TCDE 2018-09-05

Lyndsey (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2018년 9월 5일 (수) 11:00 판 (What Will This Class Be About)

이동: 둘러보기, 검색

What Will This Class Be About

  • Syllabus - semantic data for Nongsajikseol
  • Explanation of network graph and how the information is related
  • Based on real experience of seasoned farmers - but how to convey this across time and space and culture and language
    • Limited by the text and cannot get to the facts/experience
  • How to convert into global terminology
  • The reason of digitization of humanities knowledge is to get the fact directly
  • The discrepancy between spoken language of farmers and the written text was so different. This was a big problem for Sejong, which influenced the creation of Hangeul.
    • What is the significance of translating to computer-readable data?
  • Network Graph in Wiki
  • What is the subject and what is the object?
  • Reread the hanmun text to interpret it again to make the data.
  • Visualizing is the easiest way to check whether it works. Simple Ontology Visualization program is meant to be able to check these things quickly.
  • Many things won't show up because there are problems with the data. By making small graphs and checking them, you can understand where the problems are.
  • We will be able to fix a lot of the text as we look over the text closely.
  • Make a new page to edit from this semester. Our goal is not to fix the text, but to make data. But if we happen to need to edit the text, then we can.
  • Make an ontology for each, then add them together and fix if there is a problem.
  • Let's decide the order of how to read it.
  • Check data from the 금양잡록
    • 1429 - 농사직설
    • 1499 - 금양잡록
  • Photos for 금양잡록?
  • 농기구 사진
  • Need to see the photos to understand what it looks like
  • We should decide what things could use photos