NJ2018 Editor's Notes

Ancaval (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2018년 6월 1일 (금) 11:09 판 (Anca)

이동: 둘러보기, 검색

Final Project Items

  • Create style guide
  • Review Korean translations
  • Review English translations
  • Glossary
    • solar terms
    • farming tools + fertilizers
    • varieties of plants and parts of the plant
    • types of land
    • methods
      • seed preparation
      • land selecting
      • plowing
      • planting
      • weeding
      • harvesting
    • units of measurement
  • Photographic contents
    • tools
    • plant varieties
  • Timeline(?) of when to plant/harvest throughout the year

Meeting 2018-05-30

  • How to format the glossary
    • English first, or Korean first, or Chinese first?
  • How to format text images
  • What to include in chart of plants
  • What kind of information for footnotes, what language?
  • What kind of information for further reading, what language?
  • Plant structure, plowing and plowing methods, time and natural phenomena
  • Include alternate translations in definitions?
  • Should we include the professor's comments?
  • Additional readings for each glossary term?
  • How to format English original commentary
  • When to include the hanja
  • Issue with copyright of text, photos
  • Professor Kim's requirement
    • Show who contributed what
      • How to show this? Category, special section below
    • Glossary
      • Editor's note and glossary are mixed
      • Common glossary term, show where it came from
      • Who did each section - show it clearly
    • Translations versus glossary, footnotes, further reading, editor's notes
  • Professor Jun's comments
    • Should be revealed who contributed what - it is creative work, so it should be revealed
    • First trial version of interdisciplinary - how can we decide what is finished and extended, incentives of a fund for the project
    • Textbook?

Meeting 2018-06-01

Style Guide

  • Chinese
    • ?
  • Korean
    • ?
  • English
    • How to show 향명
    • How to translate 순
    • When to include 한자, 한글
    • Term standardization process
      • Lyndsey will try to check while editing the texts, then relay info, questions to others
    • Distinction in content and formatting for:
      • Original commentary:
      • In-line translation:
      • Editor's notes:
      • Footnotes:
      • Further Reading:

Proofreading Work

  • Chinese: Jeeeun or Changsup?
  • Korean: Jeeeun or Changsup?
  • English: Lyndsey
  • Romanization: Hae-won

Glossary Topics

  • solar & lunar terms
  • farming tools + fertilizers
  • varieties of plants and parts of the plant
  • types of land
  • methods
    • seed preparation
    • land selection
    • plowing
    • planting
    • weeding
    • harvesting
  • units of measurement
  • other common words which we have standardized the translation for? (경, 종, 양, 상시, 중시, 하시, etc.) - for our own reference/style guide?
  • how to divide the completion of these things?

Glossary Structure & Management

  • What items can be put in a table?
  • What items should be on each chapter page? Which should be on glossary page? What determines this?
  • What order should we put the languages in?
  • What items need multimedia? How and where to show this?
  • What about a glossary template to make inclusion of info easy and to standardize the output format?
  • How is glossary different from standard terms?
  • Should glossary terms have their own page?


  • How should we note this?
    • First, what kinds of contributions are there?
      • Tables
      • Guidelines
      • Glossary definitions
      • Multimedia
      • Editor's notes
    • What are the ways to show them?
      • Buttons?
      • Reference tags?
      • Top fo the section?
      • Bottom of the section?
      • Parenthesis after the line?
      • On a separate page like this?

Overview of Final Project Responsibilies


  • Style Guide:
    • Leave sun as it is and add note with other possible translations or links for what we discussed in vlass about 'decade' etc.
    • For terms where 향명 is given I think we can include 한자, it can be helpful for those studying the text in the future. And maybe we should show 한자 for name of places and persons/historical personalities (I remember in the preface there were some names?)
  • Glossary topics:
    • I think the way Lindsey selected the terms based on categories should be done for all parts. We need to re-read the text for that to be sure we include as much terms as possible.
    • Other standardized terms: I think it is good to include them and give examples with how they are used in Chinese.
  • Glossary Structure&Management:
    • Language order: Chinese, Korean, English seems logic.
    • Multimedia: for tools, plant varieties, solar/lunar terms.
    • It can be a lot of work, but for terms which have additinal information, we can make them clickable so they have there own page that includes the things we found about them. I don't know much about wiki, but it seems like this would be very complex :D .
  • Contribution:
    • When we show our names maybe we can show it as a link to our perso al pages. Those we did at the beginning of the semester? :D
    • Showing the contributor's name at the top of the section is more visible.
    • Is there a way to connect everything/or the sections one person makes with their personal pages? So when we go on a person's page we can see their contributions there, click on them, and go to every section they made?
  • Other suggestions:
    • For those learning hanmun by studying this text in the future it would be good to make pages for certain patterns prof. Kim told us about in class and how they should be translated and how they were translated in NJ. But this is maybe something we have to make at the very end after everything else is finalized.






Schedule for Completion