
Evelyn (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2018년 12월 20일 (목) 16:52 판

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Tools used for cultivating different crops in NJ

H. 種大小麥      대맥․소맥 재배법  Cultivating Barley and Wheat
Mokjak                   usedTo     harrow/plow
Mokjak        hasCommonName    soheulla
Cheolchipa               usedTo     deeply cover the seeds
Cheolchipa    hasCommonName    susueum
Mokjakbae                usedTo     deeply cover the seeds
Mokjakbae     hasCommonName    soheullabae
Large scythe with a long handle usedTo cut the weeds
Weeds                    usedTo     enrich the field
Manure                   usedTo     enrich the field
Willow branches previously laid in the stable 
                         usedTo     enrich the soil
Straw mat                usedTo     cover ripen barley and wheat from the rain
method      black     circle 
process     yellow    triangle
tool        green     square


cultivatingBarleyAndWheat                         method                    cultivatingBarleyAndWheat
harrow                                            process                   harrow
deeplyCoverTheSeeds                               process                   deeplyCoverTheSeeds
cutTheWeeds                                       process                   cutTheWeeds
enrichTheField                                    process                   enrichTheField
enrichTheSoil                                     process                   enrichTheSoil
coverRipenBarleyAndWheatFromTheRain               process                   coverRipenBarleyAndWheatFromTheRain
mokjak                                            tool                      mokjak
soheulla                                          tool                      soheulla
cheolchipa                                        tool                      cheolchipa
susueum                                           tool                      susueum
mokjakbae                                         tool                      mokjakbae
soheullabae                                       tool                      soheullabae
largeScytheWithALongHandle                        tool                      largeScytheWithALongHandle
weeds                                             tool                      weeds
manure                                            tool                      manure
willowBranchesPreviouslyLaidInTheStable           tool                      willowBranchesPreviouslyLaidInTheStable
strawMat                                          tool                      strawMat

cultivatingBarleyAndWheat                         harrow                    hasProcess1
harrow                                            mokjak                    usesTool
mokjak                                            soheulla                  hasCommonName
cultivatingBarleyAndWheat                         deeplyCoverTheSeeds       hasProcess2
deeplyCoverTheSeeds                               cheolchipa                usesTool
cheolchipa                                        susueum                   hasCommonName
deeplyCoverTheSeeds                               mokjakbae                 usesTool
mokjakbae                                         soheullabae               hasCommonName
cultivatingBarleyAndWheat                         cutTheWeeds               hasProcess3
cutTheWeeds                                    largeScytheWithALongHandle   usesTool
cultivatingBarleyAndWheat                         enrichTheField            hasProcess4
enrichTheField                                    weeds                     usesTool
enrichTheField                                    manure                    usesTool
cultivatingBarleyAndWheat                         enrichTheSoil             hasProcess5
enrichTheSoil                     willowBranchesPreviouslyLaidInTheStable   usesTool
cultivatingBarleyAndWheat         coverRipenBarleyAndWheatFromTheRain       hasProcess6
coverRipenBarleyAndWheatFromTheRain               strawMat                  usesTool

