years, he died from an illness.

His works are well-known that one of his poem appears in today’s school textbook. His calligraphy is also popular, that he is nominated as one of the four best calligraphers of the early Joseon period. d

In front of the tomb mound, there is a tombstone decorated with lotus flower pattern, a stone table, a stone incense table, a stone statue of a child, and stone pillars. Before the tomb of Yang, there is a tomb of his two wives, Lady Bak and Lady Yi, buried together.