NJ2018 Editor's Notes

Ancaval (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2018년 6월 1일 (금) 11:06 판 (Anca)

이동: 둘러보기, 검색

Final Project Items

  • Create style guide
  • Review Korean translations
  • Review English translations
  • Glossary
    • solar terms
    • farming tools + fertilizers
    • varieties of plants and parts of the plant
    • types of land
    • methods
      • seed preparation
      • land selecting
      • plowing
      • planting
      • weeding
      • harvesting
    • units of measurement
  • Photographic contents
    • tools
    • plant varieties
  • Timeline(?) of when to plant/harvest throughout the year

Meeting 2018-05-30

  • How to format the glossary
    • English first, or Korean first, or Chinese first?
  • How to format text images
  • What to include in chart of plants
  • What kind of information for footnotes, what language?
  • What kind of information for further reading, what language?
  • Plant structure, plowing and plowing methods, time and natural phenomena
  • Include alternate translations in definitions?
  • Should we include the professor's comments?
  • Additional readings for each glossary term?
  • How to format English original commentary
  • When to include the hanja
  • Issue with copyright of text, photos
  • Professor Kim's requirement
    • Show who contributed what
      • How to show this? Category, special section below
    • Glossary
      • Editor's note and glossary are mixed
      • Common glossary term, show where it came from
      • Who did each section - show it clearly
    • Translations versus glossary, footnotes, further reading, editor's notes
  • Professor Jun's comments
    • Should be revealed who contributed what - it is creative work, so it should be revealed
    • First trial version of interdisciplinary - how can we decide what is finished and extended, incentives of a fund for the project
    • Textbook?

Meeting 2018-06-01

Style Guide

  • Chinese
    • ?
  • Korean
    • ?
  • English
    • How to show 향명
    • How to translate 순
    • When to include 한자, 한글
    • Term standardization process
      • Lyndsey will try to check while editing the texts, then relay info, questions to others
    • Distinction in content and formatting for:
      • Original commentary:
      • In-line translation:
      • Editor's notes:
      • Footnotes:
      • Further Reading:

Proofreading Work

  • Chinese: Jeeeun or Changsup?
  • Korean: Jeeeun or Changsup?
  • English: Lyndsey
  • Romanization: Hae-won

Glossary Topics

  • solar & lunar terms
  • farming tools + fertilizers
  • varieties of plants and parts of the plant
  • types of land
  • methods
    • seed preparation
    • land selection
    • plowing
    • planting
    • weeding
    • harvesting
  • units of measurement
  • other common words which we have standardized the translation for? (경, 종, 양, 상시, 중시, 하시, etc.) - for our own reference/style guide?
  • how to divide the completion of these things?

Glossary Structure & Management

  • What items can be put in a table?
  • What items should be on each chapter page? Which should be on glossary page? What determines this?
  • What order should we put the languages in?
  • What items need multimedia? How and where to show this?
  • What about a glossary template to make inclusion of info easy and to standardize the output format?
  • How is glossary different from standard terms?
  • Should glossary terms have their own page?


  • How should we note this?
    • First, what kinds of contributions are there?
      • Tables
      • Guidelines
      • Glossary definitions
      • Multimedia
      • Editor's notes
    • What are the ways to show them?
      • Buttons?
      • Reference tags?
      • Top fo the section?
      • Bottom of the section?
      • Parenthesis after the line?
      • On a separate page like this?

Overview of Final Project Responsibilies


  • Style Guide:
    • Leave sun as it is and add note with other possible translations or links for what we discussed in vlass about 'decade' etc.
    • For terms where 향명 is given I think we can include 한자, it can be helpful for those studying the text in the future. And maybe we should show 한자 for name of places and persons/historical personalities (I remember in the preface there were some names?)
  • Glossary topics:
    • I think the way Lindsey selected the terms based on categories should be done for all parts. We need to re-read the text for that to be sure we include as much terms as possible.
    • Other standardized terms: I think it is good to include them and give examples with how they are used in Chinese.
  • Glossary Structure&Management:
    • Language order: Chinese, Korean, English seems logic.
    • Multimedia: for tools, plant varieties, solar/lunar terms.
    • It can be a lot of work, but for terms which have additinal information, we can make them clickable so they have there own page that includes the things we found about them. I don't know much about wiki, but it seems like this would be very complex :D .
  • Contribution:
    • When we show our names maybe we can show it as a link to our perso al pages. Those we did at the beginning of the semester? :D
    • Showing the contributor's name at the top of the section is more visible.
    • Is there a way to connect everything/or the sections one person makes with their personal pages? So when we go on a person's page we can see their contributions there, click on them, and go to every section they made?

It would be nice






Schedule for Completion