
Evelyn (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2018년 10월 16일 (화) 23:35 판

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
擇水田, 雖遇旱不乾處。
二月下旬至三月上旬可耕。 每水田十分, 以一分養苗, 餘九分以擬裁苗。 【拔苗訖, 幷裁養苗處。】
先耕養苗處如法, 熟治去水, 剉柳枝軟梢厚布, 訖足踏之。
曝土令乾, 後灌水。 先漬稻種三日, 漉入蒿篅【鄕名: 空石。】。
經一日下種, 後以板撈【鄕名: 翻地。】覆種。
苗長一握以上, 可移裁之。
先耕苗種處, 布杼葉【鄕名: 加乙草。】或牛馬糞。
臨移裁時, 又耕之如法, 熟治, 令土極軟。
根未着土, 灌水不可令深。【此法, 便於除草, 萬一大旱, 則失手, 農家之危事也。】

grain      black     circle 
method     olive     circle
process    yellow    circle
subprocess yellow    ellipse
measure    cyan      triangle
place      magenta   star
tool       green     square
time       blue      square

hasProcess             arrow
hasSubprocess          arrow
hasTime                arrow
into                   line
outOfWhich             arrow
for                    arrow
follow                 arrow
hasPlace               arrow
then                   arrow
using                  line
useTool                arrow
hasCommonName          arrow
after                  arrow
follow                 arrow
hasQuantity            arrow
and                    line

transplantingMethod                  method               transplantingMethod
wetFields                            place                wetFields
seedsWillNotBecomeDry                place                seedsWillNotBecomeDry
plowing                              process              plowing
between4thWof2ndLM                   time                 between4thWof2ndLM
1rstWof3rdLM                         time                 1rstWof3rdLM
divideEachPaddyfield                 subprocess           divideEachPaddyfield
tenParts                             measure              tenParts
onePart                              measure              onePart
nineParts                            measure              nineParts
raisingTheSeedlings                  subprocess           raisingTheSeedlings
transplantingTheSeedlings            subprocess           transplantingTheSeedlings
plow                                 subprocess           plow
previousPlowingMethod                method               previousPlowingMethod
sectionWhereSeedlingsWillBeGrown     place                sectionWhereSeedlingsWillBeGrown
makeSoilSoftAndLevelled              subprocess           makeSoilSoftAndLevelled
drainTheWater                        subprocess           drainTheWater
chopSoftEdgesOfWillowBranches        subprocess           chopSoftEdgesOfWillowBranches
spreadThicklyOverField               subprocess           spreadThicklyOverField 
stampUnderfoot                       subprocess           stampUnderfoot
letSoilDryAndIrrigateField           subprocess           letSoilDryAndIrrigateField
seeds                                grain                seeds
plant                                subprocess           plant
cover                                subprocess           cover
soil                                 tool                 soil
pallo                                tool                 pallo
beonji                               tool                 beonji
afterOneDay                          time                 afterOneDay
putToDrain                           subprocess           putToDrain
hocheon                              tool                 hocheon
binseom                              tool                 binseom
soak                                 subprocess           soak
3days                                time                 3days
transplant                           process              transplant
seedlingsTallerThanFist              time                 seedlingsTallerThanFist
plow                                 subprocess           plow
whereSeedlingsWillBeTransplanted     place                whereSeedlingsWillBeTransplanted
spread                               subprocess           spread
oakBranchesWithLeaves                tool                 oakBranchesWithLeaves
cowOrHorseManure                     tool                 cowOrHorseManure
plowAgain                            subprocess           plowAgain
timeToTransplantTheSeedlings         time                 timeToTransplantTheSeedlings
previousMethod                       method               previousMethod
4to5SeedlingsPerTransplantation      measure              4to5SeedlingsPerTransplantation
irrigateNotDeeply                    subprocess           irrigateNotDeeply 

transplantingMethod                          wetFields                         hasPlace
wetFields                                    seedsWillNotBecomeDry             hasPlace
transplantingMethod                          plowing                           hasProcess
plowing                                      between4thWof2ndLM                hasTime
between4thWof2ndLM                           1rstWof3rdLM                      and
plowing                                      divideEachPaddyfield              hasSubprocess
divideEachPaddyfield                         tenParts                          into
tenParts                                     onePart                           outOfWhich
tenParts                                     nineParts                         outOfWhich
onePart                                      raisingTheSeedlings               for
nineParts                                    transplantingTheSeedlings         for
plowing                                      plow                              hasSubprocess
plow                                         previousPlowingMethod             follow
plow                                         sectionWhereSeedlingsWillBeGrown  hasPlace
plow                                         makeSoilSoftAndLevelled           hasProcess
makeSoilSoftAndLevelled                      drainTheWater                     then
drainTheWater                                chopSoftEdgesOfWillowBranches     then                 
chopSoftEdgesOfWillowBranches                spreadThicklyOverField            then
chopSoftEdgesOfWillowBranches                stampUnderfoot                    then
chopSoftEdgesOfWillowBranches                letSoilDryAndIrrigateField        then
plowing                                      seeds                             hasProcess
seeds                                        plant                             hasSubprocess
plant                                        cover                             then
cover                                        soil                              using
soil                                         pallo                             useTool
pallo                                        beonji                            hasCommonName
plant                                        afterOneDay                       hasTime
seeds                                        putToDrain                        hasSubprocess
putToDrain                                   hocheon                           using
hocheon                                      binseom                           hasCommonName
seeds                                        soak                              hasSubprocess
soak                                         3days                             hasTime
transplantingMethod                          transplant                        hasProcess
transplant                                   seedlingsTallerThanFist           hasTime
transplant                                   plow                              hasSubprocess
plow                                         whereSeedlingsWillBeTransplanted  hasPlace
transplant                                   spread                            hasSubprocess
spread                                       oakBranchesWithLeaves             hasTool
spread                                       cowOrHorseManure                  hasTool
transplant                                   plowAgain                         hasSubprocess
plowAgain                                    timeToTransplantTheSeedlings      hasTime
timeToTransplantTheSeedlings                 previousMethod                    follow
transplant                                   plant                             hasSubprocess
plant                                        4to5SeedlingsPerTransplantation   hasQuantity
transplant                                   irrigateNotDeeply                 hasSubprocess

