
이동: 둘러보기, 검색

The Faces of Gwangju: Foreigners 》The Western Women Who Helped Lead Gwangju's Modern Women's Education


  • Western missionary women were leaders in bringing modern education to Gwangju, in particular through Speer Memorial Girls' School and Neel Girls School.
  • Speer Girls' School was founded in 1908 by Eugene Bell. The school's first principal was Ella Graham. LAter principals included Mary Dodson, Anna McQueen, Margaret Martin, and Florence Root. In 1937, Principal Root shut down the school herself in protest against imperial Japan's forced veneration of Shinto shrines. The school reopened after Korea's liberation in 1945. In 1951, the school was split into a middle and high school.
  • Neel Girls' School was founded in 1926 by Lois Swinehart and Elizabeth Shepping. Its principals included Mary Dodson, Julia Bell (the wife of aforementioned Eugene Bell), and the aforementioned Florence Root.

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id class groupName partName label hangeul hanja english infoUrl iconUrl
S2023-216e Story Episode The Western Women Who Helped Lead Gwangju's Modern Women's Education The Western Women Who Helped Lead Gwangju's Modern Women's Education http://dh.aks.ac.kr/~gwangju/wiki/index.php/S2023-216e http://dh.aks.ac.kr/~gwangju/icon/episode.png


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