TCDE 2018-11-07

Lyndsey (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2018년 11월 7일 (수) 09:30 판

이동: 둘러보기, 검색

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  • Last week went to meeting of the Korean Accounting Society. Met a woman who was the wife and daughter-in-law of a Gaeseong merchant. She came to South Korea during the Korean War and at the time were very rich, but when they left their hometown, but when they left their hometown, they only took the accounting books with them.
  • Yesterday, Prof. Jun had another lecture at the Korean National Hangeul Museum, and Prof. Jun will first give a brief review of the lecture.

Prof. Jun's Lecture

  • 파일:20181101 Lecture.pdf
  • Hangeul was created in 1443.
  • Sejong said that he wanted to help young subjects, but he also wanted to gain information from farmers.
  • 종자학 - the study of seeds
  • Gave examples of how varieties were written in hanja and their hangeul equivalents and how they are very difficult to interpret without hangeul and hangeul is easier to gain a deeper meaning of the words
  • Korea was seen by Westerners during Joseon, which was a time of ruralization. But Goryeo had a lot of international trade in luxury goods and was city-oriented.
  • Joseon is unique in that it had it's golden age (peace time) from 1418-1545 which was a period of chaos in other parts of the world such as Europe and Japan
  • 노농(老農) seasoned farmer
  • Sejong thought that knowledge is not top-down but bottom-up; in farming, herbal medicine, etc. which scholars have no idea about
    • Came out of necessity due to famine, etc.

Network Graph Review


Crop Varieties and their Sowing Time

The Analects of Confucius