NJ2018-2 5H1.lst

강혜원 (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2018년 9월 19일 (수) 01:35 판

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
正月氷解耕之。 入糞入土, 與旱稻法同。【今年入土, 則明年入糞或入雜草, 互爲之。】
其地或泥濘或虛浮或水冷, 則專入新土或莎土; 瘠薄, 則布牛馬糞及連枝杼葉【鄕名: 加乙草】, 人糞蠶沙亦佳。【但多得爲難】 
三月上旬至芒種節, 又耕之。【大抵節晩耕種者, 不實。】 
漬種、下種、覆種、灌水、耘法, 皆與早稻法同。【六月望前三度耘者, 爲上。 六月內三度耘者, 次之。 不及此者爲下。】

grain	gold	circle
cultivation	gold	circle
method	olive	box
process	green	box
tool	cyan	triangle
time	magenta	star
land	brown	ellipse
nature	orange	ellipse

has Effect

稻 (rice)	grain	稻 (rice)
種稻 (cultivating rice)	cultivation	種稻 (cultivating rice)
耕種法(稻) (plowing and sowing methods for rice)	method	耕種法(稻) (plowing and sowing methods for rice)
晩稻水耕 (wet farming for late-sowing rice)	method	晩稻水耕 (wet farming for late-sowing rice)
耕 (plowing)	process	耕 (plowing)
一耕 (1st plowing)	process	一耕 (1st plowing)
施肥 (fertilizing)	process	施肥 (fertilizing)
入土 (bring in soil)	method	入土 (bring in soil)
入糞 (apply manure)	method	入糞 (apply manure)
入新土 (bring in new soil)	method	入新土 (bring in new soil)
入莎土 (bring in sod)	method	入莎土 (bring in sod)
布牛馬糞及連枝杼葉 (spread cattle and horse manure and oak stems with leaves)	method	布牛馬糞及連枝杼葉 (spread cattle and horse manure and oak stems with leaves)
布人糞蠶沙 (spread night soil and silkworm droppings)	method	布人糞蠶沙 (spread night soil and silkworm droppings)
杼葉 (oak leaves)	tool	杼葉 (oak leaves)
二耕 (2nd plowing)	process	二耕 (2nd plowing)
二耕期間 (2nd plowing period)	time	二耕期間 (2nd plowing period)
種 (sowing)	process	種 (sowing)
節晩耕種者 (plowing and sowing after Grain in Ear)	method	節晩耕種者 (plowing and sowing after Grain in Ear)
耘 (weeding)	process	耘 (weeding)
晩稻 (late-sowing rice)	grain	晩稻 (late-sowing rice)
水耕 (wet farming)	method	水耕 (wet farming)
正月氷解 (spring thaw in 01LM)	time	正月氷解 (spring thaw in 01LM)
入雜草 (spread weeds)	method	入雜草 (spread weeds)
泥濘地 (muddy soil)	land	泥濘地 (muddy soil)
虛浮地 (crmbly soil)	land	虛浮地 (crmbly soil)
水冷地 (soil with cold subsoil water)	land	水冷地 (soil with cold subsoil water)
瘠薄土 (infertile and barren soil)	land	瘠薄土 (infertile and barren soil)
加乙草 (gaeulcho)	tool	加乙草 (gaeulcho)
三月上旬 (01TW/03LM)	time	三月上旬 (01TW/03LM)
芒種 (Grain in Ear)	time	芒種 (Grain in Ear)
不實 (poor harvest)	nature	不實 (poor harvest)
漬種 (soak seeds)	method	漬種 (soak seeds)
下種 (sow seeds)	method	下種 (sow seeds)
覆種 (cover the sprinkled seeds with soil)	method	覆種 (cover the sprinkled seeds with soil)
灌水 (irrigate)	method	灌水 (irrigate)
六月望前三度耘者	method	六月望前三度耘者
六月內三度耘者	method	六月內三度耘者
不及此者	method	不及此者

稻 (rice)	晩稻 (late-sowing rice)	hasVariety
種稻 (cultivating rice)	稻 (rice)	appliesTo
種稻 (cultivating rice)	耕種法(稻) (plowing and sowing methods for rice)	hasMethod
耕種法(稻) (plowing and sowing methods for rice)	水耕 (wet farming)	includes
晩稻水耕 (wet farming for late-sowing rice)	水耕 (wet farming)	belongsTo
晩稻水耕 (wet farming for late-sowing rice)	晩稻 (late-sowing rice)	appliesTo
晩稻水耕 (wet farming for late-sowing rice)	耕 (plowing)	hasProcess
晩稻水耕 (wet farming for late-sowing rice)	施肥 (fertilizing)	hasProcess
晩稻水耕 (wet farming for late-sowing rice)	種 (sowing)	hasProcess
晩稻水耕 (wet farming for late-sowing rice)	耘 (weeding)	hasProcess
耕 (plowing)	一耕 (1st plowing)	hasProcess
一耕 (1st plowing)	二耕 (2nd plowing)	isPreviousInSequence
一耕 (1st plowing)	正月氷解 (spring thaw in 01LM)	when
施肥 (fertilizing)	入糞 (apply manure)	hasMethod
施肥 (fertilizing)	入土 (bring in soil)	hasMethod
入土 (bring in soil)	入糞 (apply manure)	ulternatelyUses
入土 (bring in soil)	入雜草 (spread weeds)	ulternatelyUses
入糞 (apply manure)	入雜草 (spread weeds)	or
施肥 (fertilizing)	入新土 (bring in new soil)	hasMethod
施肥 (fertilizing)	入莎土 (bring in sod)	hasMethod
入新土 (bring in new soil)	入莎土 (bring in sod)	or
入新土 (bring in new soil)	泥濘地 (muddy soil)	where
入新土 (bring in new soil)	虛浮地 (crmbly soil)	where
入新土 (bring in new soil)	水冷地 (soil with cold subsoil water)	where
入莎土 (bring in sod)	泥濘地 (muddy soil)	where
入莎土 (bring in sod)	虛浮地 (crmbly soil)	where
入莎土 (bring in sod)	水冷地 (soil with cold subsoil water)	where
施肥 (fertilizing)	布牛馬糞及連枝杼葉 (spread cattle and horse manure and oak stems with leaves)	hasMethod
施肥 (fertilizing)	布人糞蠶沙 (spread night soil and silkworm droppings)	hasMethod
布牛馬糞及連枝杼葉 (spread cattle and horse manure and oak stems with leaves)	布人糞蠶沙 (spread night soil and silkworm droppings)	or
布牛馬糞及連枝杼葉 (spread cattle and horse manure and oak stems with leaves)	瘠薄土 (infertile and barren soil)	where
布人糞蠶沙 (spread night soil and silkworm droppings)	瘠薄土 (infertile and barren soil)	where
杼葉 (oak leaves)	加乙草 (gaeulcho)	hasCommonName
耕 (plowing)	二耕 (2nd plowing)	hasProcess
二耕 (2nd plowing)	二耕期間 (2nd plowing period)	when
二耕期間 (2nd plowing period)	三月上旬 (01TW/03LM)	from
二耕期間 (2nd plowing period)	芒種 (Grain in Ear)	to
二耕 (2nd plowing)	種 (sowing)	isPreviousInSequence
耕 (plowing)	節晩耕種者 (plowing and sowing after Grain in Ear)	includes
種 (sowing)	節晩耕種者 (plowing and sowing after Grain in Ear)	includes
節晩耕種者 (plowing and sowing after Grain in Ear)	不實 (poor harvest)	has Effect
種 (sowing)	漬種 (soak seeds)	hasProcess
種 (sowing)	下種 (sow seeds)	hasProcess
種 (sowing)	覆種 (cover the sprinkled seeds with soil)	hasProcess
種 (sowing)	灌水 (irrigate)	hasProcess
耘 (weeding)	六月望前三度耘者	hasBestGrade
耘 (weeding)	六月內三度耘者	hasSecondGrade
耘 (weeding)	不及此者	hasWorstGrade

