MediaWiki Syntax Guide

Lyndsey (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2018년 3월 7일 (수) 18:22 판 (Photos)

이동: 둘러보기, 검색

This page summarizes the basic information you need to know to be able to structure and style a page on MediaWiki. MediaWiki syntax is easy to use with just a little practice!


What is syntax? In the case of MediaWiki, it is basically a language of formatting shortcuts. By using certain symbols easily typed from your keyboard, you can change the way the page looks, add links, and organize the page content. No need to learn any complicated coding!

Later you may want to also to use HTML, but at first, it will not be neccessary.

Making and Account/Login

To make an account, click the 계정 만들기 button at the top. Select a username and password. We cannot get your password back! You must remember it yourself! Please write it down!! Then solve the simple math equation. This math equation is meant to make sure you are a real human being!


If you prefer to change the language of the wiki, you can go to preferences/설정 to change which language the page is shown in. You can also change other settings there as well, if you so choose.

Making a New Page

There are two ways to make a new page.

  1. Search for the page you want in the search bar, and then select the red link to make the page.
  2. Make an [MediaWiki Syntax Guide#Links|internal link] in a page, and then click that link to be taken to a creation page.

Read, Edit, and History

On the top of each page, there are three tabs next to the search bar.

  • Read: This is the actual wiki page people will read
  • Edit: This is the page where you can edit the content of the wiki page.
  • View history: This is a page where you can see which users made which edits and when they made those edits.

Sections / Table of Contents

You can create sections and sub-sections on a wiki page. These will automatically compile a table of contents that will appear at the top of the page.

To make a section use equal symbols around the section title, like this:

=Section Header=

To make a sub-section below that, keep adding. more equal signs, like this:

==Section Header==
===Section Header===
====Section Header====


There are two main ways to make lists: bullet points and numbered lists.


To make a bullet point list, use the star symbol * and write the content of the bullet point after the star.


It will appear like this:

  • Bullet

You can make multiple levels of the bullet points, as in the example below:

*Point 1
*Point 2
**Point 2.1
**Point 2.2
***Point 2.2.1
**Point 2.3
*Point 3

Which appears as:

  • Point 1
  • Point 2
    • Point 2.1
    • Point 2.2
      • Point 2.2.1
    • Point 2.3
  • Point 3


A number list is like a bullet point list, but uses the hashtag symbol # instead of the star symbol.

For example, the following syntax:

#Types of Computers
###MacBook Pro
### HP Spectre

Is rendered as:

  1. Types of Computers
    1. Laptops
      1. MacBook Pro
      2. HP Spectre
    2. Desktops
    3. Servers

Bold and Italic

Bold and italic are applied using apostrophes. Two apostrophes around some content makes it italic. Three apostrophes around some content makes it bold. Five apostrophes (two plus three) around some content makes it bold-italic.



There are two kinds of links on a wiki page. External links redirect to another website. Internal links link to a page within the same wiki (in our case, the ~classics/wiki). Both types of links use the square bracket [] symbols, but there are some differences.


External links use single brackets and need a URL, as is shown.


This results in a tiny, clickable link symbol:


However, if we want a word or multiple words to form a link, we should leave a space after the URL and the write the desired words as is shown:

This link redirects to the [ Academy of Korean Studies homepage].

Which renders as:

This link redirects to the Academy of Korean Studies homepage.


Internal links use double brackets. Place the name of the wiki page between the brackets.

[[Name of Page Goes Here]] 

If the link appears as red, it means that no one has yet created a page with that name. If you click it, you will be redirected to a "Create page" page.

Uncreated page in red.

If it is blue, then the page exists.

대문 in blue.

What if we want the link to read something different from the page name? After the page name, use a vertical bar ( | ) and then write the words you want to appear after that bar, as shown below.

[[대문|Main page of the Korean Classics and Global Communications Department Wiki]]

This will link to the page named "대문" but appear as:

Main page of the Korean Classics and Global Communications Department Wiki


To upload a file, click the Upload file/파일 올리기 link in the left navigation bas on the wiki (below the logo). There, you can upload the source file from your computer. The following file formats are permitted for use:

  • png, gif, jpg, jpeg, pdf, xlsx, xls, hwp, zip

Once the source file has been selected, you can rename the file and add a description.

  • Please remember the file name! If you forget, you can use the 특수:파일 page to try to find your file.
  • Also, MediaWiki distinguishes between upper and lowercase letters, so .JPG and .jpg will be understood differently.

Then, click the upload file button, and your file will be uploaded to the wiki and you will be able to link to it.


Photos (and other media files for that matter) are linked to using the same double square brackets as interal links. However, before the file name, you must include "File:" or "파일:" for it to be recognized as a media file. You can add other details, such as the pixel size, location on the page, and caption using the vertical bar, as shown in the examples below. If you just want to link to the file without showing it, you can use "Media" or "미디어" instead of "File" or "파일."

  • [[파일:File.jpg]] to use the full version of the file
  • [[파일:File.jpg|200px|thumb|left|alt text]] to use a 200 pixel wide rendition in a box in the left margin with "alt text" as description
  • [[미디어:File.jpg]] for directly linking to the file without displaying the file


Vermeer's paining as a thumbnail on the left of the page




