Nongsajikseol - Cultivating non-glutinous millet
Original Script
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- ○種黍粟 附占勿谷粟․靑粱粟․薥黍
- ○三月霜氣頓無, 【早黍早粟三月上旬, 晩黍晩粟三月中旬至四月上旬, 可種】
- 擇良田 【細沙黑土相半者爲良, 黍粟性宜高燥, 不宜下濕】 ,
- 先用小豆, 稀踈播撒, 後耕之.
- 逐畝左右足踵 交踏, 以水荏子, 與黍或粟相和, 【水荏子一分, 黍或粟三分,】下種.
- 【左右足交運, 已成覆土矣.】
- 及苗長, 間生雜草與科密處, 鋤而去之, 以土㙲根.
- 鋤至三度, 勿以無草停鋤.
- 待禾成長, 兩畝間雜草茂盛, 用一牛網其口, 徐驅耕之, 勿致損禾
- 【畝間無穢, 土㙲禾根.】
- 黍半熟, 卽刈. 粟待十分黃熟, 可刈
- 【黍熟易零, 遇風則失收.】
- 田若塉薄, 用熟糞或尿灰 , 種之
- 【每黍粟二三升, 和熟糞或尿灰, 一石爲度】
- ○粟又有晩種, 早熟如靑粱 【鄕名生動粘】 之類者 【鄕名占勿谷.】
- 擇土厚久陳地, 種之
- 【芟除林木 爲上, 久陳田次之, 麥根爲下.】
- 五月伐草, 待乾, 火之, 灰未冷時 【灰冷, 則蜘蛛遍網地面, 種不至地,】
- 撒擲粟種, 以鐵齒擺 【鄕名手愁音】 起土, 覆種, 鋤草省力, 所出倍常
- 【大抵治田之法, 秋耕過冬爲上, 粟田尤甚.
- ○間種之粟 或因雨澤莖節過爲茂盛穗而不實 網牛口耕 兩畝間掩土 於莖 節則更生 新根發穗長而實.】
- ○薥黍 【鄕名唐黍】 宜下濕, 不宜高燥.
- 二月早種, 鋤不至再, 而收多
Previous Translations
Korean Translation
- 메기장․조 재배법[種黍粟] (점물곡속(占勿谷粟)․청량속(靑粱粟)․촉서(薥黍)를 덧붙임
- 3월에 서리가 홀연히 사라지면 【올기장[早黍]․올조[早粟]는 3월 상순에, 늦기장[晩黍]․늦조[晩粟]는 3월 중순에서 4월 상순 사이에 파종할 수 있다.】
- 좋은 밭을 고른 후 【고운 모래와 검은 흙이 절반씩 섞인 곳이 좋다. 메기장[黍]과 조[粟]의 성질은 고지대에 건조한 곳이 적합하며, 저지대에 습기가 많은 곳은 적합하지 않다.】
- 우선 팥[小豆]을 듬성듬성 뿌린 후 간다.
- 이랑을 따라 왼발과 오른발 뒤꿈치로 교대로 밟으면서 수임자(水荏子)와 메기장 혹은 조를 잘 섞어 【수임자 1푼에 메기장 혹은 조 3푼이다.】 파종한다.
- 【왼발과 오른발을 교대로 움직이면 <종자는> 어느새 흙으로 덮여 있게 된다.】
- 모가 자라는 동안에, 모 사이에서 나오는 잡초와 모가 빽빽한 곳은 김을 매서 없애고 흙으로 뿌리를 돋워준다.
- 김매기는 3번 하는데, 잡초가 없다고 해서 김매기를 멈춰서는 안 된다.
- 이삭[禾]이 성장한 이후에는 두 이랑 사이에 잡초가 무성하면, 입[口]을 그물망으로 감싼 소 1마리를 서서히 몰아 <고랑을> 갈면서 이삭을 망치지 않게 한다.
- 【이랑 사이에 잡초가 없다면 흙으로 이삭 뿌리를 북돋워준다.】
- 메기장은 반쯤 익으면 곧바로 벤다. 조는 누렇게 충분히 익은 다음에 베야 한다.
- 【메기장은 익으면 쉽게 떨어지며, 바람을 맞으면 수확을 못하게 된다.】
- 밭이 만약 척박하다면, 잘 삭힌 거름 혹은 뇨회(尿灰)<와 섞어> 파종한다.
- 【메기장․조 2~3되를 기준으로 잘 삭힌 거름 혹은 뇨회(尿灰) 1섬을 섞는다.】
- ○조[粟]에는 또한 만종(晩種)이 있는데, 일찍 익는 것이 청량(靑粱) 【향명(鄕名)으로는 생동점(生動粘)이다.】 등과 같다.【향명(鄕名)으로는 점물곡(占勿谷)이다.】
- 흙이 두텁고 오래 묵은 땅을 골라 심는다.
- 【수풀을 베어낸 곳이 가장 좋고, 오래 묵은 밭이 그 다음이고, 맥근(麥根) 이 가장 나쁘다.】
- 5월에 잡초를 베어내고 <잡초가> 마른 후에 불을 지르는데, 재가 식기 전에 【재가 식으면 거미가 땅에 거미줄을 넓게 쳐서 종자가 땅에 닿지 않게 된다.】
- 조 종자를 뿌리고, 철치파(鐵齒擺) 【향명(鄕名)으로는 수수음(手愁音)이다.】 로 흙을 일구어 종자를 덮으면, 김매는 힘은 줄어들고 소출은 보통 때의 두 배가 된다.
- 【대체로 밭을 가꾸는 법은 가을에 갈아 겨울을 나는 것이 가장 상책인데, 조밭[粟田]은 더욱 그러하다.】
- X
- ○ 촉서(薥黍) 【향명(鄕名)으로는 당서(唐黍)이다.】 는 저지대에 습기가 많은 곳이 적합하며, 고지대에 건조한 곳은 적합하지 않다.
- 2월에 일찍 파종하면 두 번 김매지 않고도 많이 거두게 된다.
English Translation
- Cultivating non-glutinous millet (including chŏmmulgoksok, ch'ŏngnyangsok, and sorghum)
- If the frost disappears in the third month 【Early-ripening millet can be sown in the first ten days of the third month, and late ripening-millet, sown from the middle ten days of the third month to the first ten days of the fourth month】,
- select a good field 【fields mixed with half and half of fine sand and black dirt are good. High and dry areas are appropriate for the nature of millet, and low and wet places are not】,
- and plow after scattering read beans here and there.
- Following the furrows, stepping on and off with the left and right heels of one’s feet, then mix wild sesame seeds with millet 【one part wild sesame seeds, three parts millet】 and sow them.
- 【Moving while switching between left and right feet will cover up the seeds with dirt.】
- When the seedlings grow, hoe and remove the weeds growing in between the seedlings and where they are thick, covering up the roots with dirt.
- Hoe three times, and do not stop hoeing because there are no weeds.
- Waiting for the grain to grow, if the weeds grow thickly between the furrows, take an ox, cover its mouth with a net, and have it plow slowly, preventing the grain from taking damage.
- 【If there are no weeds between the furrows, cover the roots of the grain with dirt.】
- If the millet has half ripe, it is cut immediately. Wait until the millet is fully yellow to cut it.
- 【When millet is ripe, it falls easily and if it comes into contact with wind, then the harvest will be lost.】
- If the fields are barren, use aged manure or urinated ash [for mixing] and sow the seeds.
- 【For every two or three toe of millet, mix one sŏm of aged manure or urinated ash.】
- There is also a late-ripening type of millet, and the early-ripening type is like the ch’ŏngnyang 【saengdongjŏm known locally as】 variety 【chŏmmulgoksok known locally as】.
- Choose soil that is thick, old, and well-used for planting.
- 【Places without trees and grass are best, old and well-used fields are next, and fields with barley roots are the worst.】
- In the fifth month, remove the weeds, waiting till they are dry to burn them. When the ashes are not yet cool 【If the ashes cool, then spiders make a web all over the earth’s surface, preventing the seeds from touching the earth】,
- scatter the millet seeds, then dig up the earth with a ch'ŏlch'ip'a 【susuŭm known locally as】 and cover the seeds, which reduces the labor for hoeing weeds and produces twice as much crop than normal.
- 【In general, in the method of cultivating fields, plowing in fall [so the seeds] grow in winter is best, and this is all the more so for millet fields.】
- 【○If the stalks of intercropped millet (間種) grow too thick due to rain, only the leaves will sprout and the grain will not mature. Yoke an ox and put a mesh bag over its mouth and plow in between two rows of furrows, putting dirt in between the joints of the millet stalks, which will grow new roots and leaves that will grow long and mature into grain.】
- ○Ch’oksŏ 【known locally as tangsŏ】 is appropriate for low and wet areas, and inappropriate for high and dry areas.
- If sowing early in the second month, [even] without a second hoeing there will be a large harvest.
Students' Contribution
Student 1: 린지
Cultivating Non-Glutinous Millet (including jeommulgoksok, cheongnyangsok, and chokseo [sorghum])
If the frost disappears in the third [lunar] month (Early-ripening millet should be sown in the first ten days of the third month, and late ripening-millet, should be sown between the middle ten days of the third month to the first ten days of the fourth month), select a good field (Fields mixed with half fine sand and half black dirt are good. High and dry areas are appropriate for the nature of millet, and low and wet places are not.). First, using red beans, scatter them about the field. Then, plow.
Following the furrows, stepping on and off with the left and right heels of one’s feet, then mix wild sesame seeds with millet (one part wild sesame seeds, three parts millet) and sow them. (Moving while switching between left and right feet will cover up the seeds with dirt.) When the seedlings grow, hoe and remove the weeds growing in between the seedlings and where they are thick, covering up the roots with dirt. Hoe three times, and do not stop hoeing just because there are no weeds.
Waiting for the grain to grow, if the weeds grow thickly between the furrows, take an ox, cover its mouth with a net, and have it plow slowly, preventing the grain from taking damage. (If there are no weeds between the furrows, cover the roots of the grain with dirt.) If the millet has half ripe, it is cut immediately. Wait until the millet is fully yellow to cut it (When millet is ripe, it falls easily and if it comes into contact with wind, then the harvest will be lost.).
If the fields are barren, use aged manure or urinated ash [for mixing] and sow the seeds. (For every two or three toe of millet, mix one seom of aged manure or urinated ash.) There is also a late-ripening type of millet, and the early-ripening type is like the cheonngnyang (known as saengdongjeom) variety (known as jeommulgoksok). Choose soil that is thick, old, and well-used for planting (Places without trees and grass are best, old and well-used fields are next, and fields with barley roots are the worst.).
In the fifth month, remove the weeds, waiting till they are dry to burn them. When the ashes are not yet cool (If the ashes cool, then spiders make a web all over the earth’s surface, preventing the seeds from touching the earth), scatter the millet seeds, then dig up the earth with a cheolchipa (known as susuem) and cover the seeds, which reduces the labor for hoeing weeds and produces twice as much crop than normal (In general, in the method of cultivating fields, plowing in fall [so the seeds] grow in winter is best, and this is all the more so for millet fields.) (If the stalks of intercropped millet (間種) grow too thick due to rain, only the leaves will sprout and the grain will not mature. Yoke an ox and put a mesh bag over its mouth and plow in between two rows of furrows, putting dirt in between the joints of the millet stalks, which will grow new roots and leaves that will grow long and mature into grain.) Chokseo (known as dangseo) is appropriate for low and wet areas, and inappropriate for high and dry areas. If sowing early in the second month, [even] without a second hoeing there will be a large harvest.
- Only this one uses "cultivating" not "growing" --> Should change to be consistent
- 可種
- 可 가 rather "can be," isn't "should be" or "is suitable" or "is to be" the more correct translation?
- not sown "from" the middle ten days of the third month to the first ten days of the fourth month, but "between"
- 早黍早粟 Early-ripening millet, 晩黍晩粟 Late-ripening millet --> is this appropriate? Isn't it saying two different things?
- 良 as "good"?
- and plow after scattering red beans here and there. --> Bit incorrect or inconsistent
- 先用小豆, 稀踈播撒, 後耕之. 선용소두, 희소파살, 후경지.
- First, using red beans, scatter the field. Then, plow.
- What is the purpose of this??
Student 3: 권지은
Tutor 1: 전성호
Tutor 2: 김현
Class Comments
Collaborative Translation Result
English Translation, Version 3 (Editor: __________ )
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