
Evelyn (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2018년 9월 18일 (화) 23:39 판 (새 문서: <pre> #project 晩稻水耕: 正月氷解耕之。 入糞入土, 與旱稻法同。【今年入土, 則明年入糞或入雜草, 互爲之。】 其地或泥濘或虛浮或水冷, 則...)

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이동: 둘러보기, 검색
正月氷解耕之。 入糞入土, 與旱稻法同。【今年入土, 則明年入糞或入雜草, 互爲之。】
其地或泥濘或虛浮或水冷, 則專入新土或莎土; 瘠薄, 則布牛馬糞及連枝杼葉【鄕名: 加乙草】, 人糞蠶沙亦佳。【但多得爲難】 
三月上旬至芒種節, 又耕之。【大抵節晩耕種者, 不實。】 
漬種、下種、覆種、灌水、耘法, 皆與早稻法同。【六月望前三度耘者, 爲上。 六月內三度耘者, 次之。 不及此者爲下。】

variety black star
method gold circle
process brown circle
typeofsoil grey ellipse
time olive box
soilcondition orange ellipse
problem blue square
condition green box
numberoftimes magenta star
tool cyan triangle
commonname yellow triangle

hasMethod arrow
hasProcess arrow
hasTime arrow
isAlsoGood arrow
hasCommonName arrow
hasNumberOfTimes arrow
if arrow
then arrow
must arrow
spread arrow
however arrow
ifLater arrow
when arrow
and arrow
is arrow

LateSowingVarieties variety LateSowingVarieties
WetFarming method WetFarming
SameMethodAsEarlySowingVarieties method SameMethodAsEarlySowingVarieties
PlowtheFields process PlowTheField
ApplyManure process ApplyManure
BringNewSoil process BringNewSoil
PlowAgain process PlowAgain
SowTheSeeds process SowTheSeeds
NewSoilIsBrought process NewSoilIsBrought
SpreadWeeds process SpreadWeeds
Alternate process Alternate
SoaktheSeeds process SoaktheSeeds
CoverTheSeeds process CoverTheSeeds
IrrigateWater process IrrigateWater
Weeding process Weeding
Soil typeofsoil Soil
SpringThawOr1stLM time SpringThawOr1stLM
FollowingYear time FollowingYear
Between1stW/3rdLM time Between1stW/3rdLM
GrainInEar time GrainInEar
Middleof6thLM time Middleof6thLM
EndOf6thLM time EndOf6thLM
CrumblyAndMuddy soilcondition CrumblyAndMuddy
SubsoilWaterIsCold soilcondition SubsoilWaterIsCold
InfertileAndBarren soilcondition InfertileAndBarren
PoorHarvest problem PoorHarvest
DifficultProcuringInLargeAmounts problem DifficultProcuringInLargeAmounts
NotDoingEvenSmallAmount condition NotDoingEvenSmallAmount
3times numberoftimes 3times
CattleAndHorseManure tool CattleAndHorseManure
OakStemsWithLeaves tool OakStemsWithLeaves
NightsoilAndSilkWormDroppings tool NightsoilAndSilkWormDroppings
Gaeulcho commonname Gaeulcho
Best condition Best
2ndBest condition 2ndBest
Worst condition Worst

LateSowingVarieties WetFarming hasMethod
LateSowingVarieties PlowTheFields hasProcess
PlowTheFields SpringThawOr1stLM hasTime
PlowTheFields SameMethodAsEarlySowingVarieties hasMethod
LateSowingVarieties ApplyManure hasProcess
LateSowingVarieties BringNewSoil hasProcess
ApplyManure SameMethodAsEarlySowingVarieties hasMethod
BringNewSoil SameMethodAsEarlySowingVarieties hasMethod
LateSowingVarieties Soil when
Soil NewSoilIsBrought when
NewSoilIsBrought ApplyManure then
NewSoilIsBrought SpreadWeeds then
ApplyManure FollowingYear hasTime
SpreadWeeds FollowingYear hasTime
SpreadWeeds Alternate must
Soil CrumblyAndMuddy if
Soil SubsoilWaterIsCold if
CrumblyAndMuddy NewSoilIsBrought then
SubsoilWaterIsCold NewSoilIsBrought then
Soil InfertileAndBarren if
InfertileAndBarren OakStemsWithLeaves spread
InfertileAndBarren CattleAndHorseManure spread
OakStemsWithLeaves Gaeulcho hasCommonName
InfertileAndBarren NightsoilAndSilkWormDroppings isAlsoGood
NightsoilAndSilkWormDroppings DifficultProcuringInLargeAmounts however
LateSowingVarieties PlowAgain hasProcess
LateSowingVarieties SowTheSeeds hasProcess
PlowAgain Between1stW/3rdLM hasTime
PlowAgain GrainInEar hasTime
Between1stW/3rdLM GrainInEar and
GrainInEar PoorHarvest ifLater
SowTheSeeds Between1stW/3rdLM hasTime
SowTheSeeds GrainInEar hasTime
LateSowingVarieties SoaktheSeeds hasProcess
LateSowingVarieties SowTheSeeds hasProcess
LateSowingVarieties CoverTheSeeds hasProcess
LateSowingVarieties IrrigateWater hasProcess
LateSowingVarieties Weeding hasProcess
SoaktheSeeds SameMethodAsEarlySowingVarieties hasMethod
SowTheSeeds SameMethodAsEarlySowingVarieties hasMethod
CoverTheSeeds SameMethodAsEarlySowingVarieties hasMethod
IrrigateWater SameMethodAsEarlySowingVarieties hasMethod
Weeding SameMethodAsEarlySowingVarieties hasMethod
Weeding Best is
Weeding 2ndBest is
Weeding Worst is
Best 3times hasNumberOfTimes
Best Middleof6thLM hasTime
2ndBest 3times hasNumberOfTimes
2ndBest EndOf6thLM hasTime
Worst NotDoingEvenSmallAmount when

